Woodsies Wilderness News

Objavljeno u United States of America - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 03 Sep 2017 20:56 - 2

  OK guys and gals,
  I have finally broken down and started a newspaper. I really don`t have much pertinent game related news to share except that i have put my hat in the ring for Country President of  USA. I may not be the best guy for the job, but i do seem to have the time and will do the best job i know how. We have had several CP`s make grandiose claims only to get voted in and then get bored with the job and just plain fizzle out in a hurry. Or, be so uncommunicative that we have NO IDEA whats going on.
 I shall try hard NOT to let that happen on my watch. Now ,i know we don`t have a lot of players and that makes it hard to try and mount any sort of an offence, but we DO have lots of friends from around the world who would help us i think if we did come up with some small plan of WORLD Domination.   :-)
  I am no computer genius so don`t expect a lot of cool pictures or cartoons. Mostly just be plain old text coming from my desk.

As i say i`m not good at this, but here`s a little project i am working on here in Pennsylvania,USA :




Komentari (2)

Good luck. o7