Objavljeno u Republic of China (Taiwan) - Političke debate i analize - 19 Sep 2016 23:28 - 15

On behalf of the Japanese government and the honorable citizens of our Empire, I would like to offer an appology to the people of Taiwan for the behaviour of one of our citizens.Tanking of one spitefull individual shouldn't spoil the relations of our two great nations.

Kind regards, Emperor of Japan

Inglourious BasterdsTHE ONEFarrons Undead Legionandy910628Komentari (15)


cruccify him/her !!!!

a single person, that is not even part of our community, should not be tolerated between the friendship, that our two countries made in this game.


just want to know where did you get the chinese translation

No Training Wars, Destroy Japanese economy, do things against me. You told that took 300 gold for RW TW so where are this TW? Printed already like 900K Yen and want more.... Do you not see it destroy the economy? Your MoE not answer on my messages -_- Whorse government ever... I start to think that even Shiro was better emperor than you :/

不要管我的中文啦... 我知道自己中文很差...

Kami, just because you are not satisfied with your government s policy you choose to destroy the friendship of the two nations who were allied since day 1 of the game? What kind of logic is that? You honestly think that doing this will help with your economy? What if someone not satisfied with what you did and starts RW in North Korea, China, India and Thai the same time? Would that help you improve the economy of your country?

Kami, what else to expect from a thief Synhro...

izanagi ti se pokri usima i ne javljaj
bar sto se kradje tice

I m just wanted TP, took random region and made RW.
First i wanted to sell my DMG but no one wanted to buy so i amde RW for TP because our Emperor not made RW for TP.

I was to kiss Emma Watson and marry Jessica Alba, but none of them knows me so should I rape them? If you do things just the way you want or randomly without thinking of consequences, what makes you think you have the right to blame people for doing a bad job? http://imgur.com/a/WguzL

@HungryKevin. When you have many things to eat and you not know which one to eat you choose randomly i guess, at least i do that. This is what i did. If you a child and your mother will not give you food, you probobly will die or take it by force or steal.
Your example of the womans is total bullshit...

And you expect me not to bring up bullshit example when dealing with a man who would randomly choose to eat poison or cyanide

A certain person with an IQ room temperature