Objavljeno u Denmark - Političke debate i analize - 13 Apr 2017 15:52 - 12
Hello Dear Brothers in Arms, / Merhaba Kumangaardaşlarım,
Today the Map is like that. / Bugün harita gördüğünüz haliyle duruyor.

As you can easly see, Denmark now free from all opressors. We have our cores back.
Even the battle is not over, we have fought hard against all agression and we won our home back.
We want to thank all of our friends and give a short story of our fights.
1- It all starts with comrade Desperado and his armies strong resistance in Sjaelland
2- With our allies fair support and great leadership from Commander Kinsc we won another war in Hovedstaden
3- In Midtjyland, we had Agamennon and they simply don't :) Thanks Comrade Agamennon
4- After a close war we just lost, Kesut Momiser had some rage and simply he won a battle for us.
5- And last but not least we won with a last minute operation which lead by Umitsengul.

Thank you for all allies and comrades which fight for us. And don't worry VV we will be triumph because we fight for motherland. When time comes and you will start for your motherlands you will win too.
Today the Map is like that. / Bugün harita gördüğünüz haliyle duruyor.

As you can easly see, Denmark now free from all opressors. We have our cores back.
Even the battle is not over, we have fought hard against all agression and we won our home back.
We want to thank all of our friends and give a short story of our fights.
1- It all starts with comrade Desperado and his armies strong resistance in Sjaelland

2- With our allies fair support and great leadership from Commander Kinsc we won another war in Hovedstaden

3- In Midtjyland, we had Agamennon and they simply don't :) Thanks Comrade Agamennon

4- After a close war we just lost, Kesut Momiser had some rage and simply he won a battle for us.

5- And last but not least we won with a last minute operation which lead by Umitsengul.

Thank you for all allies and comrades which fight for us. And don't worry VV we will be triumph because we fight for motherland. When time comes and you will start for your motherlands you will win too.
Darken RahlkanaschicagolupanpaHadrielGridKocaelispor41TyraelSultan Haydar BasKomentari (12)


Free Denmark Free World #AntiVV


Free Denmark o/



