Countryball Report

eVokasi - Novine iz Serbia -

Objavljeno u Germany - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 08 Jun 2017 05:06 - 21


G 4 M p3trOs V E RTopSecretCrunchPANZER stronKmuleVOLKOFFF

Komentari (21)

o.O ?
Owe, not -own-? Are you sure?
kaput ^^
i bet they do owe europe, he is right Laugh
This is Countryball. For an example give me is GIB. You is YUO, when China is speaking, every L is R... Mistakes must be included.
Will loose the 3rd too.
Deutschland uber alles!
Über alles in der Welt!
ahahahaha stupid vokasi dont know grammar xD
It is not grammar. Thats two different types of words
no shit xD you must be georgian or hungarian Laugh
Nope, I am Romanian
xD fyromanian he means
Petranka02 XD
grammar kaput
germanska varvarska plemena su debili zeljni osvajanja i nauku su dali samo kad je u pitanju ratna masinerija.. a za umjetnost su dali samo ono sto je sluzilo za germansku propagandu...
v c
you mean Germany Caliphate revokasi?