Objavljeno u Venezuela - Političke debate i analize - 21 Nov 2017 17:01 - 16
I have taken the time to write today because I have grown a bit tired or reading so many unfair coments. I am aware that 1 or 3 players do not represent a whole country but sometimes they can create a mainstream opinion or even get to turn a lie into something believed to be true.
I want to briefly recount the history of Venezuela from the time I started to lead it along with my team.We received an attack from Paraguay which ended up deleting us from the map. I was not able to grasp the "hate" in many of paraguayans at the beginning but after a around a month I was able to learn that the hate and the attack were directed to the peruvian community (at that time we were all together Peru, Bolivia and Venezuela under one country) and they thought we were a peruvian colony.
After the Federacion Andina (FA) broke down our country was left up in the air. Past administration never had any control over the whole FA project and were only focused on "having fun". That demeanor made them support the FA without noticing the many foundation errors it suffered which eventually ended up causing its own demise even though all the blame ended up delivered to us. The outcome of this impulsive adventure was to end up alone after all the dust was settled.
From that point on we had to work from scratch. To our knowledge our only friends left were Canada and South Korea who were very polite towards us but could do nothing for us at that time> We never made any bad comments as we understood their situation compared to ours. We tried to fight to the end but we were a country without a comp, allies or stock and against a country which had all of that combined with a lot of courage.
After weeks of intensive battles a player from Hungary (Nighcher) invited us to a new alliance. A group of venezuelans that had shipped towards Hungary during the FA failure had been supporting them and was the spark that had prompted this approach. That was we were able to become a part of Delos even though some were not totally convinced and we were seen as the odd country in the group.The alliance best solution to end our war with Paraguay was to have us sign a NAP with them were we could not fight back and had to leave them many of our territories. We were not thrilled but we followed through because it was the best option for the alliance and our country as well.
For a while we fought for allies and went from the new kids around to war ready soldiers. Around that time was when our Cacique UM was born and grew strong, never the best or stronger but with a lot of heart and we were proud of it. We received many good reviews and were finally considered brothers. Everything was rolling until battle losses started to pile up one after the other within the alliance. What I was able to take from that was that the reason for this was that VV and VVA were willing to fight together and sacrifice whereas Delos and Fortuna not too much. Evidence of this was that when one alliance went into war the other was already signing a NAP.
Without much warning several countries left Delos and it was rumored that were ready to create a new alliance in Nemesis. We were back to a familiar scenario in Delos not knowing whether stay and follow the remaining allies Argentina and France (which ended up going to VV) or go with another group of old allies and follow them to this new alliance where countries like Bosnia and Croatia would be part of along with Brazil with whom we had been working on getting to know each other. It took us several days and polls to come up with a decision during which time I contacted Kriss from Bulgaria to gather more information as we were left totally in the dark after most of the countries departure.
He turned out to be our bulgarian Nighcher as he was very excited (maybe the only one in Nemesis) on having us be part of the Nemesis team and after several weeks was able to convince the rest to let us join them. This was a new challenge for us and we only asked for 1 thing which was to not for certain countries like France and Argentina whim we left behind in Delos at the time. From day 1 until the last we fought as best we could. We made mistakes just as any other country would but we were never traitors.
Time went by and I had a similar feeling as we had in Delos-Fortuna adding ACE to the picture as well. My community had started to become exhausted from fighting very hard in wars they had a hard time understanding and started to become hungry for wars and achievements of their own. That was the reason why about a week ago I agreed to talk with a few people from the opposite side. This time I did not want to be the last one to know about ongoing things as it happened in Delos.
I was presented with a project that encomped a worldwide reorganization where we would still be along 2 of our very good allies in Brazil and Hungary. I was very honest with my community and they decided that something different was required this time around. I do not control my community as puppets because I am not the one hitting alone as 50 different people in the battlefield at the same time.
With regards to Mexico I have limited information about the details but there was a conflict between both our countries at the beginning of the game. Since then our relationships have not been terrible but not the best either. That made me have my doubts during anytime we had to come close and work together.
Last month I was not part of the government but from what I was told USA had been under constant attack by our enemies at that time so it was decided to piggy back with ACE on a war Mexico was planning to have on Canada to try to shoot down 2 birds with one stone. Right after a hard fought first battle and a few more easy victories the whole thing had reached a diplomatic solution.
For months we had been constantly fighting before this and we realized there was no sense to keep depleting our stock in a war that had no more objectives for us. There was a meeting between Nemesis and Canada to find an end to the conflict informing all other parties involved afterwards. The fact that we closed the campaign because of a lack of objectives did not sit well with Mexico as they lost a lot of leverage to gain some bonus they were looking for in Canadian soil.
From that day on was when Mexico started calling us traitors and I ask myself are we in the same alliance? Is our relationship close enough for us to fight for their bonus as we have for are other allies? Brotherhood doesn't happen overnight they take a lot of time and effort. We can't mix games either and think that because we were allies in one we are bound to be here. I have never rejected them but while I have been honest I have also received several insults from their leaders. How can we be good friends under these circumstances? I even carried out a request by one of their most influential citizens to take Mexico's name to a The New Order meeting and right away they laughed at me and had to make a joke out of it to not end up as a fool.
To all the Nemesis countries I am not convinced 100% about the step we took as a country. I have my doubts but as always we will try to give the best in this new stage for us. I am sadden to hear that some of you perceive us as traitors and do not believe us when we say we have a lot of respect and appreciation for you still now. Maybe it is the frustration who speaks for you and I can understand that. But one thing I can say is that the time Venezuela fought for you we made it with our heart.
On these kinds of games there are always many changes. Everything is relative, the same way we can be friends we can be enemies, fight together or against. But if there is respect on each side we can all always have fun. Maybe down the road our paths may meet again.
We have changed sides but we are still the same. We treasure each moment we have walked with you and as you can see on my article we have good memory. I apologize if our decisions have caused problems but hope you can understand that this is a game and and the end of the day we all are in for the fun.
I read some comments from people saying we changed alliance every 50 days but the truth of the matter is that we have stayed in the same side since the game started call it Delos, Nemesis or another group of countries which encompes these two in different stages. Funny thing is that the people saying this are from countries that have switched sides many more times specially the most powerful ones.
If after reading this article you still think we are traitors it is what it is and we still think of you as brothers. We wish you good luck and many success!
I want to end by saying that I do not know what is waiting for us in The New Order but we will try to leave our flag as high as possible.


I want to briefly recount the history of Venezuela from the time I started to lead it along with my team.We received an attack from Paraguay which ended up deleting us from the map. I was not able to grasp the "hate" in many of paraguayans at the beginning but after a around a month I was able to learn that the hate and the attack were directed to the peruvian community (at that time we were all together Peru, Bolivia and Venezuela under one country) and they thought we were a peruvian colony.
After the Federacion Andina (FA) broke down our country was left up in the air. Past administration never had any control over the whole FA project and were only focused on "having fun". That demeanor made them support the FA without noticing the many foundation errors it suffered which eventually ended up causing its own demise even though all the blame ended up delivered to us. The outcome of this impulsive adventure was to end up alone after all the dust was settled.
From that point on we had to work from scratch. To our knowledge our only friends left were Canada and South Korea who were very polite towards us but could do nothing for us at that time> We never made any bad comments as we understood their situation compared to ours. We tried to fight to the end but we were a country without a comp, allies or stock and against a country which had all of that combined with a lot of courage.

For a while we fought for allies and went from the new kids around to war ready soldiers. Around that time was when our Cacique UM was born and grew strong, never the best or stronger but with a lot of heart and we were proud of it. We received many good reviews and were finally considered brothers. Everything was rolling until battle losses started to pile up one after the other within the alliance. What I was able to take from that was that the reason for this was that VV and VVA were willing to fight together and sacrifice whereas Delos and Fortuna not too much. Evidence of this was that when one alliance went into war the other was already signing a NAP.
Without much warning several countries left Delos and it was rumored that were ready to create a new alliance in Nemesis. We were back to a familiar scenario in Delos not knowing whether stay and follow the remaining allies Argentina and France (which ended up going to VV) or go with another group of old allies and follow them to this new alliance where countries like Bosnia and Croatia would be part of along with Brazil with whom we had been working on getting to know each other. It took us several days and polls to come up with a decision during which time I contacted Kriss from Bulgaria to gather more information as we were left totally in the dark after most of the countries departure.

Time went by and I had a similar feeling as we had in Delos-Fortuna adding ACE to the picture as well. My community had started to become exhausted from fighting very hard in wars they had a hard time understanding and started to become hungry for wars and achievements of their own. That was the reason why about a week ago I agreed to talk with a few people from the opposite side. This time I did not want to be the last one to know about ongoing things as it happened in Delos.
I was presented with a project that encomped a worldwide reorganization where we would still be along 2 of our very good allies in Brazil and Hungary. I was very honest with my community and they decided that something different was required this time around. I do not control my community as puppets because I am not the one hitting alone as 50 different people in the battlefield at the same time.
With regards to Mexico I have limited information about the details but there was a conflict between both our countries at the beginning of the game. Since then our relationships have not been terrible but not the best either. That made me have my doubts during anytime we had to come close and work together.
Last month I was not part of the government but from what I was told USA had been under constant attack by our enemies at that time so it was decided to piggy back with ACE on a war Mexico was planning to have on Canada to try to shoot down 2 birds with one stone. Right after a hard fought first battle and a few more easy victories the whole thing had reached a diplomatic solution.
For months we had been constantly fighting before this and we realized there was no sense to keep depleting our stock in a war that had no more objectives for us. There was a meeting between Nemesis and Canada to find an end to the conflict informing all other parties involved afterwards. The fact that we closed the campaign because of a lack of objectives did not sit well with Mexico as they lost a lot of leverage to gain some bonus they were looking for in Canadian soil.
From that day on was when Mexico started calling us traitors and I ask myself are we in the same alliance? Is our relationship close enough for us to fight for their bonus as we have for are other allies? Brotherhood doesn't happen overnight they take a lot of time and effort. We can't mix games either and think that because we were allies in one we are bound to be here. I have never rejected them but while I have been honest I have also received several insults from their leaders. How can we be good friends under these circumstances? I even carried out a request by one of their most influential citizens to take Mexico's name to a The New Order meeting and right away they laughed at me and had to make a joke out of it to not end up as a fool.

On these kinds of games there are always many changes. Everything is relative, the same way we can be friends we can be enemies, fight together or against. But if there is respect on each side we can all always have fun. Maybe down the road our paths may meet again.
We have changed sides but we are still the same. We treasure each moment we have walked with you and as you can see on my article we have good memory. I apologize if our decisions have caused problems but hope you can understand that this is a game and and the end of the day we all are in for the fun.
I read some comments from people saying we changed alliance every 50 days but the truth of the matter is that we have stayed in the same side since the game started call it Delos, Nemesis or another group of countries which encompes these two in different stages. Funny thing is that the people saying this are from countries that have switched sides many more times specially the most powerful ones.
If after reading this article you still think we are traitors it is what it is and we still think of you as brothers. We wish you good luck and many success!
I want to end by saying that I do not know what is waiting for us in The New Order but we will try to leave our flag as high as possible.

Cacique PariaguanislandwoodsieBulletz4BreakfastchicagolupanpaCacique YavireCacique ParamaiboamantyROno0bsailbotPew PewAlejoVzlaFightMasterAdmiral GeobodyAdmiral GeobodyLackoaNemethKomentari (16)

Que bello, que bonito, que bellooo. Viva nuestro dictador!

Righteously put man. Is but a game, sides get switched, and things move on.

a lot of informations that i did not know about , from what i see you and past govs have done graet things in vene , you gusy have to be proud of the work you have done my respect to you and your ppl o7

problem with vene was that you guys never once asked for anything
you were great allies helping a lot but never asked for an objective for vene.If you had asked i am sure ppl would rush to help you.Just ask criollo how much time i spent and he with me and some others to do the whole canada operation to help a country like usa that has little military power and small community.I would have done the same and more for vene but you guys never asked.So its a shame you saying you grow tired to fighting in wars not of your understanding and also to conclude you will keep on fighting in those kind of wars lol cause it will be the same two sides fighting just you went on the other side war wont change XD
anyway as criollo knows you leaving nemesis i took as personal defeat i dont really care about brazil and huns farmville fits them
o7 Venezuela

Totally agree with you DrethGar. And I don t think any of the 3 country can or are trying to blame Nemesis for the departure let alone you in particular. Wish there could have been many more guys around like you and then again more venezuelans involved in discord and the alliance. If anything it was me who failed to identify how guys really felt as I was personally enjoying the whole ride in the drivers seat and figured they were enjoying it as well. Turns out I found out too late. o7

Happy to be in same side with my brothers at the end.. Hail Venezuela o7


@Dreth When I speak of fatigue, I always mean the same orders. It is very different to be in discord coordinating or at least reading what is cooking .. to be waiting for an order or an explanation or reason for a plan ... In Vzla, very few enter discord, and fail to see all the work that is behind of 1 battle ... The same thing happens with alliance changes and other issues ... I can have my opinion, but in my community it has the same weight as the others because I dont fight alone.
We asked, once we were ignored *It was not a good time for us to attack, but not everyone understands that* and then we accepted a challenge to attack 5 countries but the admins did their magic of updates xD and we canceled everything. again, I can sell an idea but it is the community that decides whether to buy it or not
The objective of my article is that we can fight on opposite sides without reaching hatred.

Respect for the Traitors 07

De seguro hablaste con el más terco xD No pasa nada

hail vene o7
germony and other cry

I will not comment and tell truth about Vene or this guy will make another article, this one was quite funny, kudos, BTW he wrote just some facts that would make vene OK, other facts (traitor ones) are not written.

Thanks, for me, do not stop. You are free to write. I think you re hurt, and you re looking for an honorable reason to fight hard against us, like revenge ... but it s okay. Who decides what is honorable or betrayal? Mexico has just joined Nemesis, days ago said that they would die to the end by their allies of ACE ... No Venezuelan has said * Mexico are traitors * because we understand well because they went to Nemesis. Venezuela had no reason to leave Nemesis, no problem with any country or leader. Only a good part of the community wanted to experience something else. Many times we said no to VV Horizon countries, even though our alliance was in a worse situation

When we fought for you we were legends, now that we are outside we are traitors. Surely, when mexico fights for you the same ones who called them * paper allies * they will say they are good kids. I can explain the reasons why Venezuela went to this new alliance, if you want.

Ron no need to answer to this chump. His ego is just too hurt thinking that a community decided to turn their back on him (oh how dare they) I guess and he can t take it. He has created a conspiracy theory where he see s ghosts everywhere so just let him be.