Objavljeno u Switzerland - Političke debate i analize - 08 Mar 2017 01:39 - 9

This article serves to explain what happened in the last 30 days and what will happen in the next 30 days.
I was cp, and also as pp i putted motorina as candidate for run in elections. He won.
motorina has been cp when here on erev has changed the alliance system. Thanks to motorina we are in Délos.
I think that motorina has been a good cp. Just he forgot MM, and when he decided to left eSwiss, for impechment won petros2.
Also petros2 in this few day worked good, but also petros2 forgot MM.
Now in the elections of this month we were me and petros2. I wanted that petros2 took a cp medal but i won and he left.
I want to remember that Owyea one day, without say nothing deleted the eSwiss Channel on discord (a great channel, the best of erev) and i want say thanks to petros2 because he has created new eSwiss channel and he transferred the channel to me.
My team-goverment
Biskvit as prime ministre, Santorini as MoD, Nocturnox as Governor.
There are yet 2 free role as Ministre of Education and MoFA. I need actives player, on erev but also on discord.
Because ministre of education is a tutor on discord. He help new players but also he write articles for explain what happen here in eSwiss.
He can start games and welfare projects with a budget (gold-cc of treasure).
If you want help (eswiss citizens or not) write me a pm here, and after we will speak on discord.
And MoFa must be help me with Délos.
First step: fix economy
In eSwiss we have a great market. We have almost every day cheap food every q, houses every q, ships q4, helis q5, hrm and other stuff.
I write just this stuff now, because of this stuff we have big stocks and i mean for cheap price less of black market.
MM was blocked. Now in this 2 days is better, but we need other 48-72h (for time of issue and donation law) for fix it.
So dont worry, ceck our MM and if there arent cc, please wait some time. If you want know how much time or if you want have other information
on prices and stuff write me a pm.
I'm working in search of Swiss sites for try spam message for take new real players. And i can accept here on erev every request of cs (is not important strong, but if you have less of 1500 strong we must speak just one moment before on discord).
We try to help our citizens when they need free food or some weapons.
We have special cheap price for our citizen. Just one example. I sell houses pack on swiss market now, before was on black market 29 gold, but for my citizens i can sell it also for 25 gold, but only for my citizens.
-Newspaper: i have 10 gold for help citizens who havent newspaper. So if you are citizen here, you can ask for free 2 gold for open your newspaper!
-Loans: now in this moment we need our gold in treasure for other operations, but i think that in 15-20 days we can speak for make one new loan, for this you must be eSwiss citizen. If you want more information about this you can ceck my last loan as cp here.
-Cheap helis q5 for eSwiss citizens as supplies. For example if i buy with treasure gold or cc 3k helis q5 for 150 gold i resell it for 100 to my citizens. Now the numbers are approximate, depends on the black market and the treasure so change every day.
-Cheap ships q4 for eSwiss citizens as supplies. The priority are helis q5 but i will buy also ships.
Why q4 and not q5? Because we have here in eSwiss2 players that sell ships q4 and i want help my citizens. In fact i will buy helis and ships from my citizen with gold or cc for resell cheaper to other citizens of this country.
-Give back 9% on upgrades, when i was cp was just for gold. This month is also for cc (and i give back in gold also if you use cc) and this project is also for foreign citizens.
If you have specific ideas for new projects I'm here to discuss them with you.
If you want other specific info just write me a pm or on discord.
This is new eSwiss Channel on discord .
In this moment we have a lot of MU in our country, but is not a problem.
Soon others articles.
Thanks for attention.
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Hail eMother, hail Délos o/
GeraltG 4 M p3trOs V E RNocturnoxKomentari (9)

https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/24542 - Make eSwiss Great Again



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Good luck!

Good luck Giuseppe

thanks friends