Objavljeno u Turkey - Ratne odredbe - 16 Jul 2017 11:04 - 16
Hallo, i want to suggest my idea. As we see game is becoming more and more boring, but its not about balance or economy, its about admins. That they are so lazies to improve anything here, but i still suggest them. We have to make 50 hits to complete Daily Order- Reward 1 ED. So its possible to give 2 ED for 100 hits, 3 ED for 150 and etc. I will be glad if this update wipl be introduced.
Sorry for my bad english :d
Sorry for my bad english :d
Captain HarlockGrizzly021G 4 M p3trOs V E Rrevenger81Komentari (16)

2 bars would be great for normal DO, 50 hits

The same of in medals.
50 hits- 1 ED
150 hits- 2 ED
300 hits- 3 ED
500 hits- 4 ED
Unlimited... Each ED gained you have to give more 50 hits, the same of the medals

WE SURELY NEED new kit factory as weapons are too many in this game

yes add 1 more LK factory

jesus fuck thats too hot!

Make big wars guys :v

Nice :-) Keep them coming (new ideas) This game needs IMPROVEMENTS badly. Sub+Vote+Support

its a good idea..i agree vote


+ კარგი იდეაა

Great, lets make the adms see the problems!

yes true

another idea, to ban all fake admins and leave only true ones with objective attitude to all game issues and let us gamers enjoy the game!

Yes nice rich geting stronger.. and new poor players get nothing from yours idea..no vote!