Objavljeno u United States of America - Finansije i biznis - 25 Feb 2017 07:26 - 22
About 14 hours ago, most of the heli stock got drained somehow. They simply vanished, nowhere to be found - only to appear with a much higher stock... And much higher price. Several people were selling Q5 helicopters in big stocks, starting from 5K up to 15K. This is where the prices started to spike up. Whether fake or real sellers, these people spammed the chat with high helicopter prices, leading people to believe that the prices have gone up.
However, in reality the prices are still the same. They vary by 0.2 gold/100 helicopters, but this price range is where people actually buy or sell helicopters. Cheaper or higher than that, and it is either people trying to rob you with a low price, or people trying to rob you with a high price.
The chat-spamming monopolists are only trying to manipulate people, don't believe them.
Dont deal with them.
Dont undercharge them because they buy big stock.
Dont let them overcharge you.
This is a temporary situation, both in wars and in helicopter prices. Soon, this increase in helicopter prices will increase peoples profit margin for medals, and NAPs will be signed to prevent the waste of gold. The sooner the wars end, the sooner this waste will stop. Once we stabilize the prices, we can go back at each others throats again.

voozvoozvoozPanzer AceSultan Haydar BasDerbederKomentari (22)

You re sure it s an Iraqi soldier ? He has the Stars Stripes on his helmet.


good article

right on bro. i`ve been watching this phenomenon unfolding. Profiteers abound. There is always some schmuck who rather than work for it will try to weasel his fellow man out of it

4.2 ? lol


@Galaico yes, I have bought 3K for 4.2 when their prices were low

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N8UaQ3SVduL07EXCGUvq49v3z8_Flzt6E4m69KFU60c/edit#gid=0 there is the link for my calculator... there you can calculate the profit... i am too lazy to explain it everyday to everynoob... btw until yesterday i was paying 175 FRF (1.75g, yes i sold them the last time with nearly no profit but didnt write a crying article... surprised?) per worker... if you worked for less its your fault...

Easy for you to say, you re a heli producer, and this overcharging makes you more profit. If my crying article disturbs you, go ahead and write your own crying article.

a dynamic economy makes the game interesting. It sucks when you really need supplies but prices are high but its fun and rewarding when you can put in the time (or just get lucky) to find a good deal. just gotta take the bad with the good


@Wilfie We are all okay with dynamic economy. However Monopolism pushes the prices more than its natural limits. They are messing with the very dynamism you are talking about.

Offert and demand, prices don t ll get lower cuz a article. But sure it ll get expensive for war and people buying. Wake up people from that communism. If the war still more demand: higher prices. Just economy.

Supply Demand increased the prices to 5.0 gold in 1 week. War profiteers increased that price to 5.6 in 12 hours. You wake up.

selling q5 helis 100 = 22 gold. cheaper than asmin

I think this is more like speculation than a monopoly, since prices will likely drop later. It is possible for speculators to lose money if they buy too much before the prices falls, but a monopoly controls prices for a long period and always profits. Anyway, I agree with your solution to not deal with speculators.

Certain people are trying to buy all the helicopter supplies they find. Certain people from certain groups. At least this is what I noticed when they spammed the chat last night. I will follow up on that.

The helis prices increase because the paris war... too much people buying helis for fight and less selling: PRICE RICE FOR A TIME in WAR TIME. Some people now it and buy stock for sell in higher prices and the producers save their stocks for make the same... i