Govedo's L'Express

Govedo - Novine iz Serbia -

Objavljeno u Serbia - Političke debate i analize - 26 Jul 2016 04:34 - 17

Well to be hones I dant care if admins want or dont want to limit of energy drinks but if they want that game last for several years they can think about it. I will try to analize and talk about this proposal, you are more welcome to give your opinion regarding topic.

Disco dance finals 1980, some nasty and good stuff. First who name guy who represent Yugoslavia gets 10 heli!!!

Well i have a little bit experiance of playing this kind of games, more then 6 and a helf years ped when I started to play.So I have proposal to make game more live and long term commited.

My proposal is to make limit of use energy drinks. To be more specific, I will make limit that you can use 60 energy drinks per day. Why is it important to do such thing?
1. Respect countries with high lation-it is not long term situation that 100 poeple is equal with one guy or few guys who spends lots money on game. It is metter of time when poeple will stop playing uncertain game.
2. At the begining of game there was bug and bunch of poeple got q3 i compenies, and now they have enormus amount of gold. With limitation of spending energy drinks you can limmited influence of this players.
3. More people will buy gold. If the people know that limit exsist, they will start to buy gold from game because they also want to keep steps with biggest tanks on game. I know that games with this type of scenario make profit when they have few whales who spend a lot on golds, but what will you do when the stop with it, you will close the game? It is always better to have 50 people who spends 5$ each day then having one who spend 100$ each day.
4. You will have more and more players who spend time on game. Because you made limit the enery drinks and poeple need to organize better in order to win a battle. If you have more people involved in game then your game will be stable and you can make long term plans.
5. So if you want to upgrade your profile you will fight with maximun energy that day + you will use all the energy drinks, so basically if you have imperative to be tank you will spend more on fighting and you will use more weapons. Usage of more weapons will make more space for economy and it will generate more profit for company owners and country at the end

It will be good that we start discusion on this topic, our obligation as players is to make influence on game owners from Boleč in order to create better game to enjoy and spend time here. I hope that they listen players and they ideas.

I would like to hear your opinion related to this topic.

Conquistador de amor



Komentari (17)

i bet you got stock of 400000 bars after stealing 40k from the treasure of serbia
Admins said: it is not your business
el Macedonico i dont steal mate. But I like to annoy your master Bataša so I expect attack from his fluffy puppets Cheeky
Hi Govedo! Here we are meeting on a different galaxy suffering from the same game ruining issues. Somehow admins see it differently but I absolutely agree with you! When I started this game I thought this is a much better game with reasonable administration when I saw limitations on buying EB s. However it s not enough because you can still stock it up and can deal over half a billion damage in a single battle. Some say he was smart he saved up his EBs to the perfect moment, but I disagree. I disagree because when someone deals such a huge damage in one battle it kills lots of other players efforts and causes frustration. I remember when I spent hours on reaching out to alliance members, CPs, MoDs, MU leaders, try to coordinate them, getting people to help you supplying weapons... anyways some of us invest a lots of efforts for victory and then one guy comes with half a billion damage and crushes all your hard work by doing the simplest thing, sitting front of the monitor and pressing the fight button for an hour. I mean I guess that an achievement itself Smile but come on this supposed to be a strategy game. So yes I totally agree, as a tanker myself I say tanking should be limited, and yes I would spend more on this game for sure if tanking was limited, because you know there won t be another guy who crushes your efforts and investments just because he payed more. Battles should be won by the better, not the richer.
By the way Govedo... Batasha is a great guy. You talking about him and his puppets but it s funny because he is a great guy he doesn t have puppets he has friends. Phantom has puppets and I m sad to see you are one of them Wink
djogani hamit.....10 golda Laugh
So Govedo... we agree on the tanking issue, but I think you are following the wrong guy for the wrong causes. Join the bright side and make SERHUN stronger. That benefits your country and your alliance. Phantom is stupid. He is dividing his nation and working against his alliance by refusing to fight for one of Serbias greatest ally Hungary!
Hey NightwatcherHUN, yeah it will be good if admins find some solution for energy drinks, its right just as you mention.
I dissagree regarding Bataša and SERHUN. Last time when SERHUN was alive it was 6 year ago in battle for Lioning on other game. This is crapy coordination with average guys who wants to be fake leaders.Cheeky But lets focus on topic here and try to make influence to admins
refusing to fight for one of Serbias greatest ally Hungary! haha if that s not kissing ass than ... ok i am out
Butthurt DreSanu: Govedo is brainwashed. SERHUN is alive indeed. MAD bro? Laugh If anyone licking Serbian @ss is Romania. SERHUN is alive! Suck it up princess!
If SERHUN exists Serbia will close Hungarian border with Romania, and also Serbia will go in direct fight with Turkey, not to mention involving in Turkish RW in Ukraina, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary. Cheeky
Govedo hvala na helicima, al sam uvjeren da je pisalo 10golda. Al svejedno hvala ☺☺
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