Fus Ro Dah

Mayy - Novine iz Spain -

Objavljeno u Spain - Ratne analize - 14 Aug 2016 03:10 - 23

Hi subscribers! Hi eWord!
Hola suscriiptores! Hola eMundo!

Last week i brought you an article about the direct battles between this 3 aliances, seems you liked so today i bring you the second edition!
La semana pasada os traje un articulo sobre las batallas directas entre estas 3 alianzas, parece que os ha gustado asi que hoy os traigo la segunda edicion!

MDP countries: Albaniahttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Albania.png   Bulgariahttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Bulgaria.png   Greecehttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Greece.png   Indonesiahttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Indonesia.png   Iranhttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Iran.png   Italyhttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Italy.png   Japanhttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Japan.png   Mexicohttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Mexico.png   Paraguayhttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Paraguay.png   Polandhttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Poland.png   Portugalhttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Portugal.png   Republic of China (Taiwan)https://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Taiwan.png   Romaniahttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Romania.png   Switzerlandhttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Switzerland.png   Turkeyhttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Turkey.png   USAhttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/United-States.png

UNITY countries*: Argentinahttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Argentina.png   Bosnia and Herzegovinahttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Bosnia-and-Herzegovina.png   Brazilhttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Brazil.png   Croatiahttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Croatia.png   Hungaryhttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Hungary.png   Macedoniahttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Macedonia.png   Serbiahttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Serbia.png   Spainhttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Spain.png

ECLIPSE countries: Belarushttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Belarus.png   Georgiahttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Georgia.png   Germanyhttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Germany.png   Irelandhttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Ireland.png   Latviahttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Latvia.png   Lithuaniahttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/Lithuania.png   South Koreahttps://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/flat/32/South-Korea.png


Battles secured by MDP countries: 9
Battles secured by UNITY countries: 8
Battles conquered by MDP countries: 8
Battles conquered by UNITY countries: 3

Same as last week, each aliances know how to defend and UNITY still having troubles when attacking.
Lo mismo que la semana pasada, cada alianza sabe como defenderse y UNITY sigue teniendo problemas cuando ataca.


Battles secured by ECLIPSE countries: 0
Battles secured by MDP countries: 0
Battles conquered by ECLIPSE countries: 5
Battles conquered by MDP countries; 1

Things was similar than last week, Germany wins every battle versus Japan and loose just 1 vs Poland, this battle is part of an agreement. Seems problems between Germany and Japan has ended or will end soon with a NAP.
Las cosas fueron similares a la semana pasada, Alemania ganó todas las batallas vs Japon y perdió solo 1 vs Polonia. Parece que los problemas entre Alemania y Japon han terminado o terminaran pronto con un NAP.

*Some people says UNITY doesnt exist officially, but they still collaborating each other.

*Alguna gente dice que UNITY no existe oficialmente, pero siguen colaborandose entre ellos.

Dont forget to subscribe and support, that would help me grow :3
No olvides suscribirte y apoyar, eso me ayudaria a crecer :3



Komentari (23)

voted o7
Bravo za novine Smile samo napred Meta GJ
actually De lost no battles, Poland got the region back as per agreement. It was rw successful by Croatia to cut their bonuses.
add latvia to eclipse
You deserved my Sub o/
You may want to add some graphic and stuff. Because numbers on a article don t have much meaning Smile But great article anyway
Where s France?
@abaddon994, france is not in an aliance Smile
France is not in mdp? ahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahaha
nice article
You are an american cat Smile
Unity has other countries that Serbia and Croatia what the fuck?
@ATHETATOPOT Yeah, we re not in MDP anymore
Total population of alliances: MDP: 25.944 Unity: 15.069 Eclipse: 4.358 MDP: 57% Unity: 33% Eclipse: 10% I think there is a balance in the game Laugh