Objavljeno u United States of America - Političke debate i analize - 04 Feb 2017 20:23 - 19

Greetings people of America after surviving one of the most chaotic month eRev has ever seen in quite awhile we have finally managed to expelled our enemies from our beloved country. Our situation wasn’t very ideal after the update. The first day of the naval update we were under attacked by Serbia, 2nd day Bosnia joined the frying pan. We lost our symbolic 100% bonus on Food, Weapons, and House. We were under attacked by 2 nations that we never had any sort of contact with. We weren’t ready for this kind of lifestyle. Many of us were use to the peaceful lifestyle of enjoying full bonuses that were already in our territory and surrounded by allies. We were all lethargic. Inexperienced in war our first few battles were hard and harsh. Through experience, we learned what it meant to be true warriors. When we won we looked forward to our next we fight. When the battle wall was too big we fought harder we traded an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, hit for a hit we ensured our enemies won a pyrrhic victory. Little by little, step by step we overcame this challenge. I was voted as a president because I had a vision although I wasn’t able to finish my plans and thing I’ve had in mind. I know the next president will carry on the torch and will of the people. Unfortunately, this month I spent too much time on the game organizing things so next month I plan to take the time I spend on the game a notch down. Before I leave I would like to award several awards to soldiers and countries who did notable tasks in our campaigns.
I send my deepest thanks to the following players for standing beside with my country in its time of peril o7

Panda Killer

Lt Cdr Data

Rogal Dorn









Red Mackintosh


Lex Luthor






Ready to Die





Keinez Arzus


This month was fill with ups and downs although I took the task strenuous task of organizing our defense and things. It was a pleasure serving my country in its time of great need o7
President of USA
"Effort will release its reward only after you refuse to quit"
Blak FoxnakituminayashiZE BUNDAardalan008eVokasiKomentari (19)

Vae Victis! o7

Great term ace! Serbia s beat! o7

See ya Ace o7

Agreed -- the update fubarred a lot of things.

WOW i thought i was there, where was i Serbia? .....maybe you forgot to mention others from USA hmm next time i will help Serbia maybe then you will remember ?

Awww BamaPana, i still love ya

It is an honor to be a part of this team. Ace, you will be remembered as The President that led us through an incredible month. We lost our bonuses and many regions were invaded by 2 strong countries, but you never lost control. With diplomacy, economy, military and social strategy you made us stronger than we were before, and this is an outstanding result. We don t have full bonus anymore, but we have something more important: we are respected. Thank you so much and enjoy some well deserved real life free time this month. :-)



now you have woken up. that war activity is better than trading bonus

thanks for all your support

Inexperienced in naval war I can agree with. I can only imagine how difficult it was to process the implications of a new mechanic and plan out a defense on the light of it, however... our country was not entirely inexperienced in war. Unless you d like to talk about the two times Japan invaded us or the time we retaliated against Canada. History is such a great reminder! Nevertheless, just a very side note: I have in mind the unlawful immigrants you approved without IES oversight. I also have in mind on the light of an invasion you were planning to quit and if it wasn t for the help of two citizens I will not mention here, you d probably have left this country leaderless in a critical time. I will also have in mind you attempted to backchannel and insult the Supreme Commander of Vae Victis and you nearly caused an international incident due to your diplomatic incompetency. I am sorry Mr President but the accomplishments you talk about are not yours, they belong to the most to altruist citizens who have always given sweat and blood for this country and they ultimately belong to your staff and if you had half decency, you d be honoring them in this article. You would be honoring all of them instead of just a few in the middle of so many foreign citizens as much deserving as they may be as well.


Smokey, I think he is trying to say that I am sorry that I wasnt here but I cant help it, its my habit to come back and criticize after the threat has passed, I did it when we were wiped earlier and it was so fun. And I think he said something about Cabinet and VV HQ who planned the campaign not getting the award but I think either only I can see it or he cant because I see a whole bunch of Cabinet who actually did something. And I also think he is saying something about accepting OFC and GB into USA whos dmg were the reason we won this campaign. And he is very much trying hard to make that incident with Demiurge a huge international issue but meh, Arith approved him back and he left the second VV had any matter with him. Oh yeah and theres sth about you trying to quit too. All in all, he made great points, ladies and gents, lets clap for Abe. He did a huge effort and cause of this very effort, we won this war. If theres one guy who deserves to be on the above list, thats ABE!1!1!1!1!1!

Hahahaha Eddie you re funny. You did something for once? That s very surprising. When I was around it used to be a pain to get you to do anything at all! I have no idea how they even appointed you to be interim PP of the unity party but ok, maybe you changed but I find that hard to believe! Ohh and btw, I m pretty sure it wasn t just Demiurge. I am also pretty sure the backchanneling and the insults weren t about Demiurge either. Also why the hell are you answering for Ace? Does he think so low of himself that he can t answer me straight ahead? Or perhaps I should give Congress what I have. And sure, I criticize whoever I want, whenever I want, for whatever valid reasons I find! Deal with it
oh and btw, when I took a leave the first time, I left with a peace deal in place because we didn t have the military power to face Japan back then. There s even an article about it. But hey! Memory is short for you! Maybe I should write an article on your unlawful involvement on accepting citizens illegally. I bet that would be fun.

Lol, as you wish dude. As you wish.

LOL Abe you do you mate. I didn t feel like answering you because I don t feel like lowering myself down to your level of hypocrisy and really mate I have no energy to argue with you.