Objavljeno u Japan - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 29 Nov 2016 06:35 - 9

Dear All Japanese Citizens,
Thank you for staying in / coming back to Japan !!
The War of South Korea has finally comes to an END (Till Day 350) (Special Thanks to Green Berets)
The Japanese Government will keep focus on farming
We will have the following events:
1. Distributing Cheap JPY AGGGGGGGAIN.
2. Tax returning for Upgrade buildings (8%)
Event Details:
On 5th DEC, at 23:59 ERT (more or less the same as 6th 00:00)
Japanese Government will GUARANTEE TO BUY every gold in MM which have fulfilled the following requirements:
1. Japanese Citizen
2. Put the Offer 1Gold = 199.88JPY (tanoyukasan have made an example, please dont buy that)
3. Maximum 5Gold for each citizen
**However, I personally recommends everyone to go ROMANIA to train, (cheapest : 0.005)
because training fee will be disappeared, and we cannot afford that much JPY disappearing everyday atm.
TAX RETURNING EVENT: (Continuous event)
8% TAX RETURN for all building upgrades which have fulfilled the following requirements:
1. Japanese Citizen (for non-JP citizens, apply CS la on9)
2. Provide Screenshots of your Company, both before and after upgrade (Based on trust)
3. PM to tanoyukasan for confirmation
**Please be patient, I am 1-man government to progress all that paper works. Especially when discount comes and when i am low in funds.
Of course for this to happen,
Vote for tanoyukasan in the Election
Hail Japan o7
Empress of Japan
btkyanInglourious BasterdsstephanieKomentari (9)

vote la on9

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Support !
