Objavljeno u Brazil - Političke debate i analize - 26 Jun 2017 08:16 - 23

Caros cidadãos brasileiros, o Brasil vem anunciar que está deixando a aliança Vae Victis. Durante muito tempo nós lutamos juntos, vencemos e perdemos várias batalhas, tivemos alegrias e tristezas. Saímos e deixamos alguns amigos na aliança, gente que se comprometeu conosco e que honraram nossa amizade.
Pessoalmente, agradeço ao Kinyas e ao kris124 (quando a Bulgária ainda era da VV) que, apesar de algumas diferenças em alguns momentos, sempre se mostraram pessoas honestas conosco. Agradeço imensamente pelo tempo pado e desejo boa sorte a todos.
Os motivos não convém serem expostos aqui, no entanto, já foram discutidos, agradecemos a quem compreendeu o porquê da nossa saída, àqueles que não, apenas digo que sinto muito. Foi uma honra lutar ao lado de vocês.
Hail VV.

Dear citizens, Brazil is here to announce that we are leaving Vae Victis. For a long time we fought side by side, we won and lost many battles, we had joys and sorrows. We leave some friends in the alliance, people who commited with us and honored our friendship.
Personally, I would like to thank Kinyas and kris124 (when Bulgária was in VV) who, despite some differences sometimes, were always honest people with us. Thank you so much for the time together and we wish you all good luck.
It is not appropriate to expose the reasons here, but they were already discussed, we appreciate those who understood why we are leaving, for those who didn't, I just say sorry. It was an honor to fight with you.
Hail VV.


MrNiCkMrNiCkMrNiCkxcaneboxKomentari (23)

Thank you VV o7


Good luck brothers!!! o7


Good luck brothers o7

Rats leaving a sinking ship.

First article: goog lock bruders o69, Second article: umg traitur beaches. be ready xD


Everyone leave at hard times but stay at good times huh?

The first countries who left were brave to fight against world domination. Those who will stay until the end are brave too. But leaving now when defeat is coming is cowardice.

Things are getting interesting. Boa sorte Brasil



apenas digo q sinto mt akkajakakaka ai crl



Iron man?????

Jajajajaj, v

another traitor rat

brazil treba brisat bez obzira di su

Hail Brazil.good luck my friends o7