Objavljeno u Georgia - Ratne analize - 23 Jun 2017 04:37 - 63
Hello readers,
first of all I would like to remind you that I am not a politician so I have no deep knowlegde on NAPs, alliances and not any personal interest in all these I am gonna talk about later, I am just expressing my own opinion. Furthermore I am not real life Georgian, I am just a Greek guy who has fun here in Georgia combining great friends I made here so far and 4x100 bonuses, so I have no personal interest in defending Georgia's name like patriotism or anything else you could blame me.
Until yesterday the world was the same, Fortuna+Delos+Serbia (From FU alliance) were cooperating against Vae Victi(m)s members and I am saying Victims cause now we are the victims of the new world order.
They were trying to disband VV alliance or wipe some members out because as they stated VV is an overpower alliance which kills the game, permanently deleting countries and manipulating others so the country-members of VV remain dominant.
But, yesterday we saw another face of those so called Liberators, Bulgaria and USA left VV alliance after thanking their old great allies to seek new adventure based on their article
The truth is they left VV to join their so far enemies after having some hard times and already started blaming their old alliance in which they were still members like some hours ago. Not to forget USA made a NAP with Serbia and became allies just after losing in one single battle in Western Cape.

The problem is that they left VV to join the new companion Delos+Fortuna+Nemesis and I am asking you is their purpose real or are they just making a propaganda?
You were crying all this time that VV kills the game cause they cant be defeated by any alliance in 1v1 so you cooperated like 3 alliances against 1 to end this world dominance but is that your real purpose or are you just trying to bring a new world dominance to the game?
The big nations of those 3 alliances left their alliances and made a new one called Nemesis. What about the rest members of Delos and Fortuna?
Slovenia was sacrifising themselves so far for Croatia in order to defeat Georgia, the bad guy, but now they are not members of Nemesis, they are left behind in a very weak alliance.
Even if Nemesis will make NAPs with the old Delos and Fortuna members, after them achieving to win VV alliance there wont be any target left to fight against to. Then what? Who will they fight? Of course their old good friends...the weak allies they used to have and manipulated in the name of revolution. Promising indepedence to smaller and weaker countries in order to have their daily damage in their favor to win VV.
In conclusion, this new alliance is not a new thing, it is just the new VV you used to hate. They use the same tactics and will have the same result. Rule the world, forget their old good friends/allies and even wipe them out as well as VV.
So stop crying about VV dominance, accept your purposes and stop the propaganda, you are here to replace VV and nothing else. All these liberation purposes and revenge things are fake. You love power and money as much as VV members. You will use that damage and money from your members just like VV does, according to your article of course:
I just feel sorry for the rest of the countries relying on new Nemesis alliance for the future of their countries, my advise to them is rely on yourselves, use your power in your favor and recognise your true enemies. Your true enemies are these nations who left you for power and dominance and of course your friends are not USA and Bulgaria who feared to be defeated and joined Nemesis. They can easily turn their backs on you as easy as they did to VV. They are not loyal members and they will never be.
All I say is just make it clear to the countries out of nemesis who support you in this to be prepared for nemesis themselves as well, thats all. Besides that you have my blessings to wipe VV, every empire should and would fall anyway.
Peace o7
first of all I would like to remind you that I am not a politician so I have no deep knowlegde on NAPs, alliances and not any personal interest in all these I am gonna talk about later, I am just expressing my own opinion. Furthermore I am not real life Georgian, I am just a Greek guy who has fun here in Georgia combining great friends I made here so far and 4x100 bonuses, so I have no personal interest in defending Georgia's name like patriotism or anything else you could blame me.
Until yesterday the world was the same, Fortuna+Delos+Serbia (From FU alliance) were cooperating against Vae Victi(m)s members and I am saying Victims cause now we are the victims of the new world order.
They were trying to disband VV alliance or wipe some members out because as they stated VV is an overpower alliance which kills the game, permanently deleting countries and manipulating others so the country-members of VV remain dominant.
But, yesterday we saw another face of those so called Liberators, Bulgaria and USA left VV alliance after thanking their old great allies to seek new adventure based on their article

The truth is they left VV to join their so far enemies after having some hard times and already started blaming their old alliance in which they were still members like some hours ago. Not to forget USA made a NAP with Serbia and became allies just after losing in one single battle in Western Cape.

The problem is that they left VV to join the new companion Delos+Fortuna+Nemesis and I am asking you is their purpose real or are they just making a propaganda?
You were crying all this time that VV kills the game cause they cant be defeated by any alliance in 1v1 so you cooperated like 3 alliances against 1 to end this world dominance but is that your real purpose or are you just trying to bring a new world dominance to the game?
The big nations of those 3 alliances left their alliances and made a new one called Nemesis. What about the rest members of Delos and Fortuna?
Slovenia was sacrifising themselves so far for Croatia in order to defeat Georgia, the bad guy, but now they are not members of Nemesis, they are left behind in a very weak alliance.
Even if Nemesis will make NAPs with the old Delos and Fortuna members, after them achieving to win VV alliance there wont be any target left to fight against to. Then what? Who will they fight? Of course their old good friends...the weak allies they used to have and manipulated in the name of revolution. Promising indepedence to smaller and weaker countries in order to have their daily damage in their favor to win VV.
In conclusion, this new alliance is not a new thing, it is just the new VV you used to hate. They use the same tactics and will have the same result. Rule the world, forget their old good friends/allies and even wipe them out as well as VV.
So stop crying about VV dominance, accept your purposes and stop the propaganda, you are here to replace VV and nothing else. All these liberation purposes and revenge things are fake. You love power and money as much as VV members. You will use that damage and money from your members just like VV does, according to your article of course:

I just feel sorry for the rest of the countries relying on new Nemesis alliance for the future of their countries, my advise to them is rely on yourselves, use your power in your favor and recognise your true enemies. Your true enemies are these nations who left you for power and dominance and of course your friends are not USA and Bulgaria who feared to be defeated and joined Nemesis. They can easily turn their backs on you as easy as they did to VV. They are not loyal members and they will never be.
All I say is just make it clear to the countries out of nemesis who support you in this to be prepared for nemesis themselves as well, thats all. Besides that you have my blessings to wipe VV, every empire should and would fall anyway.
Peace o7
Grizzly021Grizzly021Grizzly021Grizzly021MisakichandreeKomentari (63)

when I was SC of Vae Victis we expelled Ukraine and you can see on this article how Bulgarian says about double game of Ukraine
so funny... https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/26018

Based on your account registration you ve been here for far too long to know that what you wrote here is a pile of bulls*it. VV is killing a game for more then 18 months now and you re writing about propaganda from The Free World and comparing it to New World Order? If you don t understand politics then don t write articles like this because this is the only propaganda here. Cheers!


Don t worry. This alliance was signed by Croatian CP who is Bulgarian. When the real Croat becomes CP, the alliance between Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria can t last long.

Nemeton I said that you are doing exactly what you are blaming VV for, what didnt you get? You blame VV for killing the game with their world dominance and you are just trying to replace VV and be dominant yourselves manipulating weaker countries (for example Slovenia) just like VV did according to your states. Where the bull@@#it? Grow up

Sir you have absolutely no idea of what you re talking about. Have a nice day.

I have a great idea of my statements, I am currently talking with your SC and he tells me the same thing, after VV goes down they might got against Delos+Fortuna+FU as well, its a game they say. 

voted ρε καρφι καταδοτη

Gurgia is scared, radical also, nice

I cri 

Peaky go sell your damage dude, I am talking to loyal patriots of nations only.

Its win-win for me, Gurgia will buy my damage, lets make Gurgia great again

OF course we will fight VV and only VV.

are you for real???????? complaining about propaganda while writing your own propaganda papers... did you even read your own article ??

Your Nemesis HQ has a different opinion btw, they say if they go dominant they could go against ex-allies and we can fight against them just like they do with VV now. 

just buy damage from OFC

@Radical, explain this part : Your true enemies are these nations who left you for power and dominance ! .. are you on about VV dominance and that VV is everyone real enemy ?

We just find the organization VV had nothing more....like VV used to say,now with 55%+ of the world dmg we will win cause of organization....so ur article is a bit fail.We will bully/wipe/nap them for 1 more year and then balance will come...After all WINTER IS COMING

And VOTE of course very interersting article o7

I love the smell of fear in the morning

So much hypocrisy in this pile of crap you call opinion omg
Even by this day plenty of the VV countries are still farming bonuses jajaja

well, it was interesting. GJ. in addition, Serbia has 100% bonuses, Serbia is liberator from nemeses, how can Serbia reach 100% without occupation of others territories?! that is the question and answer are that Nemesis will use all the small nations and then will fight against them or just leave them that is all.

All I say is just make it clear to the countries out of nemesis who support you in this to be prepared for nemesis themselves as well, thats all. Besides that u have my blessing to wipe VV, every empire should and would fall anyway.

Omiko Ejibia you are so right. Russia, Germany, Afganistan, Armenia, Finland, Estonia will agree with you. Wait.. No?

Damn, Only 2 conutries in alliance so far, no battles and Gurgia is affraid, what will happen when alliance is formed and start fighthing

So you are promising them fre at least until Georgia gets back to the game again? Cant believe that, they will just have new occupators, Nemesis countries who will take Georgia s regions and keep them the way they are now.

Peaky im talking about that dude, cant you get a single point? Its a matter of hours/days until Nemesis go full attack in their OP form. Grow up. Countries are already voting to join the alliance and more are to join.

hahahaha funny

Well, Gurgia dont give a f$$$ to allies, ( albanians were calling for help whole morning) so what you expect, ofc that countries will join that block who care for all, not only for bonuses

There is no, in this game, such a thing like good old friends and cant be. There is only temporary allies, you as experienced player should know it very good.

ktab, once Germany had 3x100 bonuses aswell, Why are we forgetting this? just because you are weakhead now, does not mean that you re innocent.
Btw I was tellin same thing in Nemesis Discord Channel yesterday, I hope there are no Illusions that Nemesis shall be different of VV, It s natural to want replace VV and take the lead, make gold as they said and stuff, I just hate the hypocrisy, seeing that texts about revenge and peace and balance, lol at least have ballz to admit and confess what s your true goal, then none will complain.

This is not expressing an opinion, this is just ,,I have emotional meltdown because i shit myself in fear, so i am writing my cry letter to the world,, type of shit in one part, and some propaganda pamphlet type of bullshit in other part.

Aveun Germany had 100% that sacrificed it to help allies back then. Lost everything to stand by allies. On the contrary I do not see the same willingness on behalf of VV countries, to support their allies that are under attack. As for Nemesis becoming VV.. If this is done you will know this, cause you will see me fighting the other side.

just wipe VV for a couple of months make em naps to stay on cores withnot even chance to get to closer easy bonus and then we will see what we will do
But first things first wiping comes first

VV will paid. Nothing more to say.

ktab, I won t start explaining how much VV countries are doing for Allies, If you think we were on the top so long, just because of damage then you re wrong, it s been a months since we have less world damage than anti-vv, but you never really managed to beat us, which means we are more than just a Military Coalition, but none can understand unless he becomes part of it

Do you really think that USA left VV because fear of being defeated by another country? Who do you think could wipe USA, with this stupid 2 RWs rule without cooldown? We can fight a lot yet. We left VV without hard feelings. Our people want new adventures and we think that Nemesis can bring fun for all eWorld. That s all!

winter is coming 

I like the part when you said: peace o7 

here come nostrodamos again, telling us what we will do and how we will run our alliance, give me a break ppl like you make me sick

I am not telling you anything new, your allies said the exact same words. I can provide printscreens from discord.
Delos+Fortuna are allies of Nemesis while wiping VV, after that they cant promise 

someone is shivering before winter arrives 

ok i must stop reading what you type, i cant handle stupidity very well, makes me wana break someting, and when it is stupidity on purpose just to trigger even more

Excellent solution: leave VV

Buen post, aunque asi es el juego, ahora te quejas pero antes cuando vv estaba bien y mantenian sus territorios nunca dijistes una palabra...

Troll article?? LOL

Guys chill out. This article is troll. Just read the part of *4x100 bonus*. Georgia doesn`t have that for sure.

*there wont bee any* omg get the f out of there! Its bad for your english. Tell me you dont believe a word you wrote, its just pure flamming and propaganda, otherwise its bad for your judgement also :/

Σε πειραξε το 1 παραπανω e κοπελια? Καλα αποτελεσματα στις πανελληνιες!

Wait max 2 months. 

Γεια σου ρε nlki πιπινι με τις πανελληνιες σου χαχαχαχα

I am not sure that you are right, but I strongly support your RIGHT to have own opinion and to publish it.

γεια σου και σενα μπαρμπα! o7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv8WEPPB21c

Any point?

Hail VV

Alliances can born and Alliances can divide and die. Enemy countries can become friends and friend countries become enemy. In this game there is no countries still in same kind of alliance with same kind of countries. As we saw it in the past with all alliances, EAGLE TRS Invictus Eclipse Wolf Unity FU Fortuna Delos VV

Μονο κοριτσακι λυκειου, με αποθημενα πανελληνιων θα μπορουσε να κραξει για το 1 παραπανω e που μου ξεφυγε σε ολο αυτο το σεντονι που εγραψα.
Τα περαστικα μου και του χρονου πιο διαβασμενη.

Σταμάτα τα κομπλιμέντα στην niki....την κακομαθαινεις κ εμείς θα έχουμε το πρόβλημα μετά

Δε συνηθιζω να κραζω, χιουμορακι για την κλισεδια των γεωργιανων αγγλικων ειναι, ασε που μου βγαλε το ματι η μελισσα... Ας βαλουμε ενα r στο τελος, καλοκαιρακι τη σηκωνει chill and cheeers

Οι γυναικες δεν πινουν μπιρες, κανα λικερακι και πολυ σας ειναι...Φαλλοκρατικος Συνδεσμος Γεωργιας !

Αυτο παραπαει! Ντουγου και νε! Θα σου δειξω εγω θα δεις τι θα παθεις! Και φερ τη μπυρα πισω! (Να πλυνω και το ποτηρι :/)

Fack bonuses, we played 1 year without even one bonus and never changed side, never hesitated about help. Its nice for game to change side, but its not right way from bulgaria and usa. They wanted it for a long time but they were scared because they would be deleted. Now when they saw that VV is not as stronger as past times betrayed us and joined in opposite side.
i doont mind if you dont understand my gemglish