
no0bsailbot - Novine iz Iran -

Objavljeno u Iran - Političke debate i analize - 24 Nov 2016 10:50 - 44

Dear Citizens of eRevollution,

I will announce that Iran , France and Denmark agreed to End War in the North .

Terms and Conditions

1- Denmark will keep only hovedstaden .

2- Denmark wont start or fight in RW's . if Rw started there CP will inform players to not fight there .

3- Denmark can hit any other VV countries in any other RW's or as MPP.

4- Denmark wont propose DoW against any other VV countries .

5- If Nordjylland taken over by Denmark, Iran can get that region from Denmark .

6- Terms will be valid until day 349.


President of Iran
President of France
Konungr of Denmark

*will be sign in Comments .


Cp reza sparrowTyraelPanzer AceTony SopranoSCAMsorkhpostRaDvInATEHTATOPOTsamasamasamasamasamasamaaminsamiramiri338GabariRomy

Komentari (44)

ama onlarda kinsç var :/
signed day319
Signed by Konungr of Denmark
Signed, President of France
lol i remember the times denemark told We will not make any NAP noobs.
OMG! I found a top secret document :/ I have two face and greating from all of them to yours :|
v c
yuoTo vurdu gold oldu
O7 yalayın tükürdüğünüzü Smile)
Wo woll foght to dooth, NOP wont bo sognod by os. Smile
Sign a Nap or you ll never have a single region. - Mutual Defense Pact
Signed Defender of mdp2 Lol
good nap they can fight everywhere they want Laugh
maddelere bakmadan üşüşmüş sinekler. siz sümüğünüzü masanın altına sürerken biz diplomasi kasıyorduk koçlar
actually it s good NAP o/
Kinsc is only good at signing mpps ... oops he failed at that too Laugh Laugh Laugh
Winter is coming emenikeesss
Lol, some idiots like @Nemeton are complaining about this NAP in the comments... Danish government had this coming, if they didn t want such NAP, they should have never attacked us. They started a war with us and they lost it, it s as simple as that.
آفرين بر همت و غيرت ايران و سربازان گمنام مجازي ايران. دم همتون گرم.خوب پوزه اين دانمارك رو بزمين خودشون ماليدين.
@Panzer Ace go drink your milk bro
Thay are very lucky
Foutage de gueule. La France me désespère de plus en plus -_-
@Panzer Ace you must be very intelligent to call someone an idiot based on a trolling comment. IQ simply can t favor us all. Simple as that.
Izdaja narode, dansku ste zemlju nasli da otimate Cheeky
Another non VV country falls. Great job, soon we weill have only VV everywhere )
Hahahahahha rip denmark
Rip Denmark +1 Just another failure of international groups of players. Get serious and make a valid strategy, this list is to long: Japan, Germany, Denmark, Thailand... If you want your countries to survive in eRev world, you need completely different approach. Enormous Ego is not the right answer.
We are Denmark. We will fight!!!! 10days later NAP hahah