Objavljeno u Croatia - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 18 Aug 2016 05:17 - 90

Giovanno69DejanNKHi i am a simple multiATEHTATOPOTMenjikMihaTwisterLyell ThirdTomislavKomentari (90)

Nice o7


first take care of your owne 


Napokon smo i mi dobili nekog tko zna raditi ove mesne okruglice o7

e moj nino i ja san tek naučia bit će još toga o7

You just need more cro mutlies to fight them
Call Marlock, he is the expert on that



DreSanu or we can borrow some few hundreds from turkey

Maybe, but in all other games people knows cro multies= best mutlies

When did it 4 NE in GREECE , Croatia , Serbia, no name country and Bulgaria were all normal.. Cry

you mean... MACEDONIA?

What is Macedonia?

a lovely little country north of greece. people mistakingly call it fyrom but its ok

Macedonia? Yeah, it s our region in North Greece
We will be very happy as Greeks if you come to visit it

damn you call it what you like i still call it macedonia like a normal person. this article is not about that so just stop with that crap. if you are butthurt about the name then dont use it

With the same logic you used there, if you are butthurt about MDP don t talk about it? So by you is like something you dont like -we make an article and talk- Something others dont like -shout the f*** up up nobody cares of you- Btw i find your article funny ;D

Haha so true... Where was this Defence Pact when Germany attacked Japan?

i literally dont feel the need to talk about this right now. i would just waste time and change nobodys opinion so you call it fyrom and ill call it macedonia, simple as that. and thanks

ahahaha poor croatia. are you wasting your time with theese propogandas 

propaganda? which part here is false?

like we wiped ukraine and hungry because they didn t accept our nap offer

they are wiped right? i just said that they are wiped that is all. no lies there. and you wiped them

But when my country was wiped why nobody jumped with articles like this blaming Unity for attacking 3 vs 1 and keeping us wiped few days? We had to make NAPs and use diplomacy from out leaders to get our from the mess.
That s the sad part, you see injustice just for what MDP do, not looking in the past..

It is unfair serbia vs 4, and croatia vs 3. Please bring one more, we want balance o7

did your alliance help you while you were getting wiped? if they did you wouldnt be

@MasterAltair yes they are wiped but if you dont give us another chocie what can we do? we have to wiped them. we give them an option but they refuse so it is not violence of mdp rules.

we all know how good your peace offers are

yeah it was so bad that they are in better situation now

That tork is speaking English too good for a tork, other than that: breddy ebin

But doesn t your alliance help you too, now? Difference was the even with ally help, other alliance was too strong for us. I do not see how is it diferent now. Take strongest country in game (Serbia) and put it fight 1 vs 1 with any from MDP/rest of world and watch them win, you will say it is fair because is 1 vs 1? Not taking into account the individual strength of the country, just say that is 1 vs 1 and that should be fair? Again, when you wipe = fair, when others want to wipe you is breaking the game...

I never said the situation today is fair for your countries , i just said that when things were not fair for others that did not stop you to do it. So now is more like retribution if you ask me. Anyway good luck

dresanu where situation was bad for others ukraine changed sides.

Keep crying with your fyromanian friends Altarije! Wrong Marlokije s foreign politics led to this!

Jebeno sve je na engleskom, cak i komentari
a de je nas ljepi jezik?
Sve pohvale za slike , zanimljive su 

pa ne pričaju svi po naški nažalost i hvala 

While doom is coming, Crytian being normal ahahshaha

Mr. troll DreSanu. The best cheaters in any game is türks and russians, everybody knows that, stop raging, this post for fun and sarcastic, but true. Nothong more, relax man sun is raising go to the ground 

romantik man you come from turcry and you speak of crying.... pls

True story bro

svidja mi se...evo ti palac 

Oh baby jesus, i was not even close to be raging, stop imagining things
I just stated my point of view, so there is no need for you to worry about me not being relaxed, but thanks anyway 



True story

Dont forget the turkish fakes. i checked a week ago 29 player a day 

Xaxaxa svaka čast o/

The truth has been spoken

Hey bro, u use my polandballs and my stories. oO

your balls? your story? man all these polandballs i found on google, except iran which i took from you

https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/13287 ... Please


Cryatia... Now I know, why this is your name

Donald if we had 1v1 youvwould lose in few days. And brw im nkt crying in this article. Tell me one thing thats false

Lool Crying... This idioms for you CRYATIANS : What comes around goes around.

Wow you are so mighty you almost wiped a country 3vs1 such brave much courage

Don t worry, Germany will be a next target 


Croatia wiped Turkey and wanted 200 gold for NAP. But we don t want any gold or any CORE region.
Maybe your friends didn t tell this. @MasterAltair ....

Ok turcry you win. Now cry yourself to sleep and fantasize aboit revenge

Why doesn t game have age limit for Cryatians :/


Revenge is a dish best served cold. Don t forget bro...

@yuoTO why doesnt this game have limit for turcrys bots and multis?

5.5k players and no bots? Lol please

Altair.. Are u a little bit jealous?

Nope. In every gme i ever played i have had only one account/character. So no im not.

if so, you are a pretty girl and wrangled with your turkish bf. it has no other explanation.

Nope. Im a straight male. Not a goat sorry if you thought i was

Holy shit, rekt/10

Sucky English but okay. Gonna give 3/10.

These are countryballs, they need to have shitty grammar.


Mesne okruglice ftw! o///////

Common Master Altair, stop answering to these provocative comments! Do you seriously think that they will change mind if you tell them the truth? They just will call it propaganda.

EddieA, polandballs are supposed to be in broken english (except english speaking ones), plus törks can t speak english for shit, so is ok anyways

Vooz if you cant change them then troll them

Olum bu ney lan 

my alliance better yuor alliance bad, lol, Im a politician in erev xd

Cry a river.

Shirogane which part of comic is false?

What we learn today? Germany stronk!


Critical timing for this article cryotian 😢😢

All your base are belong to us