Simply About Complexity

Objavljeno u United Kingdom - Političke debate i analize - 24 Jul 2016 13:40 - 7

All we could see article about Malaysian scandal in press top. But what is talking about in this article, who guilty and why this article was written? Now we will try to answer and let's start from first.Malaysian citizens demand explanation from their President, Shaaaaaggy, because he withdrawn all money from treasury. Almost all readers recommend to report President and to write ticket to Admin. But few hours later in comments starts  argument between Macedonians, Malaysians and Indonesians. Komeng_saja blames el Macedonico. He is even publishing screenshot of his arguing with opponent. From this screen we can know that money in Malaysian treasury were created by el Macedonico by upgrading his heli companies... But komeng_saja calls it try to defend himself and sure that el Macedonico guilty (in what? we dunno).
Our journalists remind that el Macedonico was president of Mayalsia month ago, but then moved to Germany. Today/yesterday he changed citizenship back.Later el Macedonico's friend Orkan gave comment about current situation, which explains many things:
The very fisrt donations made by el Macedonico and me were used tocreate a MU and a party which was neccessary for country to keep moving at the time (it is still neccessary though). El Macedonico also managed to build 2 Q5 Helicopter companies which would be mainly used to boost and arm Malaysian players, too bad Malaysia barely has players_He is currently interesting in Shagy the country's treasure which was actually filled by us by upgrading companies is a pretty big amount and would be useful for his personal investments... ...A week or two back it was only meand el Macedonico paying in Malaysia. The current government and CP are from recent baby boom that was made by us
(c) Orkan
At same time el Macedinoco has another mind about Shaaaaaggy:
is this actually a indonesia multy
 (c) el Macedonico
Also we should notice that most Malaysian players speak Macedonian (even Prime Minister's nick is PedzaMKD and MoFA's is Stojance (obviously sounds like Macedonian name). Another question is why rajamalaysia (article's author) demands something from current president and why he didn't write this article earlier? All we know that ALL presidents withdraw money from treasury (much thanks to Admin for absence of orgs). Answer is quite simple- rajamalaysia and Shaggy are BOTH CANDIDATES FOR PARTY PRESIDENCY IN ONLY ONE PARTY IN MALAYSIA!
So in a day before PP elections rajamalaysia decided to discredit his opponent or even ban him!Rajamaylasia said he is native Maylasian, but he registered few days ago (but enough to get 15 lvl and to become PP candidate) and komeg_saja so violently defends Malaysian opposition and critiques government, that some players agree with el Macedonico and think Indonesia (from where is komeg_saja) trying to PTO Malaysia!, now we know that Malaysia PTOed by Macedonia and someone (natives or Indonesians) trying to intervene.


Komentari (7)

Or rajamalaysia just a noob who doesnt know that presidents withdraw money from treasury xD
i approve !
bla bla bla bla
sinc on and all others games fyromas player and serbians get others contry to make himself rich. and this why admin tolered 1 player with IP Serbians register with Malaysia contry
@imigralboz, sorry but what?? no offense meant but i cant figure out what you are trying to say there. Can you please put it on your language so we can use goolgle translate as it might make bit more sense than this. Thanks
Okay so... Who wants to summarize the situation for me...? I understood part where it was attempt discredit his opponent but other parts are hard to understand.