Woodsies Wilderness News

Objavljeno u United States of America - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 04 Jan 2018 13:47 - 2

  Hey to all you Beautiful USA citizens. Entexnos and i have come up with an idea to help you all get the new 2000 Storage coming out on 1/6/18. We plan to give 100 gold and Loan you 99 more to buy this new feature.
  That is what  the donate law i proposed is all about so please vote YES on it.

On or about the 6th of January  PM Entexnos asking to be included in this program. We will require you to make a screenshot after purchase of  new Field Hospital. So you all will be on the honor system to do so. We'd like to have loans repaid with a month or two if is possible.3 months at the longest please.

 There will be ingame discount of 25% from 1/6/18 to 1/15/18  so please ask for this gift/loan ASAP. So if we have any gold left maybe we can do some other things for you all. (especially lower ranked players with little gold reserves).

 We've had like 7000 gold laying around for some months now and we feel this will be good for the country to try and boost moral etc. Maybe if we have some gold leftover we can help some of you newer players upgrade to Life Kit Q3 if you don't have that yet. ( we'll see)

I do want to say thanks for the recent wave of activity. For the very few of us that are left we sure did make a good showing of it in a few recent battles. Felt good to win one or two for a change.  :-) Didn't it ?

Also, if you guys/gals  ever have any brilliant ideas on how to initiate a Baby Boom  or any other ideas on how to improve our circumstance please feel free to PM either Entexnos or myself. We are only in this to make it a better game for USA citizens. (and the rest of the world too, i guess)

OHH, i still don't have a Media Mogul Medal.  Any help would be just grand.


Buckwheat McCoyDroogieThe Q

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