Objavljeno u France - Političke debate i analize - 25 Feb 2017 21:15 - 38

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[Délos] Why are we fighting VV | Paris is besieged : https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/23999



Divide y reinaras, eso hacen, pero bueno mientras los demas no abran los ojos no podemos hacer nada, muy bueno, votado


okay, well not wanting bipolarity does explain why Delos said no to becoming FU Alpha. I thought it was because you were waiting for FU to become Delos Alpha. Whatever the reason, it is nice of you guys to keep the game alive by choosing not to support a solid counter-alliance against VV.

y cuando el rey supremo logre eliminar a delos, fu y demas alianzas, que piensan los aliados de VV que se pondran a jugar farmaville entre ustedes, ja


Organization strategy vision noting more nothing less. Mortarion has spoken.

Even if we want a bipolar world, we are not enough strong because Fortuna and FF are not anti-VV countries and we are more countries than VV = more difficult to be organized.

Great article, the game could use more diversity

Mortarion say *Hail Macedonia* i wanna check something out bro. Don t be ungrateful they won the battles for IRAN

Mortarion +1

It is a shame to say -I would rather die with you than win with VV.- It was Turkey who gave you hell of a support against Croatia and Hungary in the past. Ignoring all those and writing such sentences now just proves how unreliable you are, which is another mistake. Good luck with dying then and please stop crying, that is really enough.

When will you understand that on a wargame, if everybody is your friend, there is no reason for the game to exist Kinyas ? We know who help us on the past, it s not about that. And Wilfie, it s so funny to see a Canadian speaking about french s choices when yours are so coward 

Kinyas there are many examples opposite side, so please give us a break. This make you unreliable too I guess.

VV destroy the game ...

Honestly, there were a few interesting days in year, maybe 2-3 total. Everyone wants to be on the winning side. From when I was came here and become active player only few countrys Greece, Germany and France came to the weak side. And I think that the list of the countries that enter MDP / VV very long.
These battles that Iran showed. You have proven already before my argument and that is: that the whole time you re playing with us, and that in fact we have never had a chance to win. VV STRONK.If it s interesting you just keep going. For me it does not matter if you will invite and receive new members, your choice. But remember Im not only person here this game is very very boring.

I am not talking about betrayal etc, @Arkh. Read carefully. I am saying, writing such sentence is shame. I always thought you guys have more respect.

In France history there have always been two camps. One for VV, one against. And on that two camps, there is some people who knows about how to deal with enemies/allies in a game and some people who just show their feelings like they are. So yes, some people things Turkey is our enemie. So what ? That doesn t change what u did for us before. Today is a new day, tomorrow will be another. Every month there is a new leader for each country, every month a country can radicaly change.

dontsračtumač,nema plakanja,VV je zlo koje treba uništiti,ako se VV raspadne igra neče imati smisla vise

Kinyas I think a little modesty will not hurt you. Stop talking about respect when VV is the alliance that least respects these opponents. On our side even in the defeat one takes the time to thank our opponents. If you do not have a humor it s your problem but do not talk about respect because respect you have to win it 

o7 Hail Delos !


France made the mistake, and now is paying consequences. Those who was forcing you in the past to make such the decisions, now are justifying this nonsense and attacking VV and Kinyas. Your incompetence is the main reason for such a defeat, so stop blaming other side. Analysis of the situation is needed now, find where and when you made mistakes. Stop crying and listening loosers, you are better than this, and you can make eFrance great country, once more. YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO LOSE, SO STOP LISTENING THOSE WHO HAS NOTHING TO LOSE!

@Levi Where i complain about the defeat ? France have not lost, we have just lost Paris. I m not blaming VV, i m blaming the community, because it s always the same thing. If you take the time to read the article you will know what i talk about. France have not make a mistake. France have stand up and you you have join the easy way. So please doesnt tell us morale

Hail Delos

More active countries would solve that problem. I would love to see eRev world to include 4-5 different alliances with different goals each one.

Stop crying. You(delos members) need a babyboom no no more babybooms. Deloś attacked wrong time 

Hail Delos

Hail Delos o7

@Arkh*When will you understand that on a wargame, if everybody is your friend, there is no reason for the game* - well, in that case it is a good thing Canada became your new enemy this week. If we had solved the Irish problem peacefully and then allied with France, this would have been bad for the game, too, according to the logic of your statement. As you correctly said later, leaders and the balance of power will change, which keeps the game interesting, so shifting alliances/enemies should be welcomed. who knows how things will look in two months....

o7 Hail Delos! Hail France! Hail Hungary!

Cara, eldrad etc. those guys bad politics put France in this bad position now. And France didn t left VV because of balance. There are some people in France who hates Turkey, exMDP and now VV. We knew that eldrad was planning some acts against Turkey prevent us to reach bonuses before he become CP. I sent ss to agamemnon when i saw the plans. If you thinking about balance, why didn t you unite with FU then, why are they angry with u now? France tried to lead an alliance, like they tried before in MDP times with a stupid charter thing and this not ended well of course.

It is impossible to achieve a multipolar world. Sb could thought that tears of experience in the other games like erev would taught you this, but I see that you are just unable to learn.


Hail France o/...those battles were great