Österreich Täglich

BryceKelley - Novine iz Ireland -

Objavljeno u Austria - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 02 Oct 2016 13:49 - 27

           Song for the mood

I came to Ireland from a game called "vPopulus", this game was very closely related to this game. I have a lot of connections due to that game along with I just know and get along with a lot of people. Previously, I was blacklisted in the US for being a political opponent to the establishment (Lead by AbrahamLincoln) in the US. They used a reason of "robbing enemies" to  put me on the blacklist and ban me from all chat. A few weeks later I beat my blacklist and decided to comeback to the US, once again. By this time, eRev had started. Some of what I did:

-8x Congressman vUS
-MoI x2
-MoM vUS
-MoD x2

Once eRev started I left that game in a hurry and was hung up on what I should l do next. Do I join the country that blacklisted me for challenging the Establishment? Or do I start somewhere new? I picked pretty quick, and I chose Ireland to start my eLife. I was the first citizen of Ireland and soon Banshee and WHS. I got our government into place and started getting stuff ready, I was going to put Ireland on the map.

My first term I chose the US and Poland as our first allies, followed by France. I chose these because they were strong and I had connections in all of them. Then followed about 8 more countries like Greece, Albania, Turkey, etc.

Our first war was with Canada, which was a lot bigger than us in both lation and land size. But I had to prove myself, not only to my people, but to the people who doubted me before in the previous year. Our battles with Canada were a huge success, we captured their capital very quick and they were unorganized and were completely bankrupted because their CP took of with their gold and spent it to tank on us in a few battles ( 1 of them, they won).  So we annexed all of all of Canada up into the point where we left them 2 territories.

Our next target was much tougher than the first. We had to attack and capture the UK, which at the time was active and had about 80-100 more citizens than us. We started our campaign in Northern Ireland, which was a huge success. We won the whole war in less than a week. Then came a time of peace where I grew our economy and gold reserves to 500+ gold. For a small country with 20-25 citizens active, that's a lot of gold. We were rich and had lots of resources.


This was the expansion at it's highest point.

We then decided to try and recruit the Canadians who were actual Canadians and not Serb PTOers. We successfully recruited 3 of them. Then we were about to claim our last territory we needed, which was British Columbia. Japan decided to help free the Serb Canada! We then had to fight against Japan and Canada which at the time, Japan was the strongest country in the world (Along with Ukraine and France). We had no choice but to surrender or we would lose more land. Once EAGLE was brought to the end we had no choice for sure. 

Then with our misunderstandings with France, we lost more land. After all of this was over, my people were mad. I didn't blame them, they had every reason to be! But once they blamed it being 100% my fault, I stopped them there. I would hold weekly meetings on IRC and go through what we needed to do, I would make agendas, etc. But only 3-4 people would show up. I would post every few hours saying when we had the meetings and they all agreed that they would be there. But something happened, or something fell through, etc. So I decided that they didn't need me as their CP, so I left with all the tanks and we went else where. They were spoiled children. Crackhead and I went to America, where it was very very dead. The rest went to Japan to get inside the government, which one did xD.

Going to the US was the worst decision of my eLife. I decided that someone needed to lead this country because everyone was gone, or so I thought. I decided to run based off the feedback I received while I was there. About 50-60% of the people I talked to, wanted me to run so I did. The only thing that stopped me was the people in the government at the time. Which, guess who was in the government now was back then as well. They stopped me from running, but let someone who came a day earlier run. He dropped out, but was accepted into a cabient spot a few days after I left. The US is and will always be a group of elitist. Don't believe me? Look who was in the gov. 5 months ago and look now. Same people! 

I left the US and went to a couple of countries. First I stopped at BiH, and helped them there for a little bit. I had connections there and had friends. I next went to Alejandro's home country, Venezuela. After knowing Alejandro for 2 years I knew I could help him out there. After a few weeks, I left for Poland and stayed there for a very long time. I admire the Poles, they took me in and helped me out. I made a lot of friends and fought for them. I will always respect Poland. 

After this I Ieft the game for a while (2 months) and worked a lot in RL. I then made a comeback to eRev a few weeks ago. I then went to Israel and tried to make it there but it was to far lost. I then got a call from Alejandro telling me he was thinking of making Austria great again, so I went there and the rest is history. So in retrospect:

-x4 King of Ireland
- x1 vCP of Ireland
-x3 Congressman of Ireland/Poland
-x1 vCP of Israel
-x1MoD of Austria

I started a new chapter in life, let's see where it goes!



Gandalf the WhiteRicochetGiovinco69

Komentari (27)

BryceKelley: The Man, The Myth, The Legend.... Seriosly?
You forgot to mention several very important things in your article: 1. You were blacklisted in vpop by association to two known criminals, but also because you blatantly lied to the US Congress and the US population despite the fact you did not steal. I honestly have no idea why you d say you stole when you didn t. I guess you probably thought stealing would make you cool but it didn t. 2. You skipped the part where you insulted Japan in a meeting and you managed to get yourself in a conflict with France if I recall right (I can always ask Carapicho since my memory is not always what it promises to be) due to resources they needed. Sure, you aren’t at fault for what happened between Ireland and France, but you certainly are at fault for the lack of diplomatic sense in that meeting with Canada and Japan, particularly when you did not have the upper hand in negotiations. 3. I have to publicly confront the lack of classiness you show when you call the people that once trusted you and elected you a bunch of “spoiled children” as if they were obliged to keep you in power so you can do whatever you want. Sorry bud, it doesn’t work like that. You only get to do what the majority of the population agrees to and you certainly as hell should learn to keep your mouth shut before insulting your former country. 4. You skipped the part where you requested French citizenship shortly after the Irish population sacked you. Application in which you DEMANDED to be granted a political title. I’m not sure of the entire reasoning the French used to deny you, but I can guess with a certain degree of certainty that your “demand” was part of it.
5. I’m not going to debate your good intentions or lack thereof when you came to USA, in fact… I wasn’t even around when that happened, however the reason why some people called PTO on the fact you tried to run for President right after you gained citizenship was likely the fact that you are not supposed to run for any political office for a certain number of days determined by IES after you are granted citizenship. Maybe you didn’t know about this or maybe whoever was on IES didn’t inform you at the time but the fact is you were a recently arrived citizen, you could have waited to grow your influence and then take a shot at it which is what everyone else does. 6. You forgot to mention the part where you very recently screwed up a resistance war in Swiss territory and managed to recover a region that wasn’t agreed to be given back, this in the first days as Minister of Defense of Austria. Luckily for you and for Austria, there are still people with brains like MrSharp and AlejandroMadrid who fixed the situation and managed to get peace. But you didn’t stop at there, you went to the Indian Head of State and lied to him about the reality in regards the Austrian/Swiss situation in an attempt to deceive India into supporting you. This few actions of yours show: Immaturity and a huge lack of diplomatic sense and consequence evaluation. You nearly got Austria into a war it could not win. 7. You attempted to recruit citizens from many countries, when some countries asked you to stop, you simply ignored despite the several requests. You managed to actually piss off a superpower with your actions. All in all BryceKelley, you do not qualify in terms of maturity to be a “man”, you are certainly not a myth and you certainly have not acquired the right to be called a “Legend” when you screwed up this big and people have to do damage control on your screw ups. All in all, you’re just cocky and sooner or later you will screw up again.
pfffft *raspberry*
Bryce kiss me, nothing matters.
Our first war was with Canada, which was a lot bigger than us in both population and land size. -- Dopey BryceKelley gets the facts wrong again. Canada had v few people, only three, Ireland won on manpower alone. Country gold was never spent on tanking. He has to embellish his disastrous record of failed policies. Sad!
Abe just went all in
there is something wrong with Abe the Elitist
you re awsome Laugh
@Donald True , why does Ireland seek no action nowadays , against Canada ? I wonder .. probably because It d get beat badly , we re not what we used to be Laugh
Macedonia is Macedonia!
Alejandro was a cheater in vpop...
Are you awesome?
Who cares?
I love you too @HuMaVi
earn gold by voting articles and subscribing newspapers only at erevoters http:// /jzunDa ! buy votes and subscribes for your articles and newspapers at erevoters http:// /jzunDa
Bryce you rolled a critical fail for article writing. Try again?
@abe, i get your point with the recruiting citizens, but coming from small country myself you got to do what you got do to get citizens who won’t pto’er or destroy your country since it hard fight them off. If that means making countries mad at you for stealing there citizens, then so be it. you can always make up relations later. Coming from a big country,i know it makes them mad that you doing it. But they can live with out a few citizens, small countries need ever man they can get. It different for big country, you guys don’t realize it. With that being said, i can’t support or deny anything else.
Oh my goodness @Abe
Sorry ..but BruCe Kelley is NOT legent
yes abraham you are better diplomat but I prefer 10 time s undiplomatic friend rather than traitor.
Your ego inflated man
Bryce for CP #vpopvive