Hemingway's Journal

Objavljeno u United States of America - Političke debate i analize - 14 Feb 2017 18:38 - 4

A Humble Beginning

Hey-yo America, Hemingway here. I told you in my last article that I was going to write some more. Well, here is the first of hopefully more than one. I'm currently serving as your Secretary of Defense. I've closely been working with other branches of the government and army leaders to provide a funner experience for you guys here on eRevolution!

Now we've been reforming the military during the days that have gone by so far. We've created an Elite Force, a Training Division, and an ATO force to support our allies. There is also a fourth military force in the works, but it may or may not appear in the upcoming days. I'll give you information about it at the end of this article Well I'm making this article today to announce the opening the US Army's Elite Force and Training Division to the public. These are two branches of the army that until now, we had been recruiting specifically in the US Army Military Unit for.

I believe in direction, communication, and coordination for our military. That's the doctrine I've been operating by and will continue to do so. The military should an apolitical and public force for the country's good.



Now, I know what you may be thinking. What  the is the Elite Force, does it get me laid, and how the do I sign up for this good force? Well first off allow me to list the requirements for the elite force. It's being led by both me and excellent XO islandwoodsie

To join the Elite Force

1.You must have at least 4k strength

2.You must be a US Citizen

3.You have to stay active. We check activity in the force to make sure our members are still around. If you aren't responding to activity checks, then you may get dropped from the force. If you volunteer and are selected for leadership, you will be subject to an even stricter activity standard.

4.Being in the Army Military unit is highly encouraged

5. Must adopt an Army Military Uniform. (As ordered by our country and military's leader Diesel. PM him if you need one made)

The Elite Force is the tip of America's spear, it will house the best of our best who are willing to kick and be total bad-es for our country when we need it. It is not a suitable defense against the many venereal diseases you will face as you get laid. That's a battle for your doctor and you to fight ;)

You can apply to join here.

I know what some of you're thinking. Well what  the heck Hemingway? I don't have enough strength to join the elites. I am an unworthy PoS!  Well don't worry your pretty little golden haired head. We have a place just for you. That place is the darn good Trainee Division. They're America's fighters for tomorrow and it's  blood, guts, blackjack, and kick for everybody who are aspiring to join the elites. It's led by myself and my good XO Thomas Killah

To join the Trainee Division

1.Must be active, the TD is subject to activity checks as well as the elites.

2.Must be a US Citizen

3.Must adopt an Army Military Uniform.

You can apply to join here. So what are you doing citizen boy, get off your and help your country. It's like dying with a belly full of wine and a whore's lips around your cock. The man's way of dying. If you apply to be an ATO voter you will be contacted by a recruiter about it. We do have a discord for the Army, you'll be given its information after you apply.


Conclusion and Final Information

Okay, time to talk about that mysterious fourth unit within the military. Well, it's a foreign legion. Basically it'd be a way for aspiring Americans who have  no recourse to get into the country to prove loyalty to the country by fighting for our military. We are currently looking for American citizens who want to become a leader within this unit. If you're interested, please PM me Hemingway and state your case for why you should be a leader in the American Foreign Legion. It's still in the works, but we're hoping to get it off the ground soon.

Also, West Point has been  launched. It's a good program where the country invests in you. All your country asks in return is that you reciprocate the good investment. If you need a start in this game, it's a good place to start. You can read more from our President here The trainee division will be incorporating West Point.

That's all from me for now you lovely SOBs. Remember the government and the military could always use an extra pair of hands helping out. All you have to do is step up and volunteer.


Secretary of Defense



DieselTricky DickTantisTantisTantisMiltiadosMiltiados

Komentari (4)

Hmm not bad, could of used an inspirational image in between the elite and training division though.
Definitely more pictures of kittens are needed here
4K Strength for Elite??? Surprisingly low. Anyways, Sign up for US army TODAY!