
Tanishq - Novine iz Portugal -

Objavljeno u United States of America - Političke debate i analize - 04 Jul 2016 15:51 - 4


As the Federalist Party’s acting party president, it is my great honor to announce the Federalist endorsement for country president:
Abraham Lincoln
Platform | Cabinet

One of the founding fathers of our nation, Abraham Lincoln brings a vast amount of experience to the table and has delivered a solid platform that proposes several groundbreaking initiatives in addition to offering sensible solutions to many of the issues facing our country today.

We believe that, at this present moment, our country requires the stability created by continuity in our leadership, with our current President organically following through with the work begun in this term while boldly pushing towards the future with a vast body of experience to guide him. While the order he has proposed may be tall, we believe that, given his previous work, Abraham Lincoln will only rise to the challenge, meeting and even surping the expectations of the American people. And while his project may be called “expensive” by some entities, expenses can always be mitigated by those who have a vision. Abraham Lincoln has a great vision for our country.

All in all, our party believes that, with a proven work ethic and track record as a force for positive change in our government, Abraham Lincoln will be the best choice for country president for the month of July.

Now get out there and vote!


P.S. Happy Fourth of July!



Komentari (4)

First denied. Laugh
Second denied for Abe for President - July 2016 Laugh
s14 v51