Konspirációs Teóriák

LackoaNemeth - Novine iz Hungary -

Objavljeno u Hungary - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 28 Dec 2017 12:18 - 26



JacaTarsiprogabeszszarkakingRothbartnimeCacique PariaguanCacique PariaguanHuMaViK o BThe Last Lynx PardinusGottfried BouillonKatrina55no0bsailbotno0bsailbotKaldviDeadalusGottfried BouillonDragon SlayerGiovanno69BunnyLiuHucul

Komentari (26)

Ez nem olyan, ez olyan Nemzetközi B Laugh
Pro-gabesz, ott van benne, magyar névLaugh Amúgy dióhéjban, lejárt a háború, erre ők indítottak újat. A hosszabb szöveg, pedig, hogy tényleg törölnek és a könnyeinkben fognak fürdeni?!Laugh
De most amúgy tényleg, ez mi a f@sz? Laugh
nice one nice one but yea slovenia don t know words NAP,PEAC we fight even when we are dead Cheeky
And what will happen, if you fight without Portugal? o.O
We will drink Beer whit Portugals and don t care what going on erevolution . That we will do Smile
Nime: In Hungary we also don t now the meaning of word PEAC Smile
beer? with Portugals? not wine with Portuguese? Cheeky
You don t care what s going on erevollution Laugh https://www.erevollution.com/hu/country/law/61/Slovenia/28061
@Tarsi: In Portugal there is also many amazing beers Wink
But the Portuguese have always been famous for their wines. Portugal is the world s 6th wine producer; the absolute majority of the country s territory is a wine region. Smile
Nime, this words have greats, but behind them there is only one region
Cum nuSmile)
Be nice to Nime, he is my friend Smile
Dudes, at least it is interesting to play this game if we are at war. Who cares if you delete us, we are a small country with 20 active people playing, so it really isnt much of a challenge to delete us. But hey, who cares anyway, we had many great fights in the past and im sure there will be many more in the next month. So my HU friends, let us fight and have some fun Smile this war was/is the most fun i had in this game.. So we will keep attacking eventhough we dont have much chances, but thanks to our allies we havent been deleted yet. And that counts.
Oh and egészségedre Smile
Or we would wait for your attack....we didnt really had a choice.
Just lol Laugh
victory or death LOKTAR OGAR
Maybe you should have paid me my Tax Rebate!