Objavljeno u Iran - Političke debate i analize - 25 Aug 2017 15:16 - 120

After weeks and maybe months of negotiations, finally we are here to announce the birth of a new alliance , named as Horizon . In the name of our alliance, I wish to present you the members of this alliance and its HQ.





The HQ of alliance consist of the fallowing players who are devoted to give all of their energy for the future of this alliance :
SC: Azzazel87

vSC: no0bsailbot

SoFa: Alp Urungu

vSoFa: Aguilareal

PR: Bulletz4Breakfast

MC team : hossein2001

No matter how far you have reached ,the horizon is still way beyond you.

no0bsailbotSterner EKOLabGrizzly021Grizzly021YasharYasharYasharYasharYasharlionelejilionelejilionelejilionelejilionelejilionelejilionelejiSilent ScreamGrey WindSilent ScreamSilent ScreamEsdeathEsdeathEsdeathSilent ScreamMondrimMondrimMondrimUnknown3Erfan094Erfan094Erfan094jukaJANAHhossein2001AvicennaRebazartarezzizosorkhpostFANTEUltramagicNima1260Ace EconomistBusterCaptain HarlockRulers of Steppes 007Rulers of Steppes 007Rulers of Steppes 007sheniciSiPaHiTankiALI13haftvudxfoxxfoxOksoko TiginOksoko TiginOksoko TiginOksoko TiginOksoko TiginOksoko TiginOksoko TiginOksoko TiginMattleansblueKARTAGENI UNDA DAINGRESNicKs GEonnecromancernecromancernecromancerDiakoDiakoKomentari (120)

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

ενα δακρυ κυλησε

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

where is Albania

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Horizon o7

so iranians are not animals like french used to call them xD

You should not speak like that for your comrades. And what the heck swear is that ΄fallowing΄?

how long france will remain in that 

kodluyorum. enektarları goltuğun altında

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

so frenchs are not coward and paris not capital of iran anymore xD


Vos sœurs à l horizon

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Bravo Agui ! :-D

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

I have a question: If Kinyas came back, would you suckers just hand over the control to him, or make him claw his way up to the top again?

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

What about Latvia, Peru, Albania and Macedonia?

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Je bois les larmes de nemesis


Let s make a new Horizon o7

So Horizon just started, and people already asking for a NEW Horizon

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let’s make a new Horizon o7

Let ss make a new Horizon ô7


Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let`s make a new Horizon o7

Let’s make a new Horizon o7


hahahaha same story will be happen. France will leave and others, especially Turkey will cry again. It happened 2 or 3 times before. Good Luck Horizon o7

C est nul.

Let’s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

issou. GL azza boi, i knew u r good guy :c

Let’s make a new Horizon o7

I dont see any polish in the HQ ..

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

vv is dead ! This is a victory !

Let s make a new Horizon o7

You are going to finsh like Deepwater Horizon 

Let s make a new Horizon o7


old friends back again 

The funny thing is that noone spoke for vv dissolution... no vv member / hq member, and no official article.


Hayırlı olsun

Lets eat kebab!

Let s make a new Horizon o7

omg, this HQ, so hilarious xD

Thx @petros 

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

EDC o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Come in Greece to buy food-raws. With 1 gold you take away 6667 raws!

Dow fyrom

Bulgaria:aaam can i join horizon?

@ZVEAR come on!

Let s make a new Horizon o7

so iranians are not animals like french used to call them xD +1

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7


Poor Turkey xD

Sub 200!
Gimme some candies!!!

MDP 3.0

@thomas green Success: You have successfully donated.

Where is Albania? 

Where is Fyrom? 


Lets leave erased countries in vv and call that new horizon . Nice move

Mdr la france à quelle moment vous nous annoncez que c est un prank?

Je savoure les larmes de Némésis !

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let s make a new Horizon o7

Let snake alone

Let s make a new neutrality ! o7