Objavljeno u Iran - Političke debate i analize - 19 Nov 2017 16:24 - 92

After Weeks of Negotiation , We Officially start a new era in history of alliances ,named as " The New Order " . Our alliance consist of two major alliances combined with one simple goal Overcome our nemesis with unity , the two respectful alliances are named as : ONE ( Order of New Eworld ) & TWO (The World is Ours ) .
The Founding members of alliance are as bellow:















the Respected countries mentioned above have decided together about the arrangements of the alliances that you can see in ONE and TWO .
The alliance Consist of three main bodies Masters of Order (HQ+ Cps ) , Mc Team and representatives of countries Any citizen of eworld is welcomed to our discord channel you can find it here : Discord
Now let's get to the Important part of Alliance HQ :
Sc: no0bsailbot

DSc: AtropatesS

Mc :Georgian Legend

Mc team : Qurcika

Sofa : Bulletz4Breakfast

DSofa: Eldard

PR : 77GIGI77

Adviser : Albrevolution

Further more you can read Alliance Charter here and get to know more about our goal and rules .
At the end I have to say “In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.”
Joker Evilno0bsailbotno0bsailbotno0bsailbotno0bsailbotDu LingfeiNaderImm0rtalNaderImm0rtalLackoaNemethNaderImm0rtal2ping2ping2ping2pingxRONxAtropatesSTs1loTs1loTs1loTs1loTs1loTs1loTs1loTs1loTs1losorkhpostEvil Skulllord sajjadUltramagiccyrousAce EconomisteCarterDiakoMorteza EforgottenEReJSReturn of KiNGUberfaszaMandoEldarion SionnodelAmiramirgolden12amirgolden12amirgolden12amirgolden12amirgolden12lionelejilionelejilionelejilionelejiSiPaHiPeakyCoGaIranQurcikaHosein DevilKomentari (92)

Hail The New Order o7

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA let me endorse,this is epic xd

Hail The New Order o7

Hail The New Order

Soran olursa Bütün ONE karşıdaydı dersiniz


u want to play alone?
lool good luck for play farm 



hahaha nice, very nice...

No comic sans?

And Cortez has arrive to the aztec land

@ancestral ;_; forgot

few days ago you ware saying something new will be made?? new alliance, new challenge??? whats new here/??

no comic sans = no vote. As for what is new... Absolutelly nothing, like always from this side. Some future insight: france will white fla.. I mean, leave; BR will leave if other side is better suitable for them to hold bonus; everyone will have to prioritize Iran-Turkey because that`s just the way it is. 

xd comic sans it is . France is not just a country nor brazil nor any others
we have established friendship beyond these politics of game . heavenhell -_- don t be happy you are my nemesis .

hahahahahaah friendsh haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yes


No Asteria, no vote

ajajjajajajhahhaha nothing new, what a bunch of retards, same shit as before, gg

Hail The New Order o7

This is lol hole world against 5 countrys lol...you are funny stupid aliance new vv with no balance in game... gg for destroying game gg hungary venezuela france...you change sides every 50 days lok

Hail The New Order o7


Ağla xd

Hail The New Order o7

The world against cro and srbija, bad idea


Hail the New Order o7

Hail the New Order o7

I would stand against this alliance if I havent seen what these whinners did when they had a chance. You guys built 3 alliances against 7 8 countries and you quite enjoyed it. Stfu and enjoy now.

Hail The New Order o7
p.s. you guys have atlas too so its kinda even 16 countries vs 15 countries
good luck in the upcoming campaigns

ye serbia ro ham miavordi dg kasi vas jang namone

Hail The New Order o7

unbalanced and unfair

HAIL Circle Of Trust o7

Damladı yine tipini sevdiğim Kinyas 😗

Que mas coño...

Where were balance when 7 country dow to Turkey??


Shame on you Jota


*I would stand against this alliance if I havent seen what these whinners did when they had a chance.* This is the joke of the century, bro. 

it was good and ballanced when u guys were 20 countries (2 alliances) +ACE versus only horizon 9 country?
stop crying about this ballance all the time and play the game as we do



Hail The New Order! o7

pathetic really, nothing more to comment here

When this stupid guy is trying to be smart, 20 v 20 countries, can you really compare Iran and Estonia or Turkey and USA, when god shared wisdom at the beggining, he missed you....

Best for us who are not in this lol aliance just play 2 clicks save stock maybe one day game will be alive again... dont spend your weps and energy no point doing that take our countrys with no fight o7 ...2 click mode on..p.s. i miss my young padowan ultramagic 


After Weeks of Negotiation , wait, what, weeks?
, LOL what will Venezuelans and Hungarins say to that. They didnt have decency to leave alliance when talks started (BTW I asked them is it true that they are negotiate with cats and they said NO). On other hand that Venezuelan ( i forgot his name, i will call him noob) was trying to make Nemesis fault why they leave alliance, smth like Kinyas puppies Kumans are left behind, I must tell him here that Venezuelans fight against that same Denmark (for Estonia) and Germans didnt, and yet Kumans have problem with Germans, ( ok I dont care , except for couple of danish players, regarding rest I didnt even know that they existed since they didnt spent anything to keep danmark on map, oh sorry, I forgot, they were crying on all chats for help, and ofc that bad Germans help even took CS and rest were fighting withous CS), ok Leave those Germans ( dont ever trust Germans said KInyas and ... wait, kumans are using same mantra, ok), Regarding Hungary, well, they dont even desrve to use word for them, but let me spend couple of words on them.they play pussy game from begining of a game. They are anti VV as they say, but on other hand they always have NAP with some VV country, mostly with all VV countries.About rest countries i dont have anything to add, what I didnt told so far. Enjoy you playing, i will surely do, for me playing on weaker side is always good. cya, ohhhhhh damn i forgot to say hello to my lovely Gurgians, you know that Germans will not forget you ever, you are to close to our hearts as your bonuses
. Congratulations on new alliance, lets start. BTW i am calling players to take part in helping me to filfull my profile de ion, so far only Deadly and mushka helped me.

fyrom polizes mi κουρατς.

some players crying out load
playing with 25 countries against 10 for 6 months , now they are 16 and crying ... as they run out of blames (because they did all of them in Nemesis ) , they start writing fiction novel , look like some dead/left players/alliances are in lead role

lol good luck finding opponent i wont bother even fighting back

Atlas+Ace+Nemesis has 20 countries. You were 25 countries for months and we didn t cried. We came and removed your master serbia. You tried to remove Horizon countries with 3 alliances, balance wasn t important for you then, so why u cry now?
@BornaX now do you compare albania and croatia or Peru and serbia lol
@DrethGar you already quit from game as you said before but when your master were in danger you came back. We can attack serbia again and you all will be here as usual, so don t worry for us 

I am groot

This is bullshit. I am no friend with Hungary

Peaky you always cry but fortunatelly this game always give you a big massive... you know what.
All is easy players like you Peaky or croatians never made and never will make any good alliance. Easy things you know why? Because all of your ego you always thinking on yourself never play in team. And now just come and insult and harassing others. Extremly poor lifes. You will get what you deserve and got many times. Wipe. Thats your main duty here.

Dear peaky, I had no intention to comment on this art but all your gibberish obliges me to do so. Anybody can say all they want about the reasons each country had to leave nemesis, in particular Vene, and if they were worthy or not but you reach another level of buthurtness while trying to imply this had been orchestrated for a long time. Vene left nemesis about 7 days ago, 3 days before that we were invited for the first time to talk about a new project for the game with several countries, including some from our own alliance. That same day we notified the HQ and the guys I cared most for there about the ongoing talks. 3 days later after this invitation Vene people decided to go with this new project (which turned out to be something different than what was originally promised but whatever, the people decide). At that point I informed the HQ again about Vene making that decision again before anyone else had notified anything about all of this. At that point I left my MOD position in my country and both nemesis server and the one that had been created for the new project in discord. I have to say I have the utmost respect for countries like Germany, Croatia and Serbia and learned a lot working with smart guys there that were playing for the team and not their personal egos or issues. Guys that I won t say their names to not compromise them as we are on the other side now. You on the other hand can only be seen as a clown, giving nemesis en Germany a bad name because of your inept actions, creating issues internally because of impulse, having the rest of the people that play with you have to come and clean up your mess. And for that only reason I finally find a reason to be really really happy Vene decided to leave. To see your rants is worth it, to see you type so many characters but understand very little of what you say. To say Brazil was a traitor who never ht for Serbia but I guess you went back and checked the data and now have walked back on that. Keep it up!

Remember when Nemesis choose to make his alliance frist without France.. (because we need someone to coordinate Delos blablablabla...
Enjoy now...

good luck farming 

Same shit again and again and again till the end of the game

Oh, here it is, that guy from Vene, lying again, since I had info about ongoing talks, 20 days before you said it, they even approached Croatia, and yeah cleaning my mess, ofc I am impulsive, you are in or not, there isnt 3place to be. Regarding that napgary guy, telling me that I am not team player, really? , I must back to that Vene guy again. I had really good talk with brazilian, so dont worry. Now I am talking about Vene traitors, dont try to make your decision rightfull, you vere scared that Vene was next, so instead of having fun playing this game, you got scared of cats ( persian ones) and you have gone to rathole, so... You are happy, I am also happy because rats are finally on enemy side. BTW you broke your word given on your farewell post in alliance, word given to Croatia.So no matter you write, your word has no value, you can try to make things right by lying, maybe others dont care, but I do, so I will be here watching your moves and answer to all of your lies.


Seeing this stupid OP alliance...Im happy i choose to go 2click not caring of this game anymore since months
have fun fighting nobody 

Dont be fools, just dont fight them, simple as that, stop fight and give them farmville to play. Prestanite izigravate budale i da se borite protiv njih, jednostavno prestanite sa ratovima i neka uzivaju u pobedi. Videcete dopizdice i njima. Pamet u glavu a ne glavu kroz zid kao do sada...

Reminds me that after Ian Curtis suicide rest of Joy Division formed New Order, ofcourse they never reached myth of previous band. New dawn fades...
A change of speed, a change of style
A change of scene, with no regrets
A chance to watch, admire the distance
Still occupied, though you forget
Different colours, different shades
Over each mistakes were made
I took the blame
Directionless so plain to see
A loaded gun won t set you free
So you say https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsT_PvMR4j4

Just revenge against the Nemesis dictatorship and all their puppets

Souflor: dont get cocky... France will reveal its true flag colors again and again: plain boring infinite white 

I don’t see attention like you dear peaky, remember you are the one that gets pumped up with fan base and shit like that, but feel free to stalk me all you want
. On the not caring account well imagine now how much can an uninformes loners opition matter to me or to the next guy for that matter. Btw kuddos to Brazil to making you eat your words and making them your daddy now. To me its more fun to see you chasing your tale so I would rather let you loose xD

che khabare baba :|
be andaze kafi ghavi nabudim berezil va majarestan ro ham ovordin!!

Hail The New Order o7

It s strange you guys weren t crying when Horizon was alone against 4 alliances, but now you are here crying for balance ? What the f*ck is wrong with you ?

Yes but horizon had 4 of top 5 countrys in erev in aliance so stop talking bullshit that its same omg..and injoy in farmville...

A lot of tears, i m drowning

@souflor no one is crying good luck farming till death there wont be anyone this time to save the game good luck
@HeavenHell who are you?? 

@Galaico wtf, you did nt leave the game ?

@heavenhell it s kaveh xd

oh wait, there is list of all erev countries...no, wait, Cro, Serb,Germany missing...recruit us....WE WANT TO BE ON THE WINNING SIDE : ((((