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Objavljeno u United States of America - Prvi koraci u eRevollution - 07 Jul 2016 18:00 - 3


Today I bring you a collection of common acronyms and initialisms used around eRevollution. I have organized them into categories for ease of reference and added notes where appropriate. If you know of any others I should add to this list, just add a comment below!



eRev: eRevollution

CC: Country Currency
G: Gold
Q: Quality

PM: Private Message
RL (IRL): Real Life (In Real Life)

CS: Citizenship
PTO: Political Take Over
ATO: Anti Take Over

Country Politics

CP: Country President
VP: Vice President
CoS: Chief of Staff
SoS: Secretary of State

    Internationally, some of the above positions have different titles. For instance, the rUSA uses the term "Secretary of State," while other nations use the term "Minister of Foreign Affairs" (MoFA). Similarly, "Vice President" (in the rUSA) is comparable to "Prime Minister" (in other countries).

DoCA (SoCA): Department of Citizen Affairs (Secretary of Citizen Affairs)
DoD (SoD): Department of Defense (Secretary of Defense)
DoM (SoM): Department of Media (Secretary of Media)

    The word "Secretary" as used above is often replaced with the term "Minister" internationally. Thus, you may come across terms such as "Minister of Defense" (MoD) rather than "Secretary of Defense" (SoD).

MoE: Minister of Education

    Duties normally igned to this position fall under a different department in the rUSA.

EC: Economic Council
SoH (dSoH): Speaker of the House (Deputy Speaker of the House)

Party Politics

PP: Party President
VPP: Vice Party President

Feds: Federalist Party
PRP: People's Revolution Party
ECP: Enlightened Contract Party


BH: Battle Hero (medal)
SB: Society Builder (medal)
SS: Super Soldier (medal)
TA: True Ally (medal)
TP: True Patriot (medal)

MPP: Mutual Protection Pact
RW: Resistance War
TW: Training War

MDP: Mutual Defense Pact (alliance)
SC: Supreme Commander
vSC: Deputy Supreme Commander
SoFA: Secretary of Foreign Affairs
MC: Military Commander
PRO: Public Relations Officer

NSC: National Security Council
MU: Military Unit
DO: Daily Order
CO: Commanding Officer
XO: Executive Officer

ST6: SEAL Team 6
rUSAM: rUSA Militia
HB: Hamilton's Battalion



Komentari (3)

Pretty useful for newcomers.