Traveling whit Barroka

Barroca - Gazete nga Portugal -

Publiko ne Portugal - Aktivitete Sociale edhe Defrime - 22 Feb 2020 17:16 - 4

NYes It's really meno I'm not masked
is a mandatory costume for freshmen in the tuna
tuna is a group of friends that get together to make music
I leave you with the example of a tuna
Voar- Tuna of Medicin of Univercity of Coimbra


Pony of DarknessSaKaZuKiSaKaZuKiSaKaZuKiePazePazePazAlitaAlitaFurionuno258Minho Village

Komentimet (4)

Is this Hogwarts???
@Svanii9 Laugh
ahahahaha almost ahahah in fact they have that vests in Hogwarts becose of Portugal