Objavljeno u Iran - Političke debate i analize - 08 May 2017 13:35 - 57

link of Online Poll : http://www.strawpoll.me/12924638
If you are agree with new mpp changes also you think we should keep 2 rw with or without cooldown right in comment , i will add that to final result.
ImparaThaftvudAce EconomistArtaArtaArtaJanGoArtaTony SopranoAmirGrizzly021MrBl3ndlionelejilionelejilionelejilionelejiSandzakBusterBulletz4BreakfastLip GallagherrLip GallagherrUltramagiclmperiusNomerciNieltonCFPsorkhpostsorkhposthossein2001lord sajjadRebazartarezzizomr 4mi2KinyasastapourArtemisMea988layayolKomentari (57)


Personally i was unavaible to work with Delos regards o7

Nah , 2 RWs is great thing indeed. It should stay, it allows many countries to get back on map.
But I agree for MPPs.

If not removing it, at least put delay for 24h.

2 RW update is really good finally you cant wipe a country easily and force them to sign a nap best example is Ukraine 


cry wind voted admins remove update 


Do not agree

It will makes attacking small countries harder not easier , now if we want to attack Ukraine we have 5 MOP but they can have more than 20 MPPs ! , who said they will be wiped in situation ? , they will probably defense better but with strategy not 2 nonsense RW !


tonight with new rw rule fyrom lost 4 regions and its capability to attack Craotia all due respect this update works really fine if you want secure bonuses ask admins to add them to your countries it will be much easier to defend


if you dont want war time strategy you can remove DW option from us , maybe its the next stage ! ... I believe this update makes smaller countries defend themselves better with much more Allies on defense side and only 5 ally in attack side .

you can still wipe them you need more time and effort for that this is an article only for VV members no sane person who loves balance in game will be for it

its not easy to pass DSq5 with less than 3 time alliance more than 10 time for Ukraine for example maybe impossible so defensive countries have better option to defend , right now Iran can easily delete UK , Ireland and this small countries but 20 mpp on their side it will be hard to attack so much as other big countries ... This article is for the persons who love balance and Strategy , vote in poll no need to argue 

well you are talking about dead countries Germany also can wipe them with 20 players lol

you can do it now because they cant be ally with big countries but in new situation you cant 

I didnt say anything about mpp part in old version of game any country which was deleted had to renew mpps now they dont have to you cant have unlimited allies now the other thing I like about it but you are suggesting and mixing 2 completely different concepts about mpps I didnt say anything still 6 omp is enough to delete a small country if their allies dont care about them it is all a matter of organziation

Ruling with full bonuses should be hard thing because it means no change if it could easily get. Other alliances are not one alliance. we did t have choice but to struggle against mega alliance.

I wish admins consider these ideas to the next Update. Great ideas Bro. O7

2 revolution do not have a sense we want fair game

it is fair an a double edged sword which can work both ways against and for you it doesnt give any advantages to no side I dont understand why do you complain about 2 RWS rule??

ok after long discussion with dear Mohamad I got his point about mpps and I agree with his suggestion
but not about 2 rws rule

Good ideas bro! Maybe the MPPs should have a limit as well, but could be a larger amount than the MOPs. This would bring back more dynamically to the military module of the game. Since this 2 RW rule killed this module.

Great! These ideas are logically better than alliances and 2 RWs. I hope we ll have them in the next update.

v c

This ideas is great and good for small countrys.o7

Georgia managed to remain in 3x100 even after the update, props for their organization btw, it is possible to maintain 3x100, just harder and takes more focus from everyone involved


Perfect Idea. This change will make game enjoyable


Perfect Idea

0/ V

Oppressing several nations is not easy. The new rw rule simulates that.

This is so smart




Lol, VV cry again.

The comments are funny. VV countries that used to seat on 100x4 without any challenge, farming to death because game is unbalanced for almost 8 months now (ever since MDP became overpowered), are now complaining because the game imposes that keeping 100x4 bonuses must be a challenge. You guys win almost all campaigns anyway. Just shut up. This game is boring as hell and people left/are leaving. Since none has courage to try to make things balanced, at least accept the challenge of keeping your farms at 100%.

So u are saying that with hr idea we ll do better defences?

that is a shitty poll.
no option: back mpp rules but keep 2 RWs
with or without 24h delay

guys read the article ,dont just come here and say repetitive words because some other guys you dont like agree with this idea which surely written to improve this situation .

can we have a 3 4 countries alliance right now with neutral position ? no ! countries have to remain in strong alliance couse they have no protection and mpp if they want to quit , with this changes there will be much more regional alliances which could relation(mpp) with each other not just few big one with force like now .

Dont complain about balance here, games like this will never find balance like 50% to 50% its Utopia, there always will be countries that will join a bit stronger side and make it even stronger that will lead to Dominance, thats how it works, admins cannot change that. So about RW s, Personally I like them, but delay must be added, starting RW s without any delay time is just alogical.

This solution help weak countries to protect themselves and it s more efficient than every day RWs. In addition all countries try to talk with others to make MPPs so the politics will highlight in this game. It is like Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

why am i so lazy to read it?

Voted o7

v o7

The update of the RW is good, I think I should follow. I also believe that alliances are a good upgrade, but some modifications should be added to favor small countries. Perhaps the alliances should not be limited by number of countries, but by number of regions that have the countries. For example, an alliance can have a limit of 80 or 100 regions. Exceeded that number no country of the alliance can conquer more regions. On the other hand, limiting the number of countries that can participate in an attack considered that it would detract from activity to citizens of small countries. For alliances will prefer the participation of strong countries in their attacks, so small countries would just watch as others have fun.

the reality is mpps make strong country stronger, all vv countries go together and who give a sh*t about small countries? don t make hypocritical suggestion again please