The Observer

Objavljeno u United States of America - Političke debate i analize - 15 Jul 2016 18:27 - 4

There is no power higher than the power of the people. Let them do what they will at public squares and airports.
- President Erdogan

Turkish military factions have attempted a coup d'état, or coup. This means the military wants forceful seizure of power from the government.

The military has closed two of Istanbul's bridges, which connect the European and Asian sides of the city:

Military forces occupied Taksim Square, Istanbul, when the president urged his followers to take to the streets and gather on the now closed airports and bridges

Supporters of the coup see this as an opportunity to stand up against the government. Although the process seems anything BUT democratic, supporters admit it is the only way.

President Erdogan's policies have been blamed for the rise of the terrorist group Daesh, or ISIS. Specifically, the amount of Turkish citizens who have migrated south to join the group.

The people tried to stand up against President Erdogan, but they couldn't, they were crushed, so the military had no choice but to take over.
- Taxi Driver

The History of the Military

The military in Turkey has been involved in politics since the birth of the nation as known today. Established by the country's founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, they see themselves as the guardians of secularism in Turkey, and as a force capable of rising against its leaders.

The military has attempted coups in 1923, 1960, 1971, and 1980.

President Erdogan and his supporters have attempted to remove the military from politics

Author's note:
Like always, this situation is extremely complicated and deserves a lot more than what I wrote here. This is just a short summary of what is happening, and a little peek at the two sides in this dilemma. 
If you are Turkish, please enlighten us with your words on whats going on

Although my understanding is limited by the media presented to me, I found this worth writing about because it involved the will of the people, which always rises when suppressed. I wish Turkey the best.


arithTricky Dick

Komentari (4)

Good work Smile
If the coup fails all for what Kemal Ataturk fought for will be worthless
Nice article thanks for your service Smile
Turkish people is immortal. Who wants kill the democracy, who wants kill the country, Turkish people will kick them ass.