ERM News

MuranoZero - Novine iz Malaysia -

Objavljeno u Malaysia - Prvi koraci u eRevollution - 19 Jan 2017 07:29 - 2

A very good evening to you all, 

Let me introduce to you ERM News which was created recently and after several days of planning, thus we have created one. Since ERM is still new, we would like recommendations and tips from everyone, we would be appreciated. If you have any story that would like to be publish through us, we would gladly take under consideration and you will be given credits.  

As for out first article, we would like to introduce and present a few background history of Malaysia;

Malaysia were once called "Tanah Melayu" before the colonization of the Japanese, as the Japanese surrender to the United States, the conflict that was happening back on their land, The British Empire stepped into Malaysia, the natives happily celebrated as they were about to gain their independence however the British had different ideas and colonized Tanah Melayu , until 1957, Tanah Melayu had their Independence Day through the magic of the father of independence, Tunku Abdul Rahman. Singapore were once part of Malaysia but left in 1965, there were no mutual agreement that could be solved during that time. 

   In the past, there were several colonization in Malaysia, aside the one that have been mention above, Portuguese and Dutch have left a big impact on the country. We have descendants of Portuguese and Dutch in one of the state that has founded Malaysia, Melaka, Malacca. The Remaining of the port in Melaka is still being preserve and look upon as a big history that had made Malaysia for what is it today. 

Malaysia is divided into 3 main races, Chinese, Malays ( Main Race ), Indians, and many more. We are one of the few who considered Malaysia as a multi-racial country in the South East Asian region. We have a very tropical weather and glamorous and exotic food, from European dishes, Western Dishes to local cuisine. 

Malaysia is now known for its beautiful Twin Tower, KLCC, which was the tallest building in 1997, however not anymore, we now finding our self developing into a much advance country and hope to be listed as a first world country in 2020. 

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Reference, Bibliography

Malaysia. Wikipedia

 Amir AlMuqminin. Interview. 28/1/2016


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