Objavljeno u Georgia - Finansije i biznis - 31 May 2017 08:14 - 11
Hello e-world,
I see many articles talking about the new updates, asking to support a ''riot'' against the latest actions of admins.
I'm not publishing this article to support those articles, but to present another point of view.
Most of us have played in other games alike eRevollution and have seen admins being really greedy, making our beloved games to ''pay to win'' games.
I'm not saying eRevollution can't turn into a ''pay to win'' game, all games start being free to players and in the future they start adding packs, asking for money in order to maintain your power, add more features worth extremely big amounts of gold in order to get them etc., but let's face it.
It's a serious game, having developers getting paid for their job in order to have a stable server, new graphic designers, keeping the game in a high quality and many other employees to keep improving it. We can't ask everything to be for free.
Until now not many things were to be bought with extreme amount of gold. We have several companies to build and the economy is still in a good form so you can have a small profit even if you start your financial steps now.
The only thing that was able to be bought only with real money was a low quality pack which didn't give much advantage to the players who invest their money to this game.
If you have a strategy to this game you can have most of the goods. I'm not the best fighter, I'm not even a decent player in strength comparing to others but I spent time building some companies step by step in order to have some decent income and here I am today being able to buy that Gold Pack, build my Q5 Boot camp and still invest in some other things due to discounts on 7th June and I haven't invested a single penny to this game.
All I'm saying is that eRevollution owners are not being extremely greedy, they just need to have a decent income in order to maintain and improve this game. We are still able to have fun and enjoy the new upgrades without spending much or even any money at all. In any case we are all aware that they add discounts every now and then, so why don't you keep some gold, make some companies, make some profit, keep that gold, invest it again and so on. Last discounts were like 2 months ago? We are not lacking discounts, we are lacking people being patient to grow step by step.
If you are a free player having your own income is the most important thing, don't try to compete with the biggest fighters or the people who buy gold.
Get financially independent and I'm sure you will be able to enjoy every single thing admins will add in the near future.
I'm not a staff member nor a friend of admins, I'm just a free player having fun playing this game and being satisfied of admins' actions.
Peace o7
I see many articles talking about the new updates, asking to support a ''riot'' against the latest actions of admins.
I'm not publishing this article to support those articles, but to present another point of view.
Most of us have played in other games alike eRevollution and have seen admins being really greedy, making our beloved games to ''pay to win'' games.
I'm not saying eRevollution can't turn into a ''pay to win'' game, all games start being free to players and in the future they start adding packs, asking for money in order to maintain your power, add more features worth extremely big amounts of gold in order to get them etc., but let's face it.
It's a serious game, having developers getting paid for their job in order to have a stable server, new graphic designers, keeping the game in a high quality and many other employees to keep improving it. We can't ask everything to be for free.
Until now not many things were to be bought with extreme amount of gold. We have several companies to build and the economy is still in a good form so you can have a small profit even if you start your financial steps now.
The only thing that was able to be bought only with real money was a low quality pack which didn't give much advantage to the players who invest their money to this game.
If you have a strategy to this game you can have most of the goods. I'm not the best fighter, I'm not even a decent player in strength comparing to others but I spent time building some companies step by step in order to have some decent income and here I am today being able to buy that Gold Pack, build my Q5 Boot camp and still invest in some other things due to discounts on 7th June and I haven't invested a single penny to this game.
All I'm saying is that eRevollution owners are not being extremely greedy, they just need to have a decent income in order to maintain and improve this game. We are still able to have fun and enjoy the new upgrades without spending much or even any money at all. In any case we are all aware that they add discounts every now and then, so why don't you keep some gold, make some companies, make some profit, keep that gold, invest it again and so on. Last discounts were like 2 months ago? We are not lacking discounts, we are lacking people being patient to grow step by step.
If you are a free player having your own income is the most important thing, don't try to compete with the biggest fighters or the people who buy gold.
Get financially independent and I'm sure you will be able to enjoy every single thing admins will add in the near future.
I'm not a staff member nor a friend of admins, I'm just a free player having fun playing this game and being satisfied of admins' actions.
Peace o7
Darken RahlKinyasKomentari (11)


nice POV

t es cuck issou


Radical, well obviously you no fighter

I totaly agree with you +1

Mengrelian I doubt you dealt more damage than I did the last 3 weeks dude, prove me wrong. I wasn t fighting for a long time in order to build economy but now I m able to tank like hell. Are you?

i agree too

you suck bro as a fighter

11 mill sea legend with over 3500 intel huh?? prolly it doesnt profit for you
almost not ta and tr
you are funny

At least I have my gold now and im able to buy hundreads of bars to fight and still have gold left.
What are you guys doing so far? Crying on every update that you haven
t got 200g to invest and ask everything to be free? Nice gameplay, 0 strategy, all in, then cry you are broke and you cant invest euros.