Objavljeno u South Korea - Političke debate i analize - 14 Mar 2017 06:43 - 15
Hello brothers,
I'd like to publish one more article to mention upcoming situation in South Korea.
As brothers may know, this small country has tried to fight for balancing game whether it has been helpful for game or not. we tried our best in our position.
These citizens might to choose easy and safe way to go, but they trusted this game to be better.
Even though we are not that big society in this game, I was happy to play friends here.
Someone could share with our mind that game is dying or another one could not agree on it.
But I trust most of us want to play better erevollution with good friends.
Like always, I don't want to blame on anyone because I know we tried our best for each society.
But in my opinion, the alliances are not similar size to compete in current situation.
I would like to say SK citizens are facing two battles from two countries.
It is natural thing to have battles but we can have different kinds of feeling to meet these battles.

I am not happy we finally have battles to enjoy, unfortunately it can activate to lose interest to our game.
We didn't have any relationship with two countries before and we didn't response from this attack.
I was curious that the reason of SK to be attacked. Sadly, I got answers from friends in two countries that it was caused by dead atmosphere and they wanted to help their citizens to have fun from this battle.
SK citizens have similar feeling that we don't fear to lose whole territories, but we fear that we can lose future to attempt to do anything can change in the future.
I hope active battles can break out many times. But I don't want to see one society can be erased from any choice.
This is like real life, weakness is guilty and weak side should be weaker.

I'd like to publish one more article to mention upcoming situation in South Korea.
As brothers may know, this small country has tried to fight for balancing game whether it has been helpful for game or not. we tried our best in our position.
These citizens might to choose easy and safe way to go, but they trusted this game to be better.
Even though we are not that big society in this game, I was happy to play friends here.
Someone could share with our mind that game is dying or another one could not agree on it.
But I trust most of us want to play better erevollution with good friends.
Like always, I don't want to blame on anyone because I know we tried our best for each society.
But in my opinion, the alliances are not similar size to compete in current situation.
I would like to say SK citizens are facing two battles from two countries.
It is natural thing to have battles but we can have different kinds of feeling to meet these battles.

I am not happy we finally have battles to enjoy, unfortunately it can activate to lose interest to our game.
We didn't have any relationship with two countries before and we didn't response from this attack.
I was curious that the reason of SK to be attacked. Sadly, I got answers from friends in two countries that it was caused by dead atmosphere and they wanted to help their citizens to have fun from this battle.
SK citizens have similar feeling that we don't fear to lose whole territories, but we fear that we can lose future to attempt to do anything can change in the future.
I hope active battles can break out many times. But I don't want to see one society can be erased from any choice.
This is like real life, weakness is guilty and weak side should be weaker.

PeakyDongsalTHE ONEWilfieTaiwanServantKeinez ArzusKomentari (15)

They could DoW some VV country But their Govermants are afraid to do such a thing, dont get fooled by their answers. They will have enough fun in upcoming days, trust me.

its very sad that some countries and alliances trying to destroy communities

@legolas: wow, amazing moral to speak, heh?
@Peaky Blinder: lel ok let´s have fun. @jungrim: I already told you what I think about this. But it seems you still can´t manage to see beyond VV. You can keep trying to win vs VV and you will lose time after time. They seat on more than 50% organized world damage, and in the exact same structure built some 10 months ago (same key players/countries). Or you can ignore that they exist and play a fun game like this should be and let them farm to death and bor . You know what the definition of insanity is? It´s trying the same thing over and over again, expecting different outcome when you know that the result will ever be the same. Now go have fun with SK community. Nobody wants to destroy that on the *weaker side*. 

@Ancestral, as I talked with you yesrerday, it can be good point that you indicated. But I hope you can understand us too. it won t justify to attack to this country. how could you trust you will not destroy our community? Can you accept if you to be attacked like this way? SK citizens did t have any agressive work to Portugal, Chile. You said you raised this war to avoid boring situation. But we think how to survive from this. Players in good position couldn t understand this.

I didn´t raise this war mate. And no one is in good situation in this game.

Pathetic Portugal

Maybe you can hit your B of dmg for SK
Or keep signing NAPs and Peace Treaties as soon as there´s war coming your way. Keep playing VV´s game, That´s exactly what they need to keep existing and killing eRev 

Ancesteal I realized the reason of our difference of view is you have option to play this but we don t have option to negelct to the big alliance. we don t have the safe position like you. Because we were already deeply envolved. our citizens were living in half occupied country.

SK is brave country they choosed weak side while VV domination. If Portugal wanted more fun in game they could attack VV. but they are scared to be deleted
this is true and everyone knows it

To get fun in 2vs1

call us but must be mutual. you must obey our command center recommendation. when i said vote for komeng_saja then you roll over your heavy ass here and vote for me.

Portugal and whole Fortuna is VV (except Germany), they can talk what ever they want,but they are lying. When I asked portugal CP why they dont fight against albania, since albania attacked them, he told me that they dont need that region and Italy didnt asked them to give it back since their some kind of rental deal was finished. Man if you have a least of dignity you should send Italian CP message and tell them HEY GUYS our rental deal is finished we dont need that region, instead of that you coordinated your attacks on SK along with VV. Shame on PT gov, about others in fortuna I really dont know anything. So FU, look at fortuna as VV3 not as neutral alliance.

@legolas: when VV attacks Portugal, battlefields will be empty. Don´t worry. Portugal will not contribute to VV´s game 

there are no fortuna near us

https://www.erevollution.com/es/article/25057, if someone understand Spanish, u can see the point of view of Chile here ^^