Objavljeno u France - Prvi koraci u eRevollution - 27 Feb 2016 06:11 - 12

Hello, Dear Citizen of eRevollution.
We are Tigers Team. As First Multi-national MU in eRevollution, We would like to inform Dear Citizens of Our Ground Rules.
It will be highly appreciated to you reading our Rules & we hope to see valuable advice and words of encouragement from Citizen. Even if we got seriously reprimand from Citizens, Tigers will listen to the voice & try to progress than previous time.
The Ground Rules are as below,
1. We Promise All Tigers will try to prove ourselves Worthy of Confidence.
2. We will do our best in return for the Trust with Client.
3. We will maintain the ethics regarding fair work and fair payment.
4. We will have no nationality when we fight for honor of Tigers.
We will participate in any battle in response to client. and will try to announce our presence with loyalty in the battle ground.
A Tiger
seoul cityKomentari (12)

My avatar is better :/

xD You are awesome.

Your avatar is ok also :p


o7 GoGo tiger Rangers

o7 hail TWT

