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cOSHi - Gazete nga Israel -

Publiko ne Israel - Analize Financiare - 11 Feb 2018 15:10 - 11

Market analysis day #763
Hello Friends, this is the 2nd analysis I post. view has been improved. my html skills not that much :)
Tried to make it more readable, hope it worked.
As always, please add your comments in order to make this accurate as possible.

Brief Market Analysis - Red Weekhttps://i.imgur.com/iNQhb6h.jpg
Well this week is a full red moon as most of the market prices falls.
Raw prices are falling down from 8% to 33%. this is a bad week to be a raw producer.
Land ammo prices keeps getting lower as tanks drop sharply and weapon hold it's position with a higher price than tanks
Naval ammo is the only resource in the market that went up. a few % but in a week of falls this is admirable
House Q5 keep falling to new lows, no changes in that area.

Food Rawhttps://i.imgur.com/Qnk4lN8.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BYr29PJ.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 0.23 gold
Weekly Change: -8.7%
Base change(day #755): N/A

Weapon Rawhttps://i.imgur.com/6MQBAUc.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BYr29PJ.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 0.2 gold
Weekly Change: -20.00%
Base change(day #755): N/A

House Rawhttps://i.imgur.com/cOFyTcF.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BYr29PJ.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 0.13 gold
Weekly Change: -30.37%
Base change(day #755): N/A

Ship Raw https://i.imgur.com/YHLKRmh.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BYr29PJ.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 0.15 gold
Weekly Change: -33.33%
Base change(day #755): N/A

Food Q5https://i.imgur.com/DCWXtwN.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BYr29PJ.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 11.46 gold
Weekly Change: -13.44%
Base change(day #755): -4.71%

Food has deleted it's raise from last weeks and is now on a low of -4.71% from base. 
Weapons Q5 
Current Price(per 1k units): 47.5 gold
Weekly Change: 0%
Base change(day #755): N/A

Weapons keep holding their ground and reaching a higher price than tanks!

Tanks Q5https://i.imgur.com/VeeiFrN.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BYr29PJ.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 38 gold
Weekly Change: -19.74%
Base change(day #755): N/A

This is a low for tanks, even lower than weapons q5

Heli Q5https://i.imgur.com/y0jDMlh.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BYr29PJ.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 67 gold
Weekly Change: -3.73%
Base change(day #755): -4.48%

Heli keeps going low as prices were seen at some point in the 65 area but stabilized on 67, which continues it's drop from last week

Subs Q5https://i.imgur.com/n65tz7t.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/ObnuPYo.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 48 gold
Weekly Change: 2.08%
Base change(day #755): N/A

Ships Q5https://i.imgur.com/KOJxlgI.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/ObnuPYo.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 69 gold
Weekly Change: 1.45%
Base change(day #755): N/A

House Q5https://i.imgur.com/XbFSNRE.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BYr29PJ.jpg
Current Price(per 1 unit): 4.45 gold
Weekly Change: -6.74%
Base change(day #755): N/A

Hope you enjoyed :)


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Komentimet (11)

It seems prices are sharply reducing... Voted, Very useful!
imgur is the worst host for erev, maybe try picofile?
@FYNh thank you for the tip, I will try it for my next article
good info
Voted, ty
V bro, gracias
good job