Woodsies Wilderness News

Objavljeno u United States of America - Političke debate i analize - 09 Sep 2017 21:46 - 1

Hi all,

  I have been elected President of USA this term. I really am not the greatest candidate for the job , but i am going to do my best to see we all have a little fun. I can`t say i have any grandiose ideas for government reform. I just want to make sure we don`t LOOSE any ground if possible.
 So far the guys and gals in NEMESIS have been great friends and allies. USA citizens have been diligently fighting for Allied causes for quite some time now. For as few of us as there is i think we have been doing pretty good in that respect.
   However, i think it`s time we do a little housecleaning of our own. A couple of oppurtunities have come up in recent days and we are going to try and take advantage of them. Canada offered up a trade of a fruit region for Sand from us. I am hopeful that we can take this trade at face value and there are no hidden agendas involved. This will give us 100% food bonus and i believe gives Canada 100% house.  So it is a win win for us both.
 Ok, secondly i made a deal with Switzerland to rent them an oil region Machussetes. In return they will be supplying us with some RW action by taking Newhampshire. This is where we will be doing the RW misiions. Several of our citizens need mission # 14 Something i`d like to offer is a 15g  rebate for all those who need and fulfill mission #14..  Just send me a SS  of your mission, and when you start RW   SS the message up top of screen showing you started it.  ( i must apologize, i tried to start an RW in Newhampshire myself and somehow ended up starting it in Machusettes)
      I am no computer expert, so i will not be showing any scantliy clad women, or fancy fooforah here,  only just plain text  saying what i am thinking.

 I am really sad to see we cannot geta single communication device that we can all use. When i first started eREV, we all used Discord and it was great fun. We had many discord channels open and they were always somebody around to talk to and discuss pertinent USA type stuff. Now i can`t even BRIBE you guys to come in there. I really don`t know what to do about this as communication is the key to success in any of these type games.
 I am sure there are some of you who have valuable ideas and knowhow to make USA better. I could use all your help in making some of these decisions that come up. For now, if nobody comes along to discuss things you`ll just have to accept whatever i decide i guess.

 I can`t think of much more to say right ow.  Ohh,   1 day after Canada offered up Fruit,  Mexico calls and offered the same thing.  LOL  When it rains it pours huh? I think the Mexican diplomats feelings were hurt but i didn`t know what to say except a deal had already been struck. I offered to try and work something else out, but haven`t heard back from him.

  Anyways, we have some great players here in USA   and i am proud to have been elected President.  I would love to see more of you come to our Discord channel @      https://discord.gg/ZDekufc    so we can yuck it up a bit  and make plans for our future.



DroogieWaffleWaffleWaffleWaffleTricky DickFallenAngel

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