Objavljeno u Iran - Političke debate i analize - 12 Dec 2017 12:54 - 87

UltramagicAvicennaCp reza sparrowCp reza sparrowCp reza sparrowCp reza sparrowCp reza sparrowGrizzly021Grizzly021AmirlionelejilionelejilionelejilionelejilionelejilionelejilionelejilionelejilionelejilionelejilionelejijamjoushaniL E G I O Nlord sajjadMorteza1351Morteza1351astapourMorteza1351tinyshafagi 385eCarterNomerciahwazzYasharnagant895Persian Cavalry2ping2ping2ping2ping2ping2ping2ping2ping2pingCaptain Harlockzaloo28HYRCANIAHYRCANIAArminaysorkhpostsorkhpostNiLoooocyrousEvil SkullEvil SkullEvil SkullEvil SkullEvil SkullAce EconomistPERSIA DaNgeRM MdesmondmilesDiakoDiakosinabahramiDiakoAntiterrorisAntiterrorisAntiterrorisReturn of KiNG442268442268442268hossein2001mmahdifckthisgamekhoramEvil SkullRaDvInRaDvInRaDvInKinyasmr 4mi2haftvudMad MahyarDragon Slayersaeid1379saeid1379aryaeiRaDvInKomentari (87)

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

yay MDP you so stronk


Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

hail iran hail our friends o7

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

lol the flags of the countries are so small cause else they wouldnt fit them all

Hail day 702:xd

hail iran hail our friends o7

When NEMESIS was fought against us, ACE hit us unfair time, because they obeyed their masters in Serbia. When betraying old friends and obeying like Serbia, then blame yourself for what will happen. Hail New Order and Persian lion o7

ساقول ایران،چُوخ ساق اُول اتحاد ،
*یوُ خیا گِت مَز ایرانن شیر رریی

Still butthurt because of lost capital?



v c

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

Oh darling, i hope your multis dont waste their stock ☆.


we did it guys ^^ destroyed those traitors xd

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

I was thinking that this is an old story. And I can only hope that we will not witness revenge again and again, even when you show the point. Many players from this countries left the game (or country), repeatedly deleting can only have as result losing several players more in eRevollution. Now, the question is: would you like to accelerate The end of this game by destroying not your countries.
Reality now is that we have a bunch of countries with 1 or 0 regions, with several players in them, trying to organize themselves, organize alliances and TW, looking for own place in the game. Messing with the alliances of powerful countries is just an suicidal move of irresponsible Governments. There is no interest to be involved in wars between greatest Alliances in the game, and if this sometimes happens, I can only say that this is just a pathetic manipulation of bigger brothers or multi accounts integrated in their societies.
This alliance (or players) who manipulate smaller countries and push them into the war against some of the most powerful countries (and abandon them after that), this alliance is even the greater enemy than targeted Alliance which is wiping victim countries.

So what s the problem? LOL. ACE is small compared to NWO (Noobs With Obesity). But we have successfully took ur capital. It s a big big big achievement. I can die in peace now.

ACE left the game like a month ago xD

There is no ACE anymore.

by the way iran still staying pupets of Turkey
GJ on deleting small countries.

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

Lol...pathetic on so many levels

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

خدا قوت

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

Peaky peaky peaky

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7


Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA Is soooooo funny how you feel proud for wipe to 40 bros in three countries xD And wasting a lot of damage Jajajaja

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends 07

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

Hail 07 0/

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends 07

Indonesia, sweet revenge :d

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

Hail Papua new Guinea!

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends .

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

Only NATO can help us

It`s funny when they actually reprogram the bot to come here and copy/pasta the hails in the multies. I like to see that extra effort. Good job.

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

hail iran hail our friends o7

Hail georgia
Hail Our Friends o7

მიშკა შენ ჩამორჩი თამაშის მოვლენებს მგონი
ნახევრად მკვდარია თურქეთი თუ არ უყურებ, ახლა ირანია ბოსი

You didn t have time to destroy Bulgarian though 😂

Hail Iran , Hail Our Friends o7

revenge from Canada

17 vs 3 ? nice, u stronk

Pathetic kids 

hail all of friends of iran o7

Mene bi ovako nesto bilo stid objavit

I smell noobs here there everywhere

ba kole donya to etehadim dg ye chino indo monde bod ke hazf kardim dg

Its pathetic gangup of some of strongest countries in game in one alliance with majority of games dmg vs small dead countries.. if you had b00ls you.. wait, its provend ages ago that MDP has no b00ls, so no point talking about that..

you added 2 canadian flags noobs xD

Too many flags to be added, some mistakes can be forgiven.

omg there is a natural lake from the tears under the article

vaqti bazi zende bood azin qalata mikardid na alan ke taqriban morde
zemnan inam begoo ye zambolmasal darim too shahra koora ye bina pad shahe faqat log in kardam sitter bedam be doostam dobare beram kheyli bichareid paytakhti ke raft dg barnemigarde zahmat nakeshid javab bedid man ke log in nemikonam
) amma haqiat talkhe oon roozai ke rais jomhooretoon eltemas mikard be ma hamle nakonid yadetoon nare shir ham nistid roobahid 

badjoori oqde shode bood fek konam kheyli dard dasht na?? ke vas ye bar ham shode maze shekast ro ehsas konid??


@kaveh :| chera az dgaran maye mizari??? to omadi capital irano gerefti?????? ya kole Ace baham omadan bade chandin battle sangine iran ba serb yeho attack zadan ro cap iran??? feshar yani inke vasate shadie kole melate iran biay oghde goshayi koni azizam

Well, what can we say. If we ALL won ALL the time, this game wouldn t be any fun. So, us small weak countries all had a summit and decided to lay down and let you kick us like dogs. We were just trying to show you all some love. Who knows, maybe some day all 3 of us from each country may band together and try and give it another go. Maybe have to wait till our next lifetime though.

I must admit, the iranian strategy : wait till half of them left the game to burn our stocks and settle old grudges nobody cares is quite efficient

@Epsilon: shhhh can`t you see they achieved great thing and celebrate with... themselves? 

HAIL IRAN.....HAIL OUR FRIENDS...O7............any country can t defeat us

Napadnite eSrbiju. Cekamo vas sa nestrpljenjem.

damn you didnt have time to make rest of traitors pay(brazil-bulgaria) they are brothers and allies again till next backstabing
i only wish danider was here to witness the lolgarians changing side yet again