Objavljeno u Serbia - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 10 Oct 2016 13:16 - 24
Dear readers, all of us know FYROV managed to be the most laughable country not only in RL but here on eRev too. Here are some of the top reasons why puppy is such a sad excuse of a country:
1. Worst allies on erev
At the creation of Invictus, all of the founding members were asked about their opinions of each and every erev country. None of the said members wanted Vardarska as a member, just for the simple fact that they are an useless ally, who signs NAPs while their allies are trying to defend their core regions. No one needs an "ally" like that, and even a cowardly alliance like MDP didnt want to invite them. It was hard for Vardarska to even become their slave, and fight where they are ordered to.
(FYROM and Turkey celebrating friendship)
2. No spine
The serbianized version of Bulgarian that this southern bulgarian tribe uses, doesnt even have the words "spine" or "honor". For months they were in constant arguments with Albanians, calling them "goat fuc*ers" and they were the loudest in calling their eastern brothers, Bulgarians, traitors. Not too long after that, they let the same Bulgarians and Albanians to put a collar on their necks and obey them as good slaves that they are.

(FYROM fighting for MDP interests)
3. No courage
Their sadly not too bright brains slowly started to realize that they were just used for a purpouse - Turks got scared of Serbia going after them even tho we just wanted some TP medals, so they accepted the puppy for a MPP. No invitation to MDP was given. It's starting to get clear that MDP cant keep Serbia occupied forever, and that in the end it will be eather a costly war for MDP, or they will find a way to make peace which benefits Serbia and its allies aswell. Serbia might accept such a NAP, but certanly wouldnt accept a NAP that contains FYROV in it. So the time for the division of FYROV between Serbia, Greece and Albania will come. FYROVians have started trying to get themselves out from the hole they got into, but sadly it's not gonna happen. More and more of "we are RL brothers, calm down the tensions" kind of talk can be seen in the global chat. Sorry FYROV, you are brothers of Albanians both here and in RL.

(FYROM realizing they fugged up)
4. No brain
Usually when we have a player with exceptionally stupid remarks here in Serbia, we can almost safely ume that he is actually a child. Most of us were sure that the same thing was the problem with Vardarska, but the truth is, many of them are even 30 yo or older. Their attempts of trolling are even more sad than when Iranians try to do so, which leaves me many times with a sensation of trolling a 2 year old. Monkey. With down's syndrome.

(FYROM trying to troll)

1. Worst allies on erev
At the creation of Invictus, all of the founding members were asked about their opinions of each and every erev country. None of the said members wanted Vardarska as a member, just for the simple fact that they are an useless ally, who signs NAPs while their allies are trying to defend their core regions. No one needs an "ally" like that, and even a cowardly alliance like MDP didnt want to invite them. It was hard for Vardarska to even become their slave, and fight where they are ordered to.

(FYROM and Turkey celebrating friendship)
2. No spine
The serbianized version of Bulgarian that this southern bulgarian tribe uses, doesnt even have the words "spine" or "honor". For months they were in constant arguments with Albanians, calling them "goat fuc*ers" and they were the loudest in calling their eastern brothers, Bulgarians, traitors. Not too long after that, they let the same Bulgarians and Albanians to put a collar on their necks and obey them as good slaves that they are.

(FYROM fighting for MDP interests)
3. No courage
Their sadly not too bright brains slowly started to realize that they were just used for a purpouse - Turks got scared of Serbia going after them even tho we just wanted some TP medals, so they accepted the puppy for a MPP. No invitation to MDP was given. It's starting to get clear that MDP cant keep Serbia occupied forever, and that in the end it will be eather a costly war for MDP, or they will find a way to make peace which benefits Serbia and its allies aswell. Serbia might accept such a NAP, but certanly wouldnt accept a NAP that contains FYROV in it. So the time for the division of FYROV between Serbia, Greece and Albania will come. FYROVians have started trying to get themselves out from the hole they got into, but sadly it's not gonna happen. More and more of "we are RL brothers, calm down the tensions" kind of talk can be seen in the global chat. Sorry FYROV, you are brothers of Albanians both here and in RL.

(FYROM realizing they fugged up)
4. No brain
Usually when we have a player with exceptionally stupid remarks here in Serbia, we can almost safely ume that he is actually a child. Most of us were sure that the same thing was the problem with Vardarska, but the truth is, many of them are even 30 yo or older. Their attempts of trolling are even more sad than when Iranians try to do so, which leaves me many times with a sensation of trolling a 2 year old. Monkey. With down's syndrome.

(FYROM trying to troll)

Komentari (24)

ajde na kafe vo belgrad

Former Macedonian Republic of Serbia !


Браво легендо горди сме на тебе.

Синките лом.

Ahahahah I had 1 screenshot of their retarded responses, who would have guessed that 5 of them will come in a row xD Vardarska Banovina is the gem of Balkans, you can t have a day without laughing with these puppies around xD

Ти дечко треба да се лечиш

essein you are still ocupied? You tried to free yourself but you can? You are mad we know that...Servia lost a lot of gold because of the discount days...and you are aware of it and its really painful...but just keep calm and enjoy the game.

Turkey and Albania, better put your leash back on the puppy, it started barking too loud xD

essenin e glup cigan ne mu obracajte paznju, t.e decko e ogranicen 

Too bad fyrom is too stronk

play liberators... ou you already are playing it o7

essenin when you are out of arguments or troll shit just say Vardarska Banovina it trolls us too much

Puppy 4 arguments right there. All are true.

you can talk what you want but MACEDONIA owned serbia

Од сите Хрвати, србите се најлоши

Thats right now they cry because they know how much power we have bye bye with ur country mate u will return when i will be Aleksandar Makedonski 

As i can see from this game,being a serbian is not a nationallity,its a diagnose.Fortunately, i have a lot of Serbian friends in rl so i know that is not true.
I will tell you a story now
Let me start of with saying that you are nobody in Serbia,so you have no idea what was discussed when invictus was forming.I will continue with the info that only Serbia and Tannin from Germany(now Croatia) didnt want us there..it wasnt even the entire Serbia,only the cancerous MU SSF.But hey,even after that act of disrespect we were like meh,you dont want us? Fine we will remain neutral,but our DO s were still for the Invictus side. And then a week after every1 was talking about how Serbia will DW us sooner or later( for no practical reason) , we see the spineless president of Serbia has prorposed a law to attack us
And everyone in ssf was so happy on chat(i have screenshots if neccesery),so as you can see Macedonia wasnt the traitor here.Then after we spoke to ktab..i mean he must have realised that was the dumbest move in the game by himself but still..he talked to his puppies and they decided to vote against the law( the votes were close never the less). And i will finish with the fact that SSF has never hit for Macedonia even when we were allies,didnt respect the unions orders,while macedonia even under nap was hitting a LOT of dmg for them. I have countless screenshots as prove,but everyone that has been in this game knows this is true.
So,egoistic serbian kid,stop trying to spread false propaganda and focus on getting some regions back.Maybe if you learn how to treat allies you wont lose all of them in the following period 

alek94 dokazues se ss ljudi sto gu izfilmava rabotu deka smo mi krivi deka smo zabile noz u grb, brat ne vredi neli gledas deka njinu drzavu gu vodiv iskompleksirani likovi sto ne su videle povise od tastaturu 

sve je to fino al su oni nas izuli iz cipela

zasto ja ovaj clanak vidim posle 2 dana??
Dje link u poruci na fb??
I da, trolaju te vardarci xD Al imas v i s na staru slavu, iako nisam ni procitao sta si pisao

e moj andro, moraju i oni da kevcu pomalo xD

Svaka cast svakome ali igra nije mjesto za vrijedjanje.....Treba postovati i prijatelje i neprijatelje....