The Voice Of Justice

Arshia - Novine iz Iran -

Objavljeno u Iran - Finansije i biznis - 20 Jun 2016 09:19 - 3

Hello dear citizens of eWorld, today I want to share you my idea about an economical reform wich I think will make our game more exciting and attractive for newbies!As you know, we have three economical field in this game: weapons,food and house(wich contain hospitals and defensive systems too).These products are based on things we do and need,we fight in the battles, use energy and rest in houses and so on...But there is one more thing we do as a daily routine(especially the more experinced citizens) : Traveling!Yes, we move from one city to the other, paticipating in military campagins,working for foreigners, using other countries bonus products and for other reasons.and we pay for traveling, by gold or as added in recent update using energy. The point is that we pay, but no one(from the citizens) is profiting from this process! It's like we buy food directly from administration group and pay them golds!What I'm saying is simple: transportation industry is a very reasonable idea, making the game more realestic and will give an economical boost to the game!The process is simple to, we can have different quality of vehicles, for example bus,train,ship and plane.the better quality a vehicle have, less energy you will loose(and for this addition it's fair to loose more energy than the current 50 for traveling) and further you can there are two things that modify a vehicle: distance you can go and energy you will loose.For the resources,wich is the most challenging part, I think we can use the current ones.we can have a mixture of house and weapon resource for vehicle row material at the end you will make some tickets based on the vehicle you created, wich can be sold and used for traveling!Thanks for your time, please vote this article if you agree with this idea and leave your own idea in the coments below! o7


Komentari (3)

if i have to pay for vehicles it cost , like gold or food , this is going just to make rich guys more rich in my opinion
You pay for traveling now, if that happens you will have a chance to make some profit out of it
It s like we buy food directly from administration group and pay them golds In that way a bit of overflowed gold is removing from the game. It is good.