Objavljeno u United States of America - Političke debate i analize - 19 Jul 2016 09:55 - 24

Hello fellow Americans,
This is a sole foreign policy update in regards of a new deal signed between the governments of the United States and Portugal. It consists in a rental deal which has no impact in our economy regarding bonus productivity. You may find the deal below.

The Northern Atlantic Treaty
In the interest of improving relations between the United States of America and Portugal, as well as a means to share productivity and economic gain, both nations gather in order to sign this treaty in the terms described below.
II - Terms and Conditions
1. USA agrees to rent the following regions to Portugal: Georgia; Tennessee and Missouri.
2. Portugal agrees to pay 25g for each region to the United States government as rent, making a total of 75g.
3. This treaty shall last for the period of 30 days after which both countries will gather again to debate its cessation or renewal.
4. In the event the administrators change the map and USA needs the regions back or Portugal doesn't need the bonuses in the regions in the new map, Portugal and USA agree that the regions are returned immediately.
4.1 In what regards the paid rent, USA and Portugal agree to return a % of the gold obtained accordingly to the number of days remaining until the end of this contract.
Heads of State:
President of USA
President of Portugal
(Both signed in the comments)

Final Foreign Affairs notes:
1. We are waiting on Japan's final word in regards of the compensation deal. According to Naki it is to go ahead so all that is left is agree on the details and sign.
2. We have forcefully received the regions Indonesia was holding and we have achieved the 100% weapons bonus by having a direct connection to Oregon. No contact regarding this issue was done with Indonesia so far however should Indonesia gain their deer elsewhere, the regions are to remain permanently American. Should this not be the case, Indonesian government is free to contact the American government to sign rents as long as they don't cut our productivity as well.
3. We have received other proposals regarding closing relations with other countries which will be duly evaluated and updates will be released.

This is all I have to say for now. You may all return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

This message has the seal of approval of the President of the eUnited States

Ancestralno0bsailbotKomentari (24)

Signed, Abraham Lincoln. President of the eUnited States

Signed, Ancestral. President of Portugal



@Lukas Pim: tens muita piada meu.

Signed , donnis . The bad cat

Hail the Ancestral God xD


No Ace, No Vote 🙎🙍🙅

Hail o/


KillerWhale with a killer humor 

Omfg you need Japan s approval to rent your own regions???

No Aquila. you got that wrong xD We need to set the final values and crunch the numbers. That is what I am implying in the article. You d know a bit if you did read my previous articles.

We don t? I was under the impression that eJapan owned us.I mean they ve pretty much dictated what we can and cannot do since this game started.

@DigitalEagle - You have the proof that they don t in this very article. The deal above has nothing to do with Japan and they certainly were not consulted for it.

I ll have to take your word for it.

its indeed a rent when i am still indonesian congressman and the cp is moers. let me look at chat documentation.

it is indeed a rent. the only congressman that against it was only me. its occur when TRS still alive.
the budget has been sent to president moers at that time.

its indeed a rent agreement, but because your side is forcefully take back the region so that USA can achieve 100% bonus instead of 90% then this means breach of agreement. all rental cost that did not paid yet, will not be paid because its breach of rental agreement.

o_0 What the heck is this crazy girl talking about? (´・_・`)

It is boy