Hemingway's Journal

Objavljeno u United States of America - Političke debate i analize - 16 Jan 2017 19:14 - 9


 I've Returned....to What?

Greetings my fellow citizens. I'm Hemingway, I'm practically a nobody who worked as Secretary of Media for a month before disappearing into relative obscurity. I'm practically a nobody, not a tank, not a politician, nor even a money mogul like some of other citizens. I haven't been back for a while, only two clicking for a few days now. (Today was the first day I ventured back onto discord.) Personally though, I've felt compelled to write an article. To mainly get back into the groove of writing articles, because it's been a while since I've made one and to see if any of my old friends are still around.

Now, I read an article for a moment that left me a tad disgusted in a way. Namely this article by the Secretary of Defense You can find the article here  and I have to say its overall somber tone coming from a member of the government left me disgusted. Leaders are supposed to be positive and stay positive regardless of what is going on. Sure we may be fighting a war that is not pretty AT THE MOMENT that is not an excuse for a leader to suddenly go outright defeatist in his or her manner. Because you knew know when the tides of war will change. Now I only say this because as I read that article, it made me feel as if he's given up.  The overall tone of the article was that of "sure we may be getting taken out, but don't give up hope!" Now, I agree with the message of not giving up hope. Don't give up hope, but a leader shouldn't be writing depressing sounding articles.

I'm not one for ripping into the leadership though, in fact as I was writing this article I messaged Ace on discord offering my services. He regretfully told me there was nothing I could do at the moment. I operate on a premise of loyalty to the nation, and you should too. Leading is a tough job. So my heart goes out to all of the American government and by extension all of the leaders of the world. It's tough work, and not everyone is up to the task. I will echo the statements made by the good SecDef in the article. Join a military unit, the benefits of being in one means a free rpg and energy drink for fighting fifty times in a daily order set by the commanders. It's a win-win, you get free stuff, while the damage the leaders of that military want are going where they need it. Also, you should get on discord as soon as possible. It's where all the cool kids are at. (I may do another article on this topic especially)

The two most prominent military units are Delta Force, the rUS Millita and a new military unit made by Tancred.

Delta Force https://www.erevollution.com/en/military-unit/88
rUSA Millita

Tancred's new MU information


Wrapping up

Now, let me finish by repeating that I have the utmost respect, and admiration for the leadership of our great nation. I went on that little tangent because I care. I know everyone is different and as such I respect it.  Personally, I wouldn't see these wars we're in at the moment as the "End of America." Rather, I'd see them as challenges to overcome. Because it is not about how hard you get hit, but how much you can get hit and keep moving. So stay amazing America, because you are amazing. I know I'll be walking with a skip in my step and a smile on my face. Because these wars have left me one excited SOB. I love a ed good  fight and you should too. Glory awaits us on the battlefield, so I don't know about you, but I'll be going into the battlefield in full charge with my saber ready to hunt some enemy heads. Expect more articles from me soon.

God Bless, Godspeed, and may your battles be bloody and well glorious!  Glory for us all!



Tricky DickPalmer

Komentari (9)

Glory for us all!
I respect your opinion bro. Thanks Smile
Welcome back, we need to enjoy this invasion and, more, the liberation of our territories. We ll remember these weeks as one of the most important event in this game history.
Welcome back o7
+1 to supermaghe. This is type 2 fun! Maybe not great in the moment, but we will remember it patriotically and fondly
Is the link for Delta And rMilitia switched?
Right on bro, right sentiment at the right time.
Who are you? Sorry, I am new.