Thinking Out Loud

BattleHero - Novine iz Romania -

Objavljeno u Turkey - Političke debate i analize - 06 Nov 2016 14:00 - 191

Hello, in case you didn't saw that yet, there is a new rule which upset almost everyone, that's why i decided to write an article with FAQ ( Frequently asked questions).
    Lending gold is permitted for short time - gold must be returned in the next 30 days.

The new rule target cheaters, not fair players . We will NOT check everyday all players for unreturned loans, but in case that a player is under investigation and unreturned loans are found, we will count that aswell.

Q:If there are mu's with supply systems, members can receive helis for commune working/organized hit?
A: Yes

Q:I'm not a gold buyer, can i loan my friend?
A:Yes, but the loan have to be returned in maximum 10 days.

Q:I donated xx gold to a friend few months ago, will i be punished?
A: No, nobody will get banned for small amounts(except gold traders).

Q:My country is giving loans(from treasury) to players , is that ilegal?
A:No, it isn't, country's money can be used in player's best interests.

Q:I'm a big player and i want to help a newbie to build his TG, can i do it?
A: Yes

Q:I bought xx gold, can i donate/loan them?
A: Yes, you can do whatever you want with the gold you bought.

Question from KrstaVB
Q: There is some epic battle and my country bought for example 10k q5 helis for 2 players who will use 5k heli and make a lof of dmg. Is that ok?
A: Yes, country's money can be used for supplies.

Question from CPPC
Q:What is small amount (For someone it can be 1 gold,and for others 100 gold is nothing)
A:50-100g is fine if there are no previous penalties/cases on your account.

Question from ASAP
Q: Is it forbidden to gift heli/house/food to a friend without them giving it back?
A: It's ok if you gift stuff to friends, as long as the amount of gold doesn't get suspiciously high.

Question from Akhonous
Q:I gave 75G a few months ago to a player so he can build HQ5 companies ( lot of players give gold to him ). And every weeks, he shares the benefits with us and send us gold against nothing. Am i going to be ban ?
A: You won't get banned, the rule target cheaters.

Question from topsifon
Q:I borrowed 100g one week ago. How many days do i have to return it?
A: 10 days starting from today.

Question from YigidoAo
Q:I bought xx gold and with this gold I created tons of q5 heli companies. Can I donate my q5 helis without limit? Can I buy my helis from the people I donate?
A: Why would you buy your own helis that you donate to players? You can supply them, you can give them small gifts, but from now on with limitations to prevent account boosting.

Question from Radu Brinzan
Q:If I donate 100 gold to someone and will not give me back in 10 days, will he get banned? Will I get banned? If he will be the only one banned, I feel the power of banhammer :D
A: The player will be fined and you will both lose those 100g.

Question from donnis
Q:I lent more than 1000 gold to people of my MU..It means that I will also be banned? Come on! People tries to help the community and can be banned for that? 
A: No, you won't get banned. They have 10 days from now on to return the loan and they can get another one.

Question from Knight of Brutality
Q:Can I help new player ( a guy who just started) with gold for training grounds . ?

Question from ScienTist
Q: Can we help gold to new players? ( not just TG) Or gift gold to players? ( 50-100 gold)
A: Yes, as long as it isn't gold trading.

Question from Akhonous
Q:My country is lending gold all the time but people need more than 10 days to give gold back. Is it fine ?
A:Yes, it is fine, country's money can be used in player's best interests.

Question from mcmoox
Q: Can you define gold trading ?
A: A player who do gold trading usually received gold or stuff from suspicious accounts(low level, low tg, drained accounts). In most of the cases gold traders are caught because of the traders they do business with.

Question from MicoO
Q:What if i loan 50-100 gold to a friend and he isn t capable of returning it in 10 days? Will he get banned? Or lets say he returns 50 and i dont want him to return the other 50g to me ,because he s an irl friend, or i want to help him cause he s weak , or i simply like the guy? What will happen then?
A:It's not like we track every player's transactions daily to see if they pay their loans, but in case that we investigate suspicious accounts and it turns up that he have unreturned loans, he will be fined/punished for that amount aswell. I recommend you to split gifts from loans, don't mix them.

Question from ATEHTATOPOT
Q:There are 2 players that already invested in a Company on my profile and are getting daily supply of 100-150 q5 helis just for working x2 at them and paying salary for the other workers. How do i resolve this issue? Players payed gold for those companies.
A: They can receive supplies, that's similar to MU commune system.

Question from Ferdi Carrefour
Q: I have with 6 players a common company which i have build, at the beginning each player give me 350 Gold , they are working for me for 1cc and i am sending them everyday helis. Is this a reason to ban ? and what to do if they want their 350g back ?
A: Commune system is fine. If they want their gold back, you have to return it, because they received helis in exchange of working so initial sum isn't returned.

Question from mcmoox
Q: if Lord Kratos loaned 300 gold to ATEHTATOPOT and ATEHTATOPOT do not return it within 10 days shall he get banned ?
A: The donation you're talking about is part of a signed deal and country's money are used.

Question from Peaky Blinder
Q:On last discount Germany gave cca 10000 gold as long term loans, how that will be treated?
A:Gov and military programs, loans, rewards, commune systems are safe. The new rule target players(cheaters).

Question from Jean Epsilon
Q: Hi, how do you expect to get the money back in 10 days ?
A: by donation.

Question from ScienTist
Q :Can we give salary to gold or stuff to workers? Or give houses to workers for their work?!
A: Yes

Question from Kuranfil
Q: I need to give back 200g to some friend , he give me that gold about 2 month ago and if I can get 200g for 10days , I will get banned ???
A: You will most likely not be punished, we apply that rule when we investigate someone suspicious to be a cheater, we don't suddenly check every player for unreturned loans.

Question from combine is power
Q:I borrowed gold from my countrys famous people, if I use them build factory,Will I get banned?
A:You will eventually have to return all gold, save your profit and try to pay the loan asap.

Question from Kuranfil
Q:If I make agreement with someone that I can return him gold for 1-2-3months , will I get banned if I don t give him gold back for 10days?
A: Try to take small loans and return them after 10 days, after that you can take another one and do it all over again.

Question from komeng_saja
Q: Can You Define Legal Account Boosting and Illegal Account Boosting ?
A: There is no such thing as legal account boosting. Illegal Account Boosting means that you received gold from drained accounts or gold traders, exploited accounts can be easily discovered, low tg, low interest in developing the account, more focused on helping their master.

Question from Kuranfil
Q:What gonna happen if I loan 170g and I don t return all golds in 10days?will I get perma ban (if it is answer yes , WHY) ??
A: If you haven't done anything illegal in the past and your donations are clean, you will first be questioned or/and warned about that transaction and be advised to pay the loan asap.

Question from Kuranfil
Q:What is drained account ?
A: A drained account is a player that sent most of the things he had to another player, which fits in account boosting.

Question from Orion Pax
Q:What if i want to build company with someone and he send gold will we be banned?
A: As long as that someone isn't a multi, a exploited account and haven't done any illegal activities, you can build commune system but he have to receive a fair share of profit or supplies.

Question from MalthaeI
Q: For example if someone donate gold to the country chest and after that a congress-member gives a law-proposal for donate this gold? What happens if someone use this as a way for gold trade or gold sell?
A: If they try to wash illegal gold through treasury, the gold will be seized and all players involved punished accordingly.

Question from Aveun
Q:Why are you killing economic? if country gold, cannot be used to help country citizens grow then why the do we need that gold? for MPP-s? stop killing game and turning it to money making machine please.
A:The country's money CAN be used for that.

Question from AlbRevolution
Q: some countries use %of tax return to investors who create/upgrade in x country...will those players who get gold from same person (cp) get banned ?
A: Tax return is allowed.

Question from Orion Pax
Q:I have loan now and its over 200g and i have a deal with player to give that in 2 tranches on 2 months so will i need to pay it in 20 days instead of 2 month? 
A: You won't get banned if you don't pay it in 10 days, but you have to focus on that and pay it asap, preferably return some gold in first 10 days to show your intention to pay the loan.

Question from Aquilamk
Q: Player loaned me +400 gold a month ago, I have returned 150 gold, If i don`t return the other 250 gold in 10 days will I get banned ?
A: Most likely not, but you have to pay the loan as soon as possible.

Question from Ricochet
Q:If the loan isn t payed, who s banned or punished? the loaner or the receiver? and what happens if he cannot pay it on time? can he extend it to another 10 days?
A:The new rule target cheaters,not fair players,it's not likely to be punished if you exceed the limit for a few days, but if you did something illegal that will require an investigation and the loan isn't paid, that gold will be counted as unjustified and removed from your account.

Question from Akiyama Shinichi
Q: if my last month invested 500-1000g to other players to build a company, and I accept some investment results and the company had also benefited. whether it banned ??
A:If you receive a fair share of profit and there is nothing suspicious about any account (as exploited accounts or gold trading) everything is fine, but we strongly advise you to not proceed like this anymore, invest the gold in your own account.

Question from TaiwanServant
Q: So Lending gold in anyway is forbidden but return in 10 days is allowed? So it is forbidden or allow? I am so confused. And is gift allowed?
A:Lending gold is forbidden, yes, we advice all players to not do this anymore. However, in case that x player did something that require an investigation and we have found loans on his account, if 10 days ped and gold is not returned we will remove it.

Question from HungryKevin
Q: It s ok if you gift stuff to friends, as long as the amount of gold doesn t get suspiciously high. how high are we talking about to make things suspiciously? If I am quitting and want to give all gold to a friend will he got banned?
A: You can't give all your gold to a friend even if you quit(you can if it's bought gold), that's illegal, he won't get banned but gold will be removed.

Question from DoOmHaMmEr
Q: i send some goods to my friend, then he sell in his country, then send back money,or gold to me, may be in the same day may be 15 days later ? is it legal ?
A: Yes, that is legal if he's not a multi.

Question from oarecare
Q:if i send goods every day to a newbie,would i be banned or fined?
A: Helping newbies isn't illegal, you can keep doing that, that doesn't fit in the loan rule.

Question from EddieA
Q: If I loan gold to some newb who wanted it and he used it for something illegal, will I get banned?
A: No, but he have to return it asap.

Question from Flandre Scarlet
Q: If I lend gold someone, is it ok to repaying it with same worth of CC/items?
A: It's best to return the loan in the original product, in that case gold. if you insist,yes, he can pay in cc or items.

Question from TheHellTeam
Q:I receive a loan (before this update) and I paying now I have 10 days to pay?
A: Yes

Question from santiago
Q : i give someone i know from another game 250g to make him playing this game, and i dont want any return because he is my best friend from another game, its just payback from another game in this game, will i get banned?
A: it's not our business what you do in other game, but if you gained anything from him, if he's drained or exploited by you there might be a penalty.

Question from Valiantina
Q: Among the new rules says that can not do transactions without an equivalent exchange... - I and some fellow players have a kind of society, in quotes... Every week they send me money and I try on the market highest bidders and buy for all and, in exchange for three gold made by each weeks ago, I divide the profits of a small speculation. In theory my transactions with others are easily corrected if need a more or less equivalent transaction. This can not be done? I can give them, if they did, everything they have sent to me? - As for the MU speech, distributions, I have not clear based on what should give food rather than weapons, you could be clear? Last question... - Why if someone needs help (usually food) I can not help? This also helps to stay and play peoples...
A: You can do both things.

Question from ninesquare
Q: I am a seller, i got my goods from productor first. And i give him money two or three days later, will i got banned?

Question from BIG GIL
I HAVE MANY QUESTIONS 1º)And the soldiers of my MU who work for 1 cc for receive q5 helis? ------ 2º) And workers who work for 1 cc and receive in gold or helis Because a country does not circulate CC enough to pay wages? If it is illegal to pay 1 cc in the game, because they enable pay 1 cc with that tool the game. ------ 3º) And my cooperative that I have since January, is now banned I have third party gold still in it. What do I do, I steal those gold the people of coop? ---------- 4º) I can not donate my gold (sic) But I can sell the cheap in the MM, not is banned make trades in MM? or yes? ----- Your laws go against the very mechanics of the game By your rules, everyone is suspicious
A:You can have workers for 1cc as long as they receive gold or products by donation with same value.

Question from Eldrad Ulthran
Q:Hello If I have, 300 gold to return to someone, and that I can t send back in 10 days; this guy can loan me 300 golds more, the 10th day, I send back directly 300 golds to conver the first loan and I have a new loan that I will send back in 10 days more, and I do this indefinitly; it is legal no ?
A: Yes, this is legal.

Question from IMMOral
Q:i started the game 15 days ago and i m still really undeveloped.but i found out without have benefit for people they are not willing to help me and risk their money if i am a multi or i decided to pay 11 gold for each 10 gold i receive for 10 it legal or not?(it will not break your 10 days rule)
A: Yes, this is legal.

Question from topsifon
Q: So the problem appears only when weaker player(lower TC, small amount of companies) transfers gold/items to a stronger player. But if the case is opposite (stronger player transfers/helps weaker player) there wont be any problem or consequences right?
A: Usually yes, but there are some cases when big players are exploited.

Question from MalthaeI
Q: If I sent 500 gold to someone which I don t like the name of him, will he be banned?
A: No, but you will both lose that gold.

Question from jaime7854
Q:If I sell a defense system for 120 gold instead of delivering it to the buyer asks me to install in a region, will this be a problem? because it is a common practice.
A: Like you said this is a common practice, so he received gold from others aswell and it's easy to see who's DS producers.

Question from Srdjan M
Q - I have made LOTO and gave prizes to people; heli, gun, tank, food in the Gold and CC? I received a lot of donations from various people for the LOTO. And i give like a price in the Loto. Will I be penalized?
A: If there are no multis or exploited accounts, it's unlikely to be punished.

Question from Alex Popovic
Q1.What will happend if Ive received for example 5,10 or 20 gold for upgrading my TC from my erev friend?
A: Nothing.
Q2.What will happend if I send huge amount of gold to my RL friend or relative because he/she is low level player and less strength than me and I am his/her referal.
A: The gold will be removed, you can't gift huge amount of gold unless it's bought gold.

Question from Joanid
Q: What happens if you donate me Gold and after that you get banned? Am I still able to return back the received Gold?
A: You're asking if you are able to do it? If you meant have to return back, the answer is yes, gold must be returned even if the player is banned.

Question from OmarMali
Q: I have started corporation with my friend a half year ago. We started business on his acc because he is more active then me. Now we have (on his acc) heli companies and we are cooperating with each other depends of products and other materials and stuff which we need to sell or to give each other (in many cases it is in direction from him to me because investment capital is on his acc). Is this legal way or what preposition does Admin team have for us? Do we need to register to some place? Some data base?
A: If everyone is receiving a fair share of profit from heli companies and no account is being exploited, that's fine.

Question from merelm
Q:I have a friend that invest 55k CC into companys on my acc. and for return I send him weps under market price. And I still have 40k to send that I can not in 10 days.
A:I hope you don't count weps under marketprice as payment for loan, try to pay it back the same way you received CC.
If you never did anything illegal and mods have no reason to investigate your account, it's unlikely to be punished for that, but you have to focus on paying it back asap.

Question from Mladencho
Q: My salary is in gold what will happen ?
A: Nothing, wages in gold are legal.

You can leave your questions in comments and i will do my best to answer all of them.


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Komentari (191)

true with first comment Laugh
Q:I bought xx gold, can i donate/loan them? A: Yes, you can do whatever you want with the gold you bought. Pathetic AF!
Q: There is some epic battle and my country bought for example 10k q5 helis for 2 players who will use 5k heli and make a lof of dmg. Is that ok? A: ?
What is small amount (For someone it can be 1 gold,and for others 100 gold is nothing)
what gold
Q:I bought xx gold, can i donate/loan them? A: Yes, you can do whatever you want with the gold you bought. Thats a joke xD
Can I help new player ( a guy who just started) with gold for training grounds . ? Answer : Yes you can, its not boosting or gold trading. (its different if he send gold to me, than its boosting ) isn t free the loan players best interests??
Is it forbiden to gift heli/house/food to a friend without them giving it back? for not gold buyers
I hope this is one old good troll from battle hero
Bought gold from store can be used for any way - that means i can wash irl money with this game. (buy the gold, donate to my buddy, and sell it for irl money). this is only one way from the *any way pool*.
I gave 75G a few months ago to a player so he can build HQ5 companies ( lot of players give gold to him ). And every weeks, he shares the benefits with us and send us gold against nothing. Am i going to be ban ?
This game become shitty
I borrowed 100g one week ago. How many days do i have to return it?
I bought xx gold and with this gold I created tons of q5 heli companies. Can I donate my q5 helis without limit? Can I buy my helis from the people I donate?
So lending gold in ANY WAY is forbidden but you can lend it if you get it back in 10 days or you can lend it if the gold is bought or if you get it from treasury? That is so intelligent Smile)))))))))
get ORGs in and everything will be so mush more clear. Implement contracts too and you are done. Nothing more necessary
we had a loan of 1000 gold for 30 days, that exceeds the limit of 10 days for a long. Please add one -legal loans system- or something like that who s make the transactions from Country treasure to player and player to CT. come on, we wait today arround 6 minutes to see the chilean RW done after it finished
who are the guys that lend more than 500 gold and do not get it in return ? or the guys that receive that big amounts ? black market gold trading ? and why they are not banned ?
Do you sleep well BattleHero?
so i lend 1000 gold, my friend asks for 1000g from someone else after 10 days. he forwards me back my old loan, and i lend him again 1000g, than he can give back the other 1000g rent. practically this is how the 11+day loans work.
I lent more than 1000 gold to people of my MU..It means that I will also be banned? Come on! People tries to help the community and can be banned for that? You Kill the game with this update ..RIP EREV
I gave food to a young player. It s been more than 10 days now. Will he get banned ? Sad
If I donate 100 gold to someone and will not give me back in 10 days, will he get banned? Will I get banned? If he will be the only one banned, I feel the power of banhammer Laugh
Can I help new player ( a guy who just started) with gold for training grounds . ?
if i sub a newspaper, and my paper isnt subbed back, are we getting banned??
I am looking on the map, but can not see Serbia, will i get banned? Ok joke aside, this update is best thing ever happened to eRev *sarcasm off*
Admin has not disabled the donate button for Gold so it is still a game feature to send Gold. Until all donations are banned to free players, I will keep playing as before. This update is just meant for multi account boosters, I think.
Can we help gold to new players? ( not just TG) Or gift gold to players? ( 50-100 gold)
RIP topsifon Cheeky
My country is lending gold all the time but people need more than 10 days to give gold back. Is it fine ?
@ATEHTATOPOT i thought they will say that i dont have to give it back so it doesnt get suspicious :/
This is absurd rule, admin cant decide for our golds!
Q: Can you define gold trading ?
What if i loan 50-100 gold to a friend and he isn t capable of returning it in 10 days? Will he get banned? Or lets say he returns 50 and i dont want him to return the other 50g to me ,because he s an irl friend, or i want to help him cause he s weak , or i simply like the guy? What will happen then?
Q: Have any of the admins thought about implementation of loan contracts? It is pretty simple solution
There are 2 players that already invested in a Company on my profile and are getting daily supply of 100-150 q5 helis just for working x2 at them and paying salary for the other workers. How do i resolve this issue? Players payed gold for those companies.
Q: I have with 6 players a common company which i have build, at the beginning each player give me 350 Gold , they are working for me for 1cc and i am sending them everyday helis. Is this a reason to ban ? and what to do if they want their 350g back ?
Q: if Lord Kratos loaned 300 gold to ATEHTATOPOT and ATEHTATOPOT do not return it within 10 days shall he get banned ?
v c
On last discount Germany gave cca 10000 gold as long term loans, how that will be treated?
Q: Hi, how do you expect to get the money back in 10 days ?
Q : can we give salary to gold or stuff to workers? Or give houses to workers for their work?!
Q: I need to give back 200g to some friend , he give me that gold about 2 month ago and if I can get 200g for 10days , I will get banned ???
Q : Hi, how do you expect to earn the money needed to pay back in 10 days ?
Q:I borrowed gold from my countrys famous people, if I use them build factory,Will I get banned?
Question from mcmoox Q: if Lord Kratos loaned 300 gold to ATEHTATOPOT and ATEHTATOPOT do not return it within 10 days shall he get banned ? A: The donation you re talking about is part of a signed deal and country s money are used. There was no deal between Lord Kratos and ATENTATOROT ...Or I can make a deal in article too, and get gold that is not bought by visa ? Laugh
Answer on my question please...
mcmoox, country s money are used there, please stop with jokes.
Q:If I make agreement with someone that I can return him gold for 1-2-3months , will I get banned if I don t give him gold back for 10days?
R U sleeping well
Q: Can You Define Legal Account Boosting and Illegal Account Boosting ?
yes kilman
ATEHTATOR is not part of MDP i think its acc boost
these are not jokes, just rules implemented by admins .. Admins do not recognize term as signed deals as I can see from rules .. and if country money is used does this means that Serbia can give me 300 gold becouse in mine article someone who was CP then - or even was not - stated signed Laugh ?
im so glad for you, im so glad that i would told you earlier but i had a 3min delay
Q:What gonna happen if I loan 170g and I don t return all golds in 10days?will I get perma ban (if it is answer yes , WHY) ??
Q:What is drained account ?
What if i want to build company with someone and he send gold will we be banned?
I am not joking, just want to understand the rules the best I can, teach me please ... If I can read, and it seems that I can , I obviously missed that - signed deals parts - , just saw - the donation over 100 gold must be returned within 10 days - part ...
ok, is this what s bodering you: we have MU with supply systems, and members receive helis for organized hit. also part of the helis that have been made by our commune working is being sold for gold. that is not gold earned by one man who has companies on his acc, but from all members of our MU! when we earn 5000 or 10k golds TOGETHER, and when our commander sends loans in gold to his MU members (for building up workout areas or whatever, with 50% of that loan as non-refundable donation), do you see it as an example of exploiting other players, boosting, cheating, or as an example of finest team work in your game? i believe this is multiplayer game, and we have a right to unite together for the common goal, because thats the way we play this game. we dont have diamond medals, we dont buy gold, we just play the game together. if you want to make that way ilegal, just say so and we wont waste our time here any more.
Q: For example if someone donate gold to the country chest and after that a congress-member gives a law-proposal for donate this gold? What happens if someone use this as a way for gold trade or gold sell?
Personally i have a small question about that rule , maybe cause i am not the smartest guy ... Can the rule be more clear so we don t have lot s of Q/A about that ? Some people said about 50-100 or more gold ... and it s not good to have questions like what about 60 golds or 65 golds ....
Q: Can I still sell tanks/helis/houses/food on Black Market ???
Q:Why are you killing economic? if country gold, cannot be used to help country citizens grow then why the hell do we need that gold? for MPP-s? stop killing game and turning it to money making machine please.
Q: some countries use %of tax return to investors who create/upgrade in x country...will those players who get gold from same person (cp) get banned ?
Yes Kuranfil, you can sell products on black market, the rule isn t about that.
And yes i forget this to mention. I have loan now and its over 200g and i have a deal with player to give that in 2 tranches on 2 months so will i need to pay it in 20 days instead of 2 month? Thank you
vote. o7
Thank you on answers , I will come later with new questions (maybe)
Студент није запалио жито.
Q : i am looking for donation . Anyone pls help?
A: Player loaned me +400 gold a month ago, I have returned 150 gold, If i don`t return the other 250 gold in 10 days will I get banned ?
Q: are you kidding?
Thank god we overreacted
Q: What if we agreed to payback in few little parts, not in 10 days, because I cant pay back in 10 days ?
Knew it, you dont have answer for my question !!! SEDI 1 BRE!!! You only want to find reason to ban The_Passanger man, dont lie to us with this !!
Hahahahhahahaha SpeeD domination : D
Question: If the loan isn t payed, who s banned or punished? the loaner or the receiver? and what happens if he cannot pay it on time? can he extend it to another 10 days?
Lol dead game. Congrats.
Question: if my last month invested 500-1000g to other players to build a company, and I accept some investment results and the company had also benefited. whether it banned ??
Q: So Lending gold in anyway is forbidden but return in 10 days is allowed? So it is forbidden or allow? I am so confused. And is gift allowed?
admins pls?
Q: It s ok if you gift stuff to friends, as long as the amount of gold doesn t get suspiciously high. how high are we talking about to make things suspiciously? If I am quitting and want to give all gold to a friend will he got banned?
@ancestral +1
Q: Hi, how do you expect to get the money back in 10 days ? A: by donation. Hah they just want to we donate as much money as possible… they are killing normal players everyday… stop admins! #RemoveThisUpdate
Bullcr@p. It just adds another shot to an already dead game Smile
Q: i send some goods to my friend, then he sell in his country, then send back money,or gold to me, may be in the same day may be 15 days later ? is it legal ?
Q:if i send goods every day to a newbie,would i be banned or fined?
Q: If I loan gold to some newb who wanted it and he used it for something illegal, will I get banned?
Q: If I lend gold someone, is it ok to repaying it with same worth of CC/items?
lol ... i smell double standards in this shit
you smell double standard in this? then your nose is broken.
Mojo +1
I receive a loan (before this uptade) and I paying now I have 10 days to pay?
i think best solution is trade contract between players
can i get answer ? Laugh
Q : i give someone i know from another game 250g to make him playing this game, and i dont want any return because he is my best friend from another game, its just payback from another game in this game, will i get banned?
Q: Why you dont want to answer my previous question?
You only want to find reason to ban The_Passanger x2
I wont ask anyone to return me gold in 10 days as it was my decision to invest in him. If you dont want people to donate remove the option Its simple. If u ban me I won t play. Smile enjoy
Q: Am I better candidate for the president of the USA than both Trump and Hillary?
And nobody nose is broken. Double standart is available. Visa/non-visa gold (players)....
10 days for refound... Haha, here come the Visa -_-
Remove option to donate any currency or gold instead of your stupid rules. Definitely convinced now to NEVER buy any gold or pack with your game are just a pale copy of the original one ...
Regardless of what ones s opinion in the matter these anweres are for the most part useless: you will probably, possibly, maybe not get banned if this or that or the other. How can people play with ao much uncetainty. When the answers aren t useless they are flat out discriminatory: if you bought the gold with RL money you can do whatever you want with it but if you managed to produce it ingame spending your RL time you can t, as in saying it is not really your gold lol.... the question is clear: IS THIS YOUR GAME OR OUR GAME? People get that you are trying to do something about a problem but this solution or the way you present it is retarded. People will flip you the bird for naning them second class citizens for not buying gold with RL money IS THIS YOUR GAME OR OUR GAME?
Question: proof Are FYROM and Albanian NAP BREAKER POINT 4 ? ?
Niye bizim ülkeye yayınladı bunu bu
Q: Among the new rules says that can not do transactions without an equivalent exchange... - I and some fellow players have a kind of society, in quotes... Every week they send me money and I try on the market highest bidders and buy for all and, in exchange for three gold made by each weeks ago, I divide the profits of a small speculation. In theory my transactions with others are easily corrected if need a more or less equivalent transaction. This can not be done? I can give them, if they did, everything they have sent to me? - As for the MU speech, distributions, I have not clear based on what should give food rather than weapons, you could be clear? Last question... - Why if someone needs help (usually food) I can not help? This also helps to stay and play peoples...
Question: I am a seller, i got my goods from productor first. And i give him money two or three days later, will i got banned?
is not nice to play when you are not sure if you will be banned or not Sad
Why not, just make donate from like 25 lvl avalible? so no bot, cant send it? And why not make only 100g donate to player in 1 day? Why not make special gold shop, where only gold buyers can sell staff, but all can buy?
I HAVE MANY QUESTIONS 1º)And the soldiers of my MU who work for 1 cc for receive q5 helis? ------ 2º) And workers who work for 1 cc and receive in gold or helis Because a country does not circulate CC enough to pay wages? If it is illegal to pay 1 cc in the game, because they enable pay 1 cc with that tool the game. ------ 3º) And my cooperative that I have since January, is now banned I have third party gold still in it. What do I do, I steal those gold the people of coop? ---------- 4º) I can not donate my gold (sic) But I can sell the cheap in the MM, not is banned make trades in MM? or yes? ----- Your laws go against the very mechanics of the game By your rules, everyone is suspicious
soru:arkadaşımı tg yardımı yaptığım için ücretsiz çalıştırıyorum ayrıca arkadaşım bende ücretsiz çalışmak istiyor niye yasak veya ceza sebebi anlatın bana arkadışım gerçek kişidir sahte hesap değil
Its funny. Q:Who s job is it to figure out if someone is boosting, ilegally trading or whatever it is they are after with this new rule? A:adm and mods (people whom don t own this game but get paid to do their JOB). So they come up with this bogus rule full of grey areas because they can t do their job or want to make it easier for them. Make the rules black and white, let people do whatever they want with their money and do your job of weeding out the cheeters a different way. IS THIS YOUR GAME OR OUR GAME?
Hello If I have, 300 gold to return to someone, and that I can t send back in 10 days; this guy can loan me 300 golds more, the 10th day, I send back directly 300 golds to conver the first loan and I have a new loan that I will send back in 10 days more, and I do this indefinitly; it is legal no ?
drop the reins admin
@Metaror s question: I helped my friend to build his TG this is why I work for free in his company.And also my friend wants to work for free in mine.Why is it illegal or please tell me the reason for the punishment.My friend is a real person he is not fake or multi!
So ridiculous
I m a french minister but in game, there is only 20% of the governement. How will you see State project?
Admins MAD??? Do it and many of the players will stop playing this game!
Q: Why despite this your game still suck you are keeping this game? Did your own money laundering business went wrong?
Q: There is over 350 people who vote for #RemoveThisUpdate , what is gonna happen will you remove it or not ?
good Laugh
Q:i started the game 15 days ago and i m still really undeveloped.but i found out without have benefit for people they are not willing to help me and risk their money if i am a multi or i decided to pay 11 gold for each 10 gold i receive for 10 it legal or not?(it will not break your 10 days rule)
and now what? i should be disappointed?
Q: We have membership quotes in our MU, can we have it and can we do with that gold whatever we want ( help players with TG, pay for raw materials, help members buils their companies and lk buildings ) ?
The whole point of the implementation of the new rule is to prevent RWT?
Bye-bye, game ^_^
Q: So the problem appears only when weaker player(lower TC, small amount of companies) transfers gold/items to a stronger player. But if the case is opposite (stronger player transfers/helps weaker player) there wont be any problem or consequences right?
Q: If I sent 500 gold to someone which I don t like the name of him, will he be banned?
Q:If I sell a defense system for 120 gold instead of delivering it to the buyer asks me to install in a region, will this be a problem? because it is a common practice.
Q: do you guys think a bit about property and property rights? and that player can waste his property/money as he wants? so why to force them not to use them for long period loans/transactions if the money is clear and use only goalds that are bought via real mone?
I like the idea and understand the reasons of this new update, but I m not sure about how you are implementing it. One of the most interesting things on this kind of game is the possibility of growing up together with your friends (not only rl). I hope you work on letting us create cooperative groups that are easily invigilated by other players, who can help you to find suspicious activities instead of just forbid lending money.
Q: Any baby boom??
Greedy .....
mcmoox win Laugh
i have three running project: 1. CHC (crowd helicopter campany) wich 35 player financed it to build HQ5 and i send them gold from selling HQ5 every week/mounth, is that ok or i need to diband CHC? (note that i can t pay back everyoene on 10 days) // 2. i have progrm Loyal worker to encourage 38 loyal workers i gave them gold, heli, house every 5day, do i need to delete my program? // 3. i have a bank to give loans to players and countries, i gaved many loans wich have to be payed back after a mounth, must i ask them to pay it before 10 days? and have i to disband my bank or just edit the time to pay back to 10 days? Tank You
türkçe meali yoqmu
Q - I have made LOTO and gave prizes to people; heli, gun, tank, food in the Gold and CC? I received a lot of donations from various people for the LOTO. And i give like a price in the Loto. Will I be penalized?
Q: I can t pay in 10 days. I will get ban right? Smile)
Great article Have a 2 questions 1.What will happend if Ive received for example 5,10 or 20 gold for upgrading my TC from my erev friend?. 2.What will happend if I send huge amount of gold to my RL friend or relative because he/she is low level player and less strength than me and I am his/her referal.
bye-bye game and hello new visa game! Wellcome to everyones Euros from any Country! i think it is legal Laugh
Q - What happens if you donate me Gold and after that you get banned? Am I still able to return back the received Gold?
I will continue to help my friends!
What is the difference between bought gold and gold earned in game? Why are you making a such difference? Earning gold ig is way more difficult and ask much more time. Why do you give more privilege to the players who are already rich enough to buy gold? Poor people don t deserve to play a fair game? Buying gold is already a huge privilege and it s boosting in a legal way
I have started corporation with my friend a half year ago. We started business on his acc because he is more active then me. Now we have (on his acc) heli companies and we are cooperating with each other depends of products and other materials and stuff which we need to sell or to give each other (in many cases it is in direction from him to me because investment capital is on his acc). Is this legal way or what preposition does Admin team have for us? Do we need to register to some place? Some data base?
Big mistake admins: If you promote differences between Visas and no Visas, you will break the balance and gameplay. Is a great community who motivates to players to use VISA and not the opposite. Destroys the community like eR and then you will lost community and therefore the motivation for use VISA.
#Remove this update and gay and Ivane-Divane Laugh
Babyboom lost. Good bye erevolution good bye friends
I have a friend that invest 55k CC into companys on my acc. and for return I send him weps under market price. And I still have 40k to send that I can not in 10 days.
Q- my salary is in gold what will happen ?
Evrry sec i see ads sow sorry buy buy
great o7
IDEA: Fix the coops, It s as simple as creating orgs for them With special companies and cost too high for one persona Future bazookas factories (x5), with a cost of 2000 golds (no promo) Future MU q2 with more 5% damage , cost 3000 golds (no promo) You have to improve the game by creating new goals Not lowering the list towards mediocrity Not allow groups to be formed in a social game It s like letting us into a brothel but not fucking
More:If you wish to change important rules, please let us know in advance so that People can put their elife to the day with the new rules.
maybe its not even connected to the article,but.. Can i send food to my refferals ? I want to help them improve faster,i send them food daily..
Q: what does an alien with a hat in the middle of the pacific ocean on a blue night eating a car ?
Q: if I buy erev gold , can you find me a girlfriend?
Q: 2+2 ?
WOW I`m big seller so I can`t sell anything WTF
When you say organizations of any kind are not allowed, does this only apply to illegal account boosting (giving too much unbought Gold to another player) or to any kind of cooperative group effort that pools player resources (money, work clicks, fighting damage, etc.)? 561 vote.. lol!
Puto el que lo lea XD
Q: if we invest time and efforts to earn golds in a proper and fair way, what makes you think that limiting our way of spending our hard earned money make sense and will help the community? What other limitations on the way of e-life should we be expecting?
Q: Are people even allowed now to sell DMG? Admins will see 500 g to someone s profile, and nothing in return except for DMG, which they wont even notice i guess.
Oh no
i and my friend get together and make a factory in his account he make things and send them to me and i sell them . then i change gols with CC and send them to him to give workers salary ! after 1 week we count the factory profit and get our profit ! is it have a problem ?
What happens to people who sell damage, how will we explain that? Are we goinf ro get banned?
@HungryKevin +1