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Shiro - Novine iz Japan -

Objavljeno u Serbia - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 01 Jul 2016 11:44 - 68

Greetings citizens of eWorld ,

In my last
article i told you that i will try to present you players from Republic of Macedonia , but many of them ignored me or refused to give picture , only player ASAP have b***s to do it , but since i cant make article with one guy i decided to make article with Serbs .

In every game of this type Serbia  are one of most numbered nations. Same situation is here as well . They are extremely organized and powerful , but only in military matters . Politic scene is always in mess and many conflicts are everyday picture in eSerbia .   So here they are some of most famous players in eRev and eSerbia , leaders of MU-s and politic life in Serbia .
1) Number one now and always , the man who called me in this game , one of my closest friends and one of fiercest enemies of mine , Commander of SSF , former CP of Serbia , former MoFA of Serbia , former MC and adviser of TRS  , my former ally but forever my friend PHANTOM986 !!!

2 )  BATASHA wildly know as BATASHA the Serbian tank , Commander of MU- Titans , former MC of TRS and WOLF , the man who keep Serbian politic interesting and one of Serbian best tanks . 

3) reVokasi  Captain of Serbian Legion MU , former CP of Serbia mostly hated by French ppl , talkative guy and active also fan of mine :DDD

4) djurdjo  Current CP of Serbia trying to fix mess in politic ( mission impossible btw :p ) and to keep Serbia on right path . History will judge him but for now meet Serbian CP ! 

5) Babo aka Crni guy with one of most brilliant mind in this game ,strategist , man with infinite influence on many key players in this game , man who is most hated by Serbians and most loved as well . In past we drink  beer so i hope so we will do same soon :D 

6) AlexxxZR former MoD of Serbia , current PM of Serbia .

7) Vladika former Cp of Serbia ,one of best Serbian journalists and current MoFA of Serbia .

8) MLAD MAJOR DJURISIC  captain of MU Titans and one of best Serbian tanks . Also dont mess with this guy or else... well picture will say all :D

9) bernoldi_salieri One of most famous players on another game with plan to become same here :D bernoldi_salieri one and only ! VUJ !!! 

10) Srdjan M greatest journalist in Serbia which articles i read with morning coffee , shame that he write only on Serbian but lets hope so that he will strat write on english so rest of world can enjoy his articles like i do .

11) Griezmann7  As phantom told me once he is greatest nejach of the all time , the guy who just dont want to shut up on skype , member of secret skype group , captain of SSF ( god help you SSF ) The man loyal to Japanese Emperor ( read me ) and ambador of Japan in Serbia . On end one nice and good guy loved by both SSF and Amaterasu :D 

12) Last but one of most important Serbian pleya ,the one of most handsome , the one with most worst temperament in this game , wildly knows as Peasant of Vrnjacku Banju ,former CP and King of Serbia , former captain of SSF , one of first players and gov members in Serbia . Organization is his skill , piss him off and you will get 2k letters per min in shout,comment , the guy who will soon make barbecue for Japan government ( about that you will read in future ) . Best of Best, super cool KRSTAVB !!!

I hope so that you enjoyed article, next time i will try to present you players from Poland . .


TyraelKame SenninJacaPeakyDead SSF FAMILIJAAdminAdminEva Braunno0bsailbotePazPhantom986Giovanno69Szilveszteramethyst77

Komentari (68)

Hail Phantom 0/
Look mom i am famous now !!!
Coucou les serbes (:
For shout : 【Shiro】Meet the Serbs :
Hvala na pohvalama, drago mi je da sam se nasao u tvojim novinama. My English is not perfect. Mes on Français je me débrouille bien Wink
Vladika gestapo Laugh
Babo did you lose some weight? maybe some 100-200kg Cheeky
Nema mene nema vot! Srdjane svaka ti dala.. pije pivu rakiju i to sljivu xD
I can guess how ugly Babo is IRL since he pretends to be someone who he actually isnt lol
Ima mene ima vote Laugh o7
best pose from revokasi, as i expected Laugh
@Vladika Matriks, očekivao sam GIF onako ide metak i on unazad pravi most (ona poznata scena) Laugh
konačno neke normalne face
hahahah nice guys and shiro i need to ask you something ? can you update pictures loll
Lepi ste
That team Laugh
extreme respect for the only man in these photos AlexxxZR, rest are pussies lol obviously i joke, pretty faces guyz!
o7 o7 Waiting for Japanese article Cheeky
Not bad not bad o/
v. o7
Ima mene ima vote Smile
Sve sam znao od ranije osim Griezmanna :-) Odlično odradjeno, steta sto nema još nekih ljudi da im vidim face :-)
Hocemo najveceg od svih,hocemo Prangiju.
Prangija se sakrio u misju rupu Laugh
Babo daj svoju sliku, nemoj da si .... ubacite po volji i zelji xD
a da me vidi baboooo Smile
Vladika - This is Matrix, an I am Neo. BTW great article.
2th and 4th man seem good-looking compared to others
Zašto je Bataša u toplesu? Cheeky
nema mene nema vote uva lopovi Cheeky
Jbg Čamuga brt nisi poznat Laugh
n11 no wonder why he is saying fyrom. Kid grow up
kakvi ste lepotani xD
Guys, we are next. You know what to do... :
Thx for respecting my wish bro Wink See ya at some beer, sooner than u can imagine Wink
Ne znam sta je Shiro radio sa slikama, al od kad mu je poslah, imam sve veću zelju za MPP sa Japanom LaughDD
You might add me to the article, I m the guy on the right
Ja sam seksualno uznemiren od strane Batashine bradavice Cheeky
I imagine that Phantom is always drunk haha.
Hahahaha Stark you are almost right xD
nejaci Laugh
Where is govedo ?
Looks like Govedo doesn t have balls S:
Govedo is not famous
phantom why don t you call me to help you on drinking? :p
I see it like this.
another great article...
good job
Don t forget to write about Albanian people that you have known, respect my friend !
Griezman klinac a kolko sere to je nemoguce
Pa nije bas klinac, ima 21 godinu Laugh
nejaci Laugh
Grizman sere jer je klinac, koji je vas izgovor? Aj odabijte od decka...
Odabijte od mene FYROMani nejačni. Da ste neke ljudine i junačine nebi se uplašili komentara drugih ljudi kada vam vide face i izgled, već poslali slike, a ne ovako, jaja*ski da komentarišete. Pozdravite vašu mamu i svaka čast o/
Like for batasha boobs Laugh :p O7