Objavljeno u India - Ratne analize - 11 Nov 2016 08:56 - 8
Some days ago, India lived one of most epic chapters of it's own History. We fought a very difficult war against one of strongest asian countries: Japan.

So, in this article, we would like to humbly thank all countries and warriors who fought on our side during this campaing! We couldn't have done it without all your help.

(And thanks, TROLL ARMY!)

And at last but not least, I'd also like to praise respect for Japanese tankers. o7 Nippon Banzai!!

Komentari (8)

Japan is not a strong country from ages ago
Nice to see you still active Bradoque, regards o7 -naki

I will meditate and then destroy you...
Oh, the nineties...

HAIL INDIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice article bradoque!

Long live to India O/


i m proud of the develop of my citizens. Well done guys!

Hail allies!! o7