Publiko ne France - Debat dhe Analize Politike - 27 Feb 2017 18:42 - 73

PalmerRothbartPolarB34rG 4 M p3trOs V E Rgoeleven125PiromanKomentimet (73)

[Délos] All good things must come to an end :

napland bouh
never surrender :o


Fail eCountry 

07 All peoples of eRev





game over delos :c

Good bye erev... Thx VV for nothing

And so it ends. o7

Do it just do it lolol

lol whole alliance nap XD this game is getting napped to death

At least you tried. Thank you for fighting for the game instead of your own good.


You are more pathetic than Tsipras.

Fight harder,no surrender o7

Gay alliance o/

What did you do Haseiko? i trusted you to manage this when you named SC of Delos, not to surrender every time difficulty happened. However i understand the pragmatism behind your choice, with that we can t be wipe, but nap an alliance = paralyze it for a time,

To resume the nap can t be possible, some people will reject it, and im one of these people.

What are the terms of NAP? Where is this treaty?

No surrender o7


Nap couldnt be enough for countries one by one. This is like a massive marriage ahahaha. Biskvit pls sign nap with other games. Be better than vv and delos.

Can we have the text of the treaty? I totally reject this NAP and I am against this one. It s humiliation.


war war war war wat wat wat what?

how can you sign NAP for whole alliance without giving us terms... we would never agree

how can you sign NAP for whole alliance without giving us terms... we would never agree

Dont agree


I think that the majority of french people don t agree with this NAP ...

VV members will never leave the winning side. They wont risk loosing even 1 bonus in order to make the game interresting again. That is why this kind of NAPs are just killing communities. Fighting hard and even getting wiped is much more better than sitting on cores or having a few territorries and fighting in meanless TWs.

no stocks no wars, bastard


nap? omg

No stocks no balls no wars lol

terms of nap???
prodali su nase snove judini sinovi 


C est quoi ce bordel là



Long live the resistance !



@everyone Guys the NaP isn t for everyone but only for the country who will agree. I m against this too, but many of you dont know the word sacrifice who make us fail. This isnt the CP the problem, it is the citizen



Ahaha so shamefull

France disagree.

es normal en un juego de nap; cambien el nombre del juego. Justo que se ponia interesante todo.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Spain wont sign Nap

what is this NAP ? To the death or win, nothing else. I disagree

The game is over anyway. Now we can start a new one or just watch the scoreboard forever. Nap or wype makes absolutely no difference here.

wellcome to simcity

You tried for 5 days and then quit! It is not trying! Although I agree with your comment about sacrifice, there is very small amount of countries or players (especially ordinary citizens who only look for personal profit) ready to risk and make sacrifice (if it isnt sacrificing other country instead their own) if there is uncertain outcome. It is easy for VV members to make some sacrifice when they know pretty sure they will win at the end, they dont risk anything.

Half of the dissenters to this peace are the same people or countries who refused to actually do their part in the plan to fight VV. They are the people who whined about getting wiped and refused to counterattack.
A handful of you have earned the right to disapprove of this peace, but most of you? Hypocrites. You deserve everything that s coming to you.

Chooo chooo

what now,looking for new alliance??

Should be hard to face the defeat, but more hard to stay n raise again from the begining, you show your honestly, you assumed the responsability, without throwing others their peace of cake... VV is like you said, a very well oil machine, lethal n deadly... whats next on eRev...let see..


VV members wont do anything, as simple they are too afraid to make game more balanced. And to rest of the world, protest, stop fighting, just overproduce, create game boring for them as they are for us. Only that way we can win vs VV.