Objavljeno u Serbia - Političke debate i analize - 24 Oct 2016 11:56 - 16
Recently in one of the shouts, i suggested the admin team to add the slave market as a feature in the business center, so that players from all around the world could buy their FYROVian slaves from the Turks. In one of the shouts, a certain FYROVian puppy stated that there should be a market for "honor and dignity" so that Serbs could buy some. Because it's hardly possible that admins implement such a feature, here is a recipe on how to gain "FYROV honor", the easy way:
1. Start NAPing your enemies while your allies are losing their cores, and stop fighting for your allies.
2. Start talks with the oposing alliance, and offer them Serbian damage which outweights FYROVian by an order of magnitde.
3. Turks are second most spineless nation after FYROV, and they would step over their word over and over again for damage and a chance for an uneven fight.
4. Betray ALL of your allies, and join the enemy alliance, which would be accepted, because of the spineless mentality of MDP. Join as a member, not as a dog that just gets MPPs.
5. Delete FYROV 5v1 and keep it deleted forever.

That is how FYROV imagines "honor". Ofcourse, Serbia would never do such a thing, because we know the value of true honor and friendship, not the slave puppy version of it. We know that all of our allies are facing multiple fronts, and are fighting uneven 5v1 battles in the name of that honor. So in conclusion, spineless puppies should stay quiet and serve their masters, instead of speaking of honor to a country and an alliance which is willing to risk their cores and being deleted in order to preserve their word and friendship to their allies.
1. Start NAPing your enemies while your allies are losing their cores, and stop fighting for your allies.
2. Start talks with the oposing alliance, and offer them Serbian damage which outweights FYROVian by an order of magnitde.
3. Turks are second most spineless nation after FYROV, and they would step over their word over and over again for damage and a chance for an uneven fight.
4. Betray ALL of your allies, and join the enemy alliance, which would be accepted, because of the spineless mentality of MDP. Join as a member, not as a dog that just gets MPPs.
5. Delete FYROV 5v1 and keep it deleted forever.

That is how FYROV imagines "honor". Ofcourse, Serbia would never do such a thing, because we know the value of true honor and friendship, not the slave puppy version of it. We know that all of our allies are facing multiple fronts, and are fighting uneven 5v1 battles in the name of that honor. So in conclusion, spineless puppies should stay quiet and serve their masters, instead of speaking of honor to a country and an alliance which is willing to risk their cores and being deleted in order to preserve their word and friendship to their allies.
Komentari (16)

pisaj po sirotinji xD


Hail to southern Serbs and Western Bulgarians

A gde je pechat?

delete article twice pls... U know, like we did to your country?

u should be perma banned so you wont be able to spread hate anymore

Pčelata na kapata.

u should get back to ur doggy house so u dont get spanked by ur turkish master.

Žukov, pa ti si neviđena nejač, 6k snage? Buranija zelena.

So you are trying to say that you got deleted twice by this dog?

nope, we got deleted by MDP which used a dog too. Dog had less daily damage than we did from the start of the server. Being used as a puppet by the turks should be an honor for u tho, its an achievement for u guys 

Essenin let me introduce you to one thing: LIFE. It s said you livin life when you go out with friends, get a girl, party, work and so on. That thing is what you don t have

we win all battles only with our dmg not mdp lol

@orkan, sure thing son, only southern bulgarians have a fulfilled and meaningful life xD
@ other puppy, no u dont, even in our direct battles you get rekt in rws when mdp doesnt give a damn to move just for its puppy, and in the direct ones you bearly had more damage than us just a couple of times, in your ONLY war, while we have multiple fronts. MDP is winning a war against serbia, hardly, not its puppy.

essenin mozes da places ss revokasi zaedno ama do milevolje i moj savet idi ebni nesto ne se zamaraj ss gluposti

Zasto vredjas samo FYROMorce? Predji malo i na rvate.