Norway Times

Holzeri - Novine iz Norway -

Objavljeno u Norway - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 10 Feb 2016 10:30 - 13

Hello lads and gals, today I will present a new idea for the game; cles! The purpose of
cles is to let people specialize more in a particular area, such as
fighting, working or buying.
So everytime you gain 3 levels, you get 1 cl point. These cl points can be used
to buy/upgrade cles. You can change your cl every 7 day. I have already
figured some cles, but feel free to comment your idea of a cl or a tweak
to an already existing cl.
The farmer: Gives you an additional 5% production bonus on food + the bonus form your country of course!
Lvl 1: 5% (cost 1 point) Lvl 2: 10% (costs 3 points) Lvl 3: 15% (costs 5 points) Lvl 4:
20% (costs 10 points)
The blacksmith: Gives you an additional 5% production bonus on weapons + the bonus form your country of course!
Lvl 1: 5% (cost 1 point) Lvl 2: 10% (costs 3 points) Lvl 3: 15% (costs 5 points) Lvl 4:
20% (costs 10 points)
The builder: Gives you an additional 5% production bonus on houses + the bonus form your country of course!
Lvl 1: 5% (cost 1 point) Lvl 2: 10% (costs 3 points) Lvl 3: 15% (costs 5 points) Lvl 4:
20% (costs 10 points)
The warrior: Gives you an additional 1% more damage in battles. So if you do 100 damage every  10 energy you do 101 instead. This means 5050 damage in 500 energy.
Lvl 1: 1% (cost 1 point) Lvl 2: 3% (costs 3 points) Lvl 3: 5% (costs 5 points) Lvl 4: 8%
(costs 10 points)
The shopper: Can view and buy 100 items from whatever market each day, without any licenses.
Lvl 1: 100 items (cost 1 point) Lvl 2: 250 items (costs 3 points) Lvl 3: 500 items (costs 5 points) Lvl 4: 1000 items
(costs 10 points) (thanks to RAF904)
The seller: Can view and sell 100 items on whatever market each day, without any licenses.
Lvl 1: 100 items (cost 1 point) Lvl 2: 250 items (costs 3 points) Lvl 3: 500 items (costs 5 points) Lvl 4:
1000 items (costs 10 points) (thanks to RAF904)
The Shouter: The shouter makes you talk as much as you want in the chat.
Lvl 1: (costs 5 cl points)
The rester: Lets you recover energy every 5 minute and 50 second.
Lvl 1: 5m50sec (cost 1 point) Lvl: 2 5m30sec (costs 3 points) Lvl: 3 5m10sec (costs 5
points) Lvl: 4 5m (costs 10 points)

The sleeper: Lets you recover a total of 510 energy.
Lvl 1:  510energy (cost 1 point) Lvl 2: 520 energy (costs 3 points) Lvl 3: 530 energy
(costs 5 points) Lvl 4: 550 energy (costs 10 points).

The exchanger: Can view any monetary market, no matter location and can make 1 trade internationally each day.
Lvl 1: 1 trade (cost 1 point) Lvl 2: 2 trades (costs 3 points) Lvl 3: 3 trades (costs 5 points) Lvl 4: 4 trades (costs 10 points) (thanks to RAF904)

Sincerly Holzeri :3



Komentari (13)

"The shopper:..." would love to see how this one gets abused. Put a HUGE ammount of X resources (Q5 heli anyone?) at a ridiculous price. Tell your shopper buddy to buy it all. Have him give it back to you. Rinse and repeat. The idea is good, but it has these little loopholes.
It is soo good, not!
"The shopper:..." would love to see how this one gets abused. Put a HUGE ammount of X resources (Q5 heli anyone?) at a ridiculous price. Tell your shopper buddy to buy it all. Have him give it back to you. Rinse and repeat. The idea is good, but it has these little loopholes.
Interesting point Genocidio, I hadn't thought about that. I will consider perhaps tweaking both the shopper and the seller, any suggestions?
I was gonna say "perhaps it could be a % chance of success of getting more goods out of nowhere", but it's the same thing: it's simply gonna take more time. Sincerely, I can't think of anything to prevent these two getting abused to the max. Too bad, they are interesting.
Yes, I see, however there are other classes that can be implemented Smile
what about: seller: can offer +1 trade in any country (no matter of market license) per level... shopper can accept buy +1 offer per day from any market (no matter of location/market license) per level... the exchanger: can see any monetary market (no matter of location) and can make +1 per level per day on any MM...
Cool ideas, I will implement them, Raf904 Smile
All good but I am aginst The Shouter: The shouter makes you talk as much as you want in the chat. We have sub4sub spams enough
Leonzbloodz, I guess there could be chat modderators who could mute spammers if necassary Smile