Objavljeno u Slovenia - Finansije i biznis - 15 Jan 2017 02:55 - 55

As you may notice the productivity and max workers were change for
weapons, tank, helis and battleships.

As you can see the difference is only at Q5 companies were decrees form 10 to 7.
No bonuses in use:

As you can see form q1 to q3 quality now the production is 10,
and Q4 quality now have same production as Q5.
Whit all bonuses:

As you can see now in the new production with bonuses, we have new formula for production.
This formula is: production=no_bonus_production*bonuses_you_have*(2/100)
The production of Q5 helis whit all bonuses and all workers it's practically same.
Lets take a look : BEFORE 330 NOW 320
!!UPDATE 2!!
Today we get new update in our store.
Now you can buy unlimited Energy Drinks, BUT
the original price will increase by 50% of original price.
The price will decrees to original price after timer reset (12h from first buy).
EXAMPLE: first buy

AFTER fourth buy:

Admin promise me that companies which are infected by new update
(weapons, tank, helis and battleships)
will get bigger raw consumption.
It will be similar to previous rate between production of products and usage of raw.
Sincerely Nime
urby121Lajbachno0bsailbotPanzer AceKomentari (55)

awful update

With bonuses Q5 before should be output 40 as well so the difference in production is 120 instead of 10...

actually, pretty smart update since we are lacking workers xD

first you give us discount for companies and then you make this shitty update that is especially affecting some financially weaker players. uaaa admins!

nime, i wanna ask something unclear. are you gay or are you lesbian ?

wasnt 440 before? xD
Changes like these could have been announced so people would use the discounts having in mind these changes. Nothing surprises me anymore, worse game management has not been seen elsewhere..

idiotic update, right after discount, no announcement before change... thanks for making it easy to leave this thing...

@ATEHATOPOT yes in 11.01 was oly the production change today were workers change

@NIME Such updates have to be announced prior the discounts. You making fun with a lot players introducing this change today, someone made 50 q5 RAW y-day and today you tell him it has same production as q4 xD If i personally knew about workers discount i would have made another q5 warship instead of loaning the gold. This game is D E A D 

we are builded raw company for helicopters + warships and today we shocked Thanks Admin.

idiotic update

I think q4 wep/tank/heli companies had 5 worker slots

Its not idiotc update, last 365 days u produce 330 q5 heli with 10 worker now u produce 320 with 7 worker and 1200 less raw. Its better for producers. Maybe andmins shuld iform us earlier. But still is good update. A ti ATEHTATOPE uzajmljuj se kad si nejac :-P

djurjio how it is possible that different quality factories was making same amount of raw? and than what is the sense to keep them? let delete q2 q3 and q5 raw and let s have q1 q4

ov so sory i didn t make clear this isn not for wrm production this is how much wrm you need.

than i am taking back my word s
and for whom who have much raw that company s it is ok you can add new company s in future adn you will have enough raw

updated now sorey for confusing charts.

But for heli q3 the raw requirement is 280 for only 20 units 

is there any changed for q4-5 food companies?

Ok. For example I had 10 workers on q5 factory and paid them 30 helicopters per working ticket. Now I have to fire 3(!) emloyees. And I have been fired because of the same issue today. Thank you very much!

Admin: after we wait 3 month for the discount, and spent a lot of time with calculations and planings, I think it was a very unfair move, to change the production after the discount.
Shame on you!

they should say that before we spent out money on q3 factories...so unfair

I bought 2 pack to make my desired upgrades. Now, my q3 factories worth much less. Your (Admin) fault is that you did not said earlier the production changes, so I (and many others) choose a wrong upgrade. If we consider, that we payed euros for an economic situation, and NEXT DAY you change the economic system / rules, maybe we can go to a lawyer...

Admin: after we wait 3 month for the discount, and spent a lot of time with calculations and planings, I think it was a very unfair move, to change the production after the discount. Shame on you!

Really Great update for the game, tries to fix 2 serious issues, lack of workers, over production, and it makes the HQ5 companies good again. The game really needed this, good job o7

Now you can buy unlimited Energy Drinks: things are getting worse.

Now you can buy unlimited Energy Drinks, oh god pls no, dont allow the visaplayer to make big big gap, atleast now they have to wait 12h =(

Producction update seems really like for me, like dju said there are not much diference, and you need less workers, that are okay cuz there almost no workers now xD, but pls, energy bars...

V o7

make it not 50% , but x2 as kira s Wabisuke does 

hmmm salaries will fall... also (because q5 helis now need 10 instead of 13.333 raws per unit) the raw prices will fall... so the only ones with a higher profit than before will be the factory owners... with the unlimited energy drinks its a very hard hit against all the poor non visa players who are getting their money just from producing raws... tbh the decreasing of the maximum workers was a logical step (they could have done this or just another working more times with houses or buying workers with RL money/win workers in event games) the decreasing of the raw needs was a pure fail...

Raw decrease was a fail, and it will be fixed tomorrow 

thx biskvit 

Raf they said that the raw consume will be estandar after the update.

Game is amazing for ppl who spend money 

Just stop ruining this game anymore? Are you losing yourself or you conduct this experiments on purpose? If you don t know what to do, find some serious players in game and ask them what to do next.

Good update. But worst timing. You f***ed my discount strategy, thanks...
Less raw consumption means tipucally poor players with many raw buildings will earn even less... 

@Flying read whole article

Next time the Discount Division at eRevollution should communicate with the Update Department to better coordinate their plans. That or just be more transparent with the playerbase about upcoming changes. Best of luck with the hard work of trying to improve the game : )

This game has a great concept. You have one of two choices. Cater to the 17 rich kids that dump 1000`s into it or the 10,000,000 that throw a 20 at it when they can. One way, you`ll make a lot of money now, the other you`ll make a little money for a long time.
I`m new here so i can`t say what the new update does for whom, but if i know humanity, it sure wasn`t aimed at the good of the little guys.

shitty update, can t afford q4/5 companies, well now u produce even less...

Ha! Great job admin. its just matter of time.

@itsColour they produce pratacly sme you just need 3 workers lees

The economic impact of changes in arms production

without announcement, or offer for refund , many players have based their economy on smaller factories.. amateur move

Only noobs will not understand that this i good update
Btw its not 50% more on ed its 100% 

BEST PLACE TO PRODUCE! - 100% food / 100% weapons / 80% houses / 100% warships - www.erevollution.com/pt/article/21654


Rich Q5 manufacturers, nah leave them be.
Poor Q3 manufacturers, yeah f*ck them!!!
Screw logic