Publiko ne Hungary - Analize Ushtarake - 26 Mar 2018 10:41 - 17
Greetings! Today a very funny thing happened. Serbia forced us to deal 4 billion extra damage in a battle without DS reduction. We caused happy moments for them with this. It was absolutely rightful, because this was not the first time when we dealt unnecessary damage. So, in this article I want to show them with their reactions.
1. RW at Salzburg
2. Battle for Lithuania minor
3. Battle for Sudovia
4. Battle for Lithuanian Highland
We are ready to cause more happy moments for them like these ones ;)
1. RW at Salzburg
2. Battle for Lithuania minor
3. Battle for Sudovia
4. Battle for Lithuanian Highland
We are ready to cause more happy moments for them like these ones ;)
Brave Sir RobinCacique PariaguanCaptain HarlockKinyasSilenceLackoaNemethLackoaNemethOld LegendOld LegendprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszHuMaViFlyingCangarooRomyReturn of KiNGGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonHonfoglalolord sajjadAce EconomistPew PewKomentimet (17)
True story : D
mađarska + 8 saveznika ---- srbija
You also have allies... But TNO send DoW-s against opponents before an allied country became wiped. Not after this is already happened
They did not even want to win!
upalo im nesto smesno
upalo im nesto smesno
Hahaaaa 👉
be carefull... ban is continuous