Publiko ne Romania - Aktivitete Sociale edhe Defrime - 06 Apr 2018 06:05 - 13
Întotdeauna este timpul potrivit pentru a face ceea ce este potrivit.
Martin Luther King Jr.
The time is always right to do what is right.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Matrix” Is 19 Years Old Already.
Keanu Reeves

Carrie- Anne Moss

Laurence Fishburne

Hugo Weaving

Albanian refugees disembarking in the Italian port of Bari on August 8, 1991.

Stevie Wonder visiting a children’s school for the blind in London, California, 1970.

Residents of West Berlin show children to their grandparents who reside on the eastern side, 1961.

The USS Macon airship being built, 1932.

A colorized photo of New York City in 1908

Vincent van Gogh (third from the left) and Paul Gauguin (far right) drinking in the company of fellow post-impressionist painters.

A daring escape from East Berlin, 1963.

Prostitutes and a manager wait for customers in a brothel in Naples, Italy in 1945. The majority of their customers at the time were
US soldiers.

After a women was taken to hospital due to low blood sugar, these two paramedics stayed back to prepare a dinner for her five kids. They
even cleaned dishes afterwards. We have a lot of respect for these guys.

Dobri Dobrev, apparently a 102-year-old-man, often seen begging for money around churches gives away all his collected money to either
homeless, poor or orphans.

Și așa cum am promis, un alt episod al pozuțelor am reușit să-l duc la bun sfârșit, sper și de această dată să fie pe placul vostru. :) Așa că îmi iau ``La Revedere`` pentru astăzi, nu înainte de a vă ura: o zi frumoasă și un sfârșit de săptămână minunat!
Să aveți grijă de voi și suflețelele voastre și nu uitați să zâmbiți! :D
And as I promised, another episode of the funny friday pics I managed to finish it, I hope that this time you like it too. :) So I'm taking `` Goodbye '' for today, not before to wish you: a beautiful day and a wonderful weekend! Take care of yourself and your souls and do not forget to smile! :D

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Well done 😀



good job!


Continuă tot așa, să ne aduci momente plăcute !
Paște fericit tuturor !!

Foarte frumoase ! Paste fericit tuturor !

Great !


Çok hoş 😊


beautifull except the woman with fur

good job