Il Giornale

Polemos - Novine iz Italy -

Objavljeno u Switzerland - Političke debate i analize - 31 Jan 2017 12:23 - 14

In July we had a dream
a great Empire 
and we came close with bonus 100% food for some day.

Then Owyea left us.
To his will I caught the charge in last days.

Many of his friends left eSwiss and also many greeks for Cyprus.
the MM was blocked. We did not have almost never a DO.
In last cp Elections Dim30, for the other party, has not nominated anyone and i won as the only candidate.

As Cp i have worked in all sides for this idea. And I've tried to rebuild from the ruin.

Now MM work and you can change your CC, now we have all stuff in market
Now we have good profits for taxes every day but tax for citizens are lows, and for import is always 1% for new commercial licenses.
I give back 9% on upgrades

I must send 
+112 gold for 2800 helis (when i sold it)
+147,8 gold when i change all cc in MM
-145 gold for give back 9%

so real treasure now  is  554,51 GOLD

We are friends of Ireland, Lithuania and Latvia.
We are building a friendly relationship and respect with France and we can ask for a TW in Franche-comte when we need it and and are being political-military talks.
We are trying to build a relationship with Mexico and Paraguay.
Now we have a free slot for a new mpp.

-We have a TW with France and always a DO for our mpp

+22 citizens btw players who changed it and new citizens

cheap helis
q5 for citizens (1 gold less than black market)

one loan for an eSwiss citizen for upgrade companie ships to q4

I'm democratic
i helped this Idea in a moment of difficulty and i will help this country
because i have a dream for this land since July
because difference can be our strenght
and we can be free and use this eState as a tool for help citizens to grow fast.

So my next candidate will be

that will run against

I suggested him to maintain Santorini and petros2 in team-goverment. 

I hope that we will work togheter because now we can make a lot of things. Continue with projects started this month, and make new projects for new month!

For eMother and For Democracy o/


Unknown3G 4 M p3trOs V E RBgPeleFeloniousFeloniousFeloniousFelonious

Komentari (14)

Bravo et bonne continuation.
Hail Swis! Smile
Hail Swiss!Good luck Santorini Laugh
Bravo! Hail eSwiss! Nice government Giuseppe! Is the start to the Swiss Empire o7
Good luck to Santorini and Motorina o/
Great Job friend! VOTE Laugh
Voted, interesting country, articles and projects Wink
Hail switzerland
good job!
Very nice! o7
Great article made by a great guy from a great Country Smile